14 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-GanT #approximate- DBSCAN Revisited: Mis-Claim, Un-Fixability, and Approximation (JG, YT), pp. 519–530.
ECSA-2013-WeynsA #adaptation #architecture #bibliography #perspective #self- Claims and Evidence for Architecture-Based Self-adaptation: A Systematic Literature Review (DW, TA), pp. 249–265.
KDD-2013-ChandolaSS #information management- Knowledge discovery from massive healthcare claims data (VC, SRS, JCS), pp. 1312–1320.
CHI-2012-Densmore #mobile- Claim mobile: when to fail a technology (MD), pp. 1833–1842.
MoDELS-2012-RamirezCBS #nondeterminism #runtime- Relaxing Claims: Coping with Uncertainty While Evaluating Assumptions at Run Time (AJR, BHCC, NB, PS), pp. 53–69.
MoDELS-2012-RamirezCBS #nondeterminism #runtime- Relaxing Claims: Coping with Uncertainty While Evaluating Assumptions at Run Time (AJR, BHCC, NB, PS), pp. 53–69.
KDD-2011-GhaniK #detection #fault #interactive #learning- Interactive learning for efficiently detecting errors in insurance claims (RG, MK), pp. 325–333.
KDD-2010-KumarGM #data mining #fault #health #mining #predict- Data mining to predict and prevent errors in health insurance claims processing (MK, RG, ZSM), pp. 65–74.
DAC-2009-Bailey #parallel #performance- Misleading performance claims in parallel computations (DHB), pp. 528–533.
HIMI-MTT-2007-CornsML #approach #development #machine learning #optimisation #using- Development of an Approach for Optimizing the Accuracy of Classifying Claims Narratives Using a Machine Learning Tool (TEXTMINER[4]) (HLC, HRM, MRL), pp. 411–416.
SEKE-2004-WahidACM #design #evolution- Entering the Heart of Design: Relationships for Tracing Claim Evolution (SW, CFA, CMC, DSM), pp. 167–172.
CSCW-2002-GrassoM #question- Who can claim complete abstinence from peeking at print jobs? (AG, JLM), pp. 296–305.
CSCW-2002-Painter #case study #information management- The electronic claim file: a case study of impacts of information technology in knowledge work (BP), pp. 276–285.
ESEC-FSE-1997-DevanbuS #encryption #test coverage #verification- Cryptographic Verification of Test Coverage Claims (PTD, SGS), pp. 395–413.