Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Chile
1 × Greece
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
2 × Germany
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ L.Cai J.Basilico Y.Altun I.Tsochantaridis D.Gondek K.B.Hall J.Puzicha J.M.Buhmann C.Eickhoff A.P.d.Vries B.Mehta W.Nejdl A.J.Smola T.Joachims K.Toutanova F.Chen K.Popat T.N.Lal M.Schröder N.J.Hill H.Preißl T.Hinterberger J.Mellinger M.Bogdan W.Rosenstiel N.Birbaumer B.Schölkopf
Talks about:
collabor (4) filter (4) model (4) probabilist (3) hierarch (3) support (3) vector (3) machin (3) learn (3) structur (2)
Person: Thomas Hofmann
DBLP: Hofmann:Thomas
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- SIGIR-2015-EickhoffVH #dependence #modelling
- Modelling Term Dependence with Copulas (CE, APdV, TH), pp. 783–786.
- RecSys-2007-MehtaHN #collaboration #robust
- Robust collaborative filtering (BM, TH, WN), pp. 49–56.
- CIKM-2005-Hofmann
- From bits and bytes to information and knowledge (TH), p. 3.
- ICML-2005-LalSHP #feedback #interface #online
- A brain computer interface with online feedback based on magnetoencephalography (TNL, MS, NJH, HP, TH, JM, MB, WR, TH, NB, BS), pp. 465–472.
- KDD-2005-GondekH #clustering
- Non-redundant clustering with conditional ensembles (DG, TH), pp. 70–77.
- CIKM-2004-CaiH #categorisation #documentation
- Hierarchical document categorization with support vector machines (LC, TH), pp. 78–87.
- ICML-2004-AltunHS #classification #process #sequence
- Gaussian process classification for segmenting and annotating sequences (YA, TH, AJS).
- ICML-2004-BasilicoH #collaboration
- Unifying collaborative and content-based filtering (JB, TH).
- ICML-2004-TsochantaridisHJA #machine learning
- Support vector machine learning for interdependent and structured output spaces (IT, TH, TJ, YA).
- SIGIR-2004-BasilicoH #collaboration #framework
- A joint framework for collaborative and content filtering (JB, TH), pp. 550–551.
- ICML-2003-AltunTH #markov
- Hidden Markov Support Vector Machines (YA, IT, TH), pp. 3–10.
- SIGIR-2003-CaiH #automation #categorisation #concept
- Text categorization by boosting automatically extracted concepts (LC, TH), pp. 182–189.
- SIGIR-2003-Hofmann #analysis #collaboration #probability #semantics
- Collaborative filtering via gaussian probabilistic latent semantic analysis (TH), pp. 259–266.
- CIKM-2001-ToutanovaCPH #classification #set
- Text Classification in a Hierarchical Mixture Model for Small Training Sets (KT, FC, KP, TH), pp. 105–112.
- ICML-2000-HallH #information retrieval #learning #multi #natural language
- Learning Curved Multinomial Subfamilies for Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (KBH, TH), pp. 351–358.
- SIGIR-2000-Hofmann #learning #modelling #probability #web
- Learning probabilistic models of the Web (TH), pp. 369–371.
- SIGIR-1999-Hofmann #probability #semantics
- Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing (TH), pp. 50–57.
- ICPR-1998-HofmannP #modelling
- Mixture models for co-occurrence and histogram data (TH, JP), pp. 192–194.
- KDD-1996-HofmannB #clustering
- Inferring Hierarchical Clustering Structures by Deterministic Annealing (TH, JMB), pp. 363–366.