48 papers:
SEKE-2015-GaoKN #set- Combining Feature Subset Selection and Data Sampling for Coping with Highly Imbalanced Software Data (KG, TMK, AN), pp. 439–444.
CHI-2012-WisniewskiLW #bound- Fighting for my space: coping mechanisms for sns boundary regulation (PJW, HRL, DW), pp. 609–618.
CSCW-2012-KoehneSO- Remote and alone: coping with being the remote member on the team (BK, PCS, JSO), pp. 1257–1266.
MoDELS-2012-RamirezCBS #nondeterminism #runtime- Relaxing Claims: Coping with Uncertainty While Evaluating Assumptions at Run Time (AJR, BHCC, NB, PS), pp. 53–69.
MoDELS-2012-RamirezCBS #nondeterminism #runtime- Relaxing Claims: Coping with Uncertainty While Evaluating Assumptions at Run Time (AJR, BHCC, NB, PS), pp. 53–69.
ICEIS-v4-2011-WangZQ #enterprise #how- How Logistics Enterprises Cope with Financial Crisis (JW, ZZ, KQ), pp. 685–689.
CIKM-2011-NaveedGKA #documentation #microblog #quality- Searching microblogs: coping with sparsity and document quality (NN, TG, JK, ACA), pp. 183–188.
DAC-2010-OzdemirPDMLC #3d #architecture #parametricity- Quantifying and coping with parametric variations in 3D-stacked microarchitectures (SO, YP, AD, GM, GHL, ANC), pp. 144–149.
ICPR-2010-PohKMMB #adaptation- Model and Score Adaptation for Biometric Systems: Coping With Device Interoperability and Changing Acquisition Conditions (NP, JK, SM, DM, JFB), pp. 1229–1232.
ECMFA-2010-TrujilloGLMREKS #energy #experience #modelling #variability- Coping with Variability in Model-Based Systems Engineering: An Experience in Green Energy (ST, JMG, RELH, XM, AR, AE, CWK, JDS), pp. 293–304.
SAC-2010-EcksteinHW #approach #multi #named #visual notation- LFRP-search: multi-layer ranked visual faceted search: an approach to cope with complex search situations (RE, AH, NW), pp. 1713–1717.
SLE-2010-Herrmannsdoerfer #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling #named- COPE — A Workbench for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH), pp. 286–295.
ICST-2010-RoestMD #ajax #testing- Regression Testing Ajax Applications: Coping with Dynamism (DR, AM, AvD), pp. 127–136.
DATE-2009-SafizadehTATB #nondeterminism #using- Using randomization to cope with circuit uncertainty (HS, MT, EKA, GT, KB), pp. 815–820.
PODS-2009-FaginKPT- Reverse data exchange: coping with nulls (RF, PGK, LP, WCT), pp. 23–32.
CIKM-2009-ParkSNL #multi #named #query- M-COPE: a multiple continuous query processing engine (HKP, SJS, SHN, WSL), pp. 2065–2066.
SEKE-2009-HendersonH #architecture #collaboration #consistency #development #nondeterminism- Collaborative Development of System Architecture — a Tool for Coping with Inconsistency (PH, MJH), pp. 520–525.
ECOOP-2009-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #automation #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling #named- COPE — Automating Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 52–76.
CSMR-2008-LiTLMC #requirements #validation #verification- Coping with Requirements Changes in Software Verification and Validation (SL, LT, WL, MM, GC), pp. 317–318.
CHI-2008-WuBRBM #distributed #memory management #product line- Collaborating to remember: a distributed cognition account of families coping with memory impairments (MW, JPB, BR, RB, MM), pp. 825–834.
CAV-2008-Felten- Coping with Outside-the-Box Attacks (EWF), pp. 3–4.
IFL-2007-DijkstraFS #compilation #complexity #haskell- The Structure of the Essential Haskell Compiler, or Coping with Compiler Complexity (AD, JF, SDS), pp. 57–74.
HCI-IDU-2007-YangTT #perspective #strict- User Response to Free Trial Restrictions: A Coping Perspective (XY, CHT, HHT), pp. 991–1000.
