31 papers:
ICSME-2015-HardtM #empirical #evaluation #maintenance #using- An empirical evaluation of ant build maintenance using Formiga (RH, EVM), pp. 201–210.
ICST-2015-NoguchiWFSO #black box #optimisation #testing #using- History-Based Test Case Prioritization for Black Box Testing Using Ant Colony Optimization (TN, HW, YF, AS, KO), pp. 1–2.
CASE-2014-RahmanCBM #approach #assessment #safety- Ex-ante assessment of struck-by safety hazards in construction projects: A motion-planning approach (MMR, TC, LB, AM), pp. 277–282.
MSR-2014-BaldassariP #comprehension #evolution #set- Understanding software evolution: the maisqual ant data set (BB, PP), pp. 424–427.
ICALP-v2-2014-EmekLUW #finite #problem #state machine- Solving the ANTS Problem with Asynchronous Finite State Machines (YE, TL, JU, RW), pp. 471–482.
SEFM-2014-LaibinisTGMK #behaviour #formal method #modelling #verification- Formal Modelling and Verification of Cooperative Ant Behaviour in Event-B (LL, ET, ZG, FM, AHK), pp. 363–377.
ICPR-2014-OtteSZ #algorithm #named #using- ANTSAC: A Generic RANSAC Variant Using Principles of Ant Colony Algorithms (SO, US, AZ), pp. 3558–3563.
ICPR-2012-TianC12a #image #optimisation #using- Depth image up-sampling using ant colony optimization (JT, LC), pp. 3795–3798.
CASE-2011-AnghinolfiPSS #integer #optimisation #programming- Integer programming and ant colony optimization for planning intermodal freight transportation operations (DA, MP, SS, SS), pp. 214–219.
KDIR-2011-LachetarB #algorithm #categorisation #metadata #using- Application of an Ant Colony Algorithm — For Song Categorising using Metadata (NL, HB), pp. 379–384.
DATE-2010-LiZHH #logic #optimisation #synthesis- Reversible logic synthesis through ant colony optimization (ML, YZ, MSH, CH), pp. 307–310.
DRR-2010-OhL #evaluation #feature model #optimisation #recognition- Ant colony optimization with selective evaluation for feature selection in character recognition (ISO, JSL), pp. 1–10.
MSR-2010-McIntoshAH #evolution- The evolution of ANT build systems (SM, BA, AEH), pp. 42–51.
ICTSS-2010-CabralPV #algorithm #integration #order #problem- A Pareto Ant Colony Algorithm Applied to the Class Integration and Test Order Problem (RdVC, AP, SRV), pp. 16–29.
ASE-2009-AletiGMM #deployment #optimisation- Let the Ants Deploy Your Software — An ACO Based Deployment Optimisation Strategy (AA, LG, IM, IM), pp. 505–509.
CASE-2009-KhawP #assembly #multi #optimisation #problem- Multi-rule multi-objective Ant Colony Optimization for straight and U-type assembly line balancing problem (CLEK, SGP), pp. 177–182.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-AbdoIE #algorithm #rank- Ant PageRank Algorithm (MZA, MAI, MIE), pp. 73–79.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-BoryczkaK #approach #heuristic- A New Heuristic Function in Ant-miner Approach (UB, JK), pp. 33–38.
CASE-2008-ArnaoutMR #algorithm #optimisation #parallel #problem #scheduling- Ant colony optimization algorithm to parallel machine scheduling problem with setups (JPA, RM, GR), pp. 578–582.
CASE-2008-SharmaBDC #assembly #generative #optimisation #sequence #using- Generation of optimized robotic assembly sequence using ant colony optimization (SS, BBB, PD, BBC), pp. 894–899.
SAC-2008-SaffarianM #algorithm #novel #protocol- A novel protocol to prevent malicious nodes from misdirecting forward ants in AntNet algorithm (MS, MCM), pp. 1849–1853.
PLDI-2007-HardekopfL #analysis #performance #pointer- The ant and the grasshopper: fast and accurate pointer analysis for millions of lines of code (BH, CL), pp. 290–299.
SAC-2007-HincheyDRTM #self- Bionic autonomic nervous system and self-healing for NASA ANTS-like missions (MGH, YSD, JLR, WT, MM), pp. 90–96.
SAC-2007-MenezesMVSB- A model for terrain coverage inspired by ant’s alarm pheromones (RM, FM, FEV, RS, MB), pp. 728–732.
CASE-2006-RaghavanV #optimisation #parallel #product line #scheduling #using- Scheduling Parallel Batch Processors with Incompatible Job Families Using Ant Colony Optimization (NRSR, MV), pp. 507–512.
DAC-2006-WangGDK #design #optimisation #using- Design space exploration using time and resource duality with the ant colony optimization (GW, WG, BD, RK), pp. 451–454.
SEKE-2005-LiW #approach #behaviour #implementation #web- Web Search Based on Ant Behavior: Approach and Implementation in Case of Interlegis (WL, MQW), pp. 572–577.
SAC-2005-OcaGA #algorithm #classification #clustering #network- An hybridization of an ant-based clustering algorithm with growing neural gas networks for classification tasks (MAMdO, LG, JLA), pp. 9–13.
TestCom-2005-LiL #anti #diagrams #thread #uml #using- Using Anti-Ant-like Agents to Generate Test Threads from the UML Diagrams (HL, CPL), pp. 69–80.
ICPR-v3-2002-MeshoulB #estimation- Ant Colony System with Extremal Dynamics for Point Matching and Pose Estimation (SM, MB), pp. 823–826.
ICML-1995-GambardellaD #approach #learning #named #problem- Ant-Q: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem (LMG, MD), pp. 252–260.