Travelled to:
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Hungary
1 × India
1 × Ireland
1 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.C.Holt C.Kästner M.Mezini ∅ S.Mankovski E.Bodden T.Berger K.Czarnecki S.Proksch S.Amann F.Medeiros M.Ribeiro R.Gheyi C.Dietrich R.Tartler D.Lohmann L.R.Soares J.Meinicke E.S.d.Almeida S.Arzt K.Ali S.Erdweg H.Hemmati O.Baysal O.Kononenko W.Wang R.Holmes M.W.Godfrey S.Krüger M.Reif K.A.0001 F.Göpfert F.G.0001 C.Weinert D.Demmler R.Kamath
Talks about:
mine (4) variabl (3) anomali (3) linux (3) softwar (2) kbuild (2) studi (2) evalu (2) use (2) relationship (1)
Person: Sarah Nadi
DBLP: Nadi:Sarah
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- ECOOP-2015-MedeirosKRNG #c #preprocessor
- The Love/Hate Relationship with the C Preprocessor: An Interview Study (FM, CK, MR, SN, RG), pp. 495–518.
- Onward-2015-ArztNABEM #encryption #integration #towards
- Towards secure integration of cryptographic software (SA, SN, KA, EB, SE, MM), pp. 1–13.
- ICSE-2014-NadiBKC #analysis #constraints #empirical #mining
- Mining configuration constraints: static analyses and empirical results (SN, TB, CK, KC), pp. 140–151.
- ICSE-2013-Nadi #case study #open source #variability
- A study of variability spaces in open source software (SN), pp. 1353–1356.
- MSR-2013-HemmatiNBKWHG #mining #research
- The MSR cookbook: mining a decade of research (HH, SN, OB, OK, WW, RH, MWG), pp. 343–352.
- MSR-2013-NadiDTHL #how #linux #question #variability #what
- Linux variability anomalies: what causes them and how do they get fixed? (SN, CD, RT, RCH, DL), pp. 111–120.
- CSMR-2012-NadiH #detection #linux #mining #variability
- Mining Kbuild to Detect Variability Anomalies in Linux (SN, RCH), pp. 107–116.
- WCRE-2011-NadiH #linux #mining
- Make it or Break it: Mining Anomalies from Linux Kbuild (SN, RCH), pp. 315–324.
- CSMR-2010-NadiHM #predict #set #using
- Does the Past Say It All? Using History to Predict Change Sets in a CMDB (SN, RCH, SM), pp. 97–106.
- ASE-2016-ProkschANM #recommendation
- Evaluating the evaluations of code recommender systems: a reality check (SP, SA, SN, MM), pp. 111–121.
- ASE-2017-KrugerNRAMBGGWD #developer #encryption #named #using
- CogniCrypt: supporting developers in using cryptography (SK, SN, MR, KA0, MM, EB, FG, FG0, CW, DD, RK), pp. 931–936.
- GPCE-2018-SoaresMNKA #empirical #feature model #interactive #specification
- Exploring feature interactions without specifications: a controlled experiment (LRS, JM, SN, CK, ESdA), pp. 40–52.