24 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-AkenDPCC #named- BenchPress: Dynamic Workload Control in the OLTP-Bench Testbed (DVA, DED, AP, CC, PCM), pp. 1069–1073.
SIGMOD-2015-QiaoO #benchmark #metric #named #rdf- RBench: Application-Specific RDF Benchmarking (SQ, ZMÖ), pp. 1825–1838.
ICSME-2015-SvajlenkoR #clone detection #detection #tool support- Evaluating clone detection tools with BigCloneBench (JS, CKR), pp. 131–140.
CHI-2015-HanrahanWSM #named- TurkBench: Rendering the Market for Turkers (BVH, JKW, SS, DBM), pp. 1613–1616.
CHI-2014-GronvallKPR #interface- Causing commotion with a shape-changing bench: experiencing shape-changing interfaces in use (EG, SK, MGP, MKR), pp. 2559–2568.
HPCA-2014-WangZLZYHGJSZZLZLQ #benchmark #big data #internet #metric #named- BigDataBench: A big data benchmark suite from internet services (LW, JZ, CL, YZ, QY, YH, WG, ZJ, YS, SZ, CZ, GL, KZ, XL, BQ), pp. 488–499.
SIGMOD-2013-ArmstrongPBC #benchmark #database #facebook #graph #metric #named #social- LinkBench: a database benchmark based on the Facebook social graph (TGA, VP, DB, MC), pp. 1185–1196.
SIGMOD-2013-GhazalRHRPCJ #benchmark #big data #data analysis #industrial #metric #named #standard #towards- BigBench: towards an industry standard benchmark for big data analytics (AG, TR, MH, FR, MP, AC, HAJ), pp. 1197–1208.
VLDB-2014-DifallahPCC13 #benchmark #database #metric #named #relational- OLTP-Bench: An Extensible Testbed for Benchmarking Relational Databases (DED, AP, CC, PCM), pp. 277–288.
SAC-2013-TripletB #benchmark #biology #framework #metric #named- BenchDW: a generic framework for biological data warehouse benchmarking (TT, GB), pp. 1328–1334.
VLDB-2011-LevandoskiELEMR #architecture #benchmark #metric #named #performance #recommendation- RecBench: Benchmarks for Evaluating Performance of Recommender System Architectures (JJL, MDE, ML, AE, MFM, JR), pp. 911–920.
ICSE-2010-BianculliBD #evaluation #middleware #named #performance- SOABench: performance evaluation of service-oriented middleware made easy (DB, WB, MLD), pp. 301–302.
DAC-2008-JinC #benchmark #case study #metric #performance #simulation #statistics #using- Improve simulation efficiency using statistical benchmark subsetting: an ImplantBench case study (ZJ, ACC), pp. 970–973.
VLDB-2007-DuchateauBH #benchmark #metric #named #tool support #xml- XBenchMatch: a Benchmark for XML Schema Matching Tools (FD, ZB, EH), pp. 1318–1321.
CSCW-2006-PalenB- Of pill boxes and piano benches: “home-made” methods for managing medication (LP, SAB), pp. 79–88.
GPCE-2005-AllanACHKLLMSST #aspectj #compilation #named- abc: The AspectBench Compiler for AspectJ (CA, PA, ASC, LJH, SK, JL, OL, OdM, DS, GS, JT), pp. 10–16.
LCTES-2004-AntochiJVL #3d #benchmark #metric #mobile #named- GraalBench: a 3D graphics benchmark suite for mobile phones (IA, BHHJ, SV, PL), pp. 1–9.
DATE-2002-StohrSG #named #reuse #verification- FlexBench: Reuse of Verification IP to Increase Productivity (BS, MS, JG), p. 1131.
DATE-2000-CornoRSMP #automation #experience #generative #industrial #validation- Automatic Test Bench Generation for Validation of RT-Level Descriptions: An Industrial Experience (FC, MSR, GS, AM, AP), pp. 385–389.
FM-1998-Karlsen #framework #higher-order #integration #tool support- The UniForM WorkBench — A Higher Order Tool Integration Framework (EWK), pp. 266–280.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-McDonaldS #framework #inheritance #testing- Testing Inheritance Hierarchies in the ClassBench Framework (JM, PAS), p. 229–?.
DAC-1997-BauerE #approach #hardware- Hardware/Software Co-Simulation in a VHDL-Based Test Bench Approach (MB, WE), pp. 774–779.
CHI-1992-Szczur #design #user interface- Transportable Applications Environment (TAE) Plus User Interface Designer WorkBench (MRS), pp. 231–232.
IWPTS-1991-HeZL #design- A Bench Mark on the Design of Ferry Based Test Systems (CSH, HXZ, FL), pp. 119–130.