HCI-MIE-2007-Sarter #adaptation #complexity #design #interface- Coping with Complexity Through Adaptive Interface Design (NBS), pp. 493–498.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KomischkeH #concept #industrial #process #user interface- Coping with Information Input Overload: User Interface Concepts for Industrial Process Control (TK, LEH), pp. 918–928.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-MatiasM #data analysis #interactive- Revisiting the olap interaction to cope with spatial data and spatial data analysis (RM, JMP), pp. 157–163.
CGO-2007-OzturkCKK #latency #problem- Compiler-Directed Variable Latency Aware SPM Management to CopeWith Timing Problems (ÖÖ, GC, MTK, MK), pp. 232–243.
ITiCSE-2006-Gal-EzerT #algebra #how #question #regular expression- Algebraic characterization of regular languages: how to cope with all these equivalences? (JGE, MBT), p. 325.
CHI-2006-ShklovskiKC #internet- Routine patterns of internet use & psychological well-being: coping with a residential move (IS, REK, JNC), pp. 969–978.
ICML-2005-KolterM #concept #using- Using additive expert ensembles to cope with concept drift (JZK, MAM), pp. 449–456.
TestCom-2005-MillerCLH #network #nondeterminism #protocol #testing- Coping with Nondeterminism in Network Protocol Testing (REM, DC, DL, RH), pp. 129–145.
CSEET-2003-RoscaTM #industrial- In today’s software industry a software engineer is not only expected to successfully cope (DR, WMT, JM), pp. 129–139.
CSL-2003-KanovichV #problem- Coping Polynomially with Numerous but Identical Elements within Planning Problems (MIK, JV), pp. 285–298.
DAC-2002-ChenMB02a- Coping with buffer delay change due to power and ground noise (LHC, MMS, FB), pp. 860–865.
CSEET-2001-DonaldsonJ01a #approach- Systems Failures: An Approach to Building a Coping Strategy (JD, JJ), pp. 187–190.
CSCW-2000-TwidaleM #fault #process #robust- Coping with errors: the importance of process data in robust sociotechnical systems (MT, PFM), pp. 269–278.
ICPR-v4-2000-GriffinK #3d #sequence #video- Coping with 3D Artifacts in Video Sequences (AG, JK), pp. 4623–4626.
HCI-CCAD-1999-TakanoSS #behaviour #simulation- Intellectual simulation of operating team behavior in coping with anomalies occurring at commercial nuclear power plants (KT, WS, KS), pp. 1201–1205.
HCI-EI-1999-BoucseinS #human-computer #interactive #multi- Coping with Psychophysiological Stress during Multi-Tasking in Human-Computer Interaction (WB, FS), pp. 197–200.
HCI-EI-1999-Solberg #how- IT-quality and employees ability to cope, and how age affects subjective IT-quality (LAS), pp. 173–177.
UML-1999-DemeyerDT #uml #why- Why Unified is not Universal? UML Shortcomings for Coping with Round-trip Engineering (SD, SD, ST), pp. 630–644.
ESEC-FSE-1999-SiffCBKR #c- Coping with Type Casts in C (MS, SC, TB, KK, TWR), pp. 180–198.
CHI-1998-BersACDGDSLBK #interactive- Interactive Storytelling Environments: Coping with Cardiac Illness at Boston’s Children’s Hospital (MUB, EA, JC, BD, JGH, DRD, CS, SL, DB, JK), pp. 603–610.
HCI-SEC-1997-Lockett #modelling- Task Netwoerk Modeling of Human Workload Coping Strategies (JFLI), pp. 71–74.
HCI-ACS-1993-AronssonS #perspective- Coping with Malfunctions of Computer Aided Equipment from a Stress Perspective (GA, AS), pp. 804–808.
SAC-1993-Liu #approach #complexity- To Approach an Intelligent System in Coping with an Aspect of Complexity of Water Management (YL), pp. 460–468.
VLDB-1985-SheardS #automation #complexity #database #reasoning- Coping with Complexity in Automated Reasoning about Database Systems (TS, DWS), pp. 426–435.
STOC-1978-RivestMKWS #fault- Coping with Errors in Binary Search Procedures (Preliminary Report) (RLR, ARM, DJK, KW, JS), pp. 227–232.