Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × Greece
1 × Korea
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
3 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Raymond ∅ M.Péron J.Henry V.Perrelle I.Ober L.Gonnord F.Maraninchi P.Cousot E.Jahier D.Merchat C.Parent-Vigouroux B.Jeannet D.Lesens Y.Proy C.Ratel A.Bouajjani J.Fernandez P.Caspi D.Pilaud J.Plaice
Talks about:
program (7) synchron (6) linear (5) analysi (4) system (4) verif (3) properti (2) abstract (2) languag (2) generat (2)
Person: Nicolas Halbwachs
DBLP: Halbwachs:Nicolas
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- SAS-2012-HalbwachsH #sequence
- When the Decreasing Sequence Fails (NH, JH), pp. 198–213.
- VMCAI-2010-PerrelleH #analysis #array #permutation
- An Analysis of Permutations in Arrays (VP, NH), pp. 279–294.
- FASE-2009-JahierHR #inheritance #modelling #validation
- Synchronous Modeling and Validation of Priority Inheritance Schedulers (EJ, NH, PR), pp. 140–154.
- AdaEurope-2008-OberH #on the #verification
- On the Timed Automata-Based Verification of Ravenscar Systems (IO, NH), pp. 30–43.
- PLDI-2008-HalbwachsP #array #source code
- Discovering properties about arrays in simple programs (NH, MP), pp. 339–348.
- VMCAI-2007-PeronH #abstract domain #bound #constraints #matrix
- An Abstract Domain Extending Difference-Bound Matrices with Disequality Constraints (MP, NH), pp. 268–282.
- SAS-2006-GonnordH #analysis #linear
- Combining Widening and Acceleration in Linear Relation Analysis (LG, NH), pp. 144–160.
- SAS-2003-HalbwachsMP #analysis #linear
- Cartesian Factoring of Polyhedra in Linear Relation Analysis (NH, DM, CPV), pp. 355–365.
- SAS-1999-JeannetHR #analysis #clustering
- Dynamic Partitioning in Analyses of Numerical Properties (BJ, NH, PR), pp. 39–50.
- CAV-1998-Halbwachs #programming
- Synchronous Programming of Reactive Systems (NH), pp. 1–16.
- POPL-1997-Halbwachs #automation #linear #network #process #verification
- Automatic Verification of Parameterized Linear Networks of Processes (DL, NH, PR), pp. 346–357.
- ESOP-1996-MaraninchiH #composition #nondeterminism #semantics
- Compositional Semantics of Non-Deterministic Synchronous Languages (FM, NH), pp. 235–249.
- SAS-1994-Halbwachs #abstract interpretation #programming
- About Synchronous Programming and Abstract Interpretation (NH), pp. 179–192.
- SAS-1994-HalbwachsPR #approximate #hybrid #linear #verification
- Verification of Linear Hybrid Systems by Means of Convex Approximations (NH, YEP, PR), pp. 223–237.
- CAV-1993-Halbwachs #analysis #source code
- Delay Analysis in Synchronous Programs (NH), pp. 333–346.
- PLILP-1991-HalbwachsRR #data flow #generative #performance #source code
- Generating Efficient Code From Data-Flow Programs (NH, PR, CR), pp. 207–218.
- CAV-1990-BouajjaniFH #generative
- Minimal Model Generation (AB, JCF, NH), pp. 197–203.
- POPL-1987-CaspiPHP #declarative #named #programming
- Lustre: A Declarative Language for Programming Synchronous Systems (PC, DP, NH, JP), pp. 178–188.
- POPL-1978-CousotH #automation #linear
- Automatic Discovery of Linear Restraints Among Variables of a Program (PC, NH), pp. 84–96.