Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Leitner C.Rendl S.D.Scott P.Brandl C.Richter K.Probst T.Seifried D.Lindlbauer B.Schwartz A.Schrempf P.Greindl M.Behrens A.Ion Y.B.Chang M.S.Hancock F.Perteneder C.Liu J.R.Wallace A.Gokcezade S.E.Hunter
Talks about:
interact (3) gestur (3) larg (3) support (2) pressur (2) surfac (2) object (2) explor (2) locat (2) chair (2)
Person: Michael Haller
DBLP: Haller:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- CHI-2014-ProbstLHSS #gesture #interactive #ubiquitous
- A chair as ubiquitous input device: exploring semaphoric chair gestures for focused and peripheral interaction (KP, DL, MH, BS, AS), pp. 4097–4106.
- CHI-2014-RendlGPBH #gesture #multi #named
- Presstures: exploring pressure-sensitive multi-touch gestures on trackpads (CR, PG, KP, MB, MH), pp. 431–434.
- CHI-2013-IonCHHS #multi #named #scalability
- Canyon: providing location awareness of multiple moving objects in a detail view on large displays (AI, YLBC, MH, MSH, SDS), pp. 3149–3158.
- CHI-2013-LeitnerPLRH #gesture #named #performance #scalability
- Kolibri: tiny and fast gestures for large pen-based surfaces (JL, FP, CL, CR, MH), pp. 1789–1798.
- CHI-2012-SeifriedRHS #interactive #scalability #undo
- Regional undo/redo techniques for large interactive surfaces (TS, CR, MH, SDS), pp. 2855–2864.
- CHI-2011-LeitnerH #design #image #interactive #named
- Geckos: combining magnets and pressure images to enable new tangible-object design and interaction (JL, MH), pp. 2985–2994.
- CHI-2010-BrandlRH #named
- NiCEBook: supporting natural note taking (PB, CR, MH), pp. 599–608.
- CHI-2010-HallerLSWSRBGH
- The NICE discussion room: integrating paper and digital media to support co-located group meetings (MH, JL, TS, JRW, SDS, CR, PB, AG, SEH), pp. 609–618.