32 papers:
HIMI-DE-2014-KochJ #standard- Computerized Information Standards Enabling Innovation in Public Procurement of Buildings (CK, KJ), pp. 373–383.
DHM-2011-FangF #automation- An Automatic Method for Computerized Head and Facial Anthropometry (JJF, SYF), pp. 12–21.
HCI-UA-2011-JohnsonLTS #approach #comprehension #monitoring #towards- Toward an Understanding of a Computerized Monitoring System Failure: An Interpretive Approach (NJ, YL, FT, SS), pp. 336–345.
HCI-UA-2011-LeeKJ #analysis #fault- Control Error Analysis of Computerized Operational Environment in Nuclear Power Plants (SJL, JK, SCJ), pp. 360–367.
DHM-2009-WuLYSD #on the- On Improving Provider Decision Making with Enhanced Computerized Clinical Reminders (SjW, MRL, YY, JJS, BND), pp. 569–577.
HIMI-DIE-2009-WiebeV- Application of Population Stereotypes to Computerized Tasks (JW, KPLV), pp. 718–725.
HCI-AS-2007-JeenHKLP #interactive #persuasion- Persuasive Interaction Strategy for Self Diet System: Exploring the Relation of User Attitude and Intervention by Computerized Systematic Methods (YJ, JH, HK, KL, PP), pp. 450–458.
CASE-2006-JinLXS #reliability- Computerized Repairable Inventory Management with Reliability Growth and System Installations Increase (TJ, HL, ZX, CHS), pp. 336–341.
SAC-2004-SilvaCG #image #using- Diagnosis of lung nodule using Gini coefficient and skeletonization in computerized tomography images (ACS, PCPC, MG), pp. 243–248.
ICPR-v4-2000-KawataNOKKKMMNE #analysis- Computerized Analysis of Pulmonary Nodules in Topological and Histogram Feature Spaces (YK, NN, HO, RK, MK, MK, NM, KM, HN, KE), pp. 4332–4335.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Charytonowicz #aspect-oriented #social- Social aspects of universal computerization (JC), pp. 573–577.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Conway- Compensable injuries due to repetitive motion in computerized office work (FTC), pp. 961–965.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Swezey #metric #performance #problem #simulation- Measurement of team problem solving performance via a computerized quasi-experimental simulation (RWS), pp. 482–486.
HCI-EI-1999-LiuHW #design #interface- WWW Interface Design for Computerized Service Supporting System (THL, SLH, JCW), pp. 735–739.
CSMR-1998-ButeraFPN #object-oriented #re-engineering #towards- Reengineering a Computerized Numerical Control Towards Object-Oriented (FB, BF, MP, PN), pp. 224–227.
HCI-CC-1997-Huuhtanen #design- Improving the Design of Longitudinal Studies on Computerization of Offices (PH), pp. 379–382.
ICPR-1996-CohenDE #classification #image- Computerized classification of color textured perthite images (BC, ID, ME), pp. 601–605.
HCI-ACS-1993-HatamotoIHSIKY- The CTP Project: Computerized Textbook of Psychology (KH, SI, HH, SS, RI, AK, AY), pp. 444–449.
HCI-ACS-1993-Khaleque- Job Stress, Fatigue, Jub Involvement and Satisfaction of Manual and Computerized Bank Employees (AK), pp. 943–948.
HCI-ACS-1993-LimC #approach #cumulative- An Integrated Approach to Cumulative Trauma Disorders in Computerized Offices: The Role of Psychosocial Work Factors, Psychological Stress and Ergonomic Risk Factors (SYL, PC), pp. 880–885.
HCI-ACS-1993-Seppala #case study #experience- Experiences on Computerization in Different Occupational Groups: A Study in Municipal Workplaces (PKS), pp. 988–993.
HCI-SHI-1993-MassonK #fault #process- Preventing Human Errors in Skilled Activities Through a Computerized Support System (MM, VDK), pp. 802–807.
CSCW-1990-AustinLM- Determinants and Patterns of Control over Technology in a Computerized Meeting Room (LCA, JKL, PLM), pp. 39–51.
DAC-1989-McFarland #social- The Social Implications of Computerization: Making the Technology Humane (MCM), pp. 129–134.
CAiSE-1989-Bostrom #development #information management #tool support- Information Systems Development Supporting Methodologies with Computerized Tools (BTB).
CSCW-1988-EngestromES #health #process- Computerized Medical Records, Production Pressure and Compartmentalization in the Work Activity of Health Center Physicians (YE, RE, OS), pp. 65–84.
HCI-SES-1987-Rahav- Computerization of Psychiatric Case Registers: Public Peril vs. Hazards to Confidentiality (MR), pp. 25–30.
HCI-SES-1987-SeppalaTK #case study #experience #industrial- Psychosocial Factors in the Introduction of Computerized Technology: Experiences from the Finnish Engineering Industry (PKS, ET, PK), pp. 51–58.
ICSE-1976-Voges #aspect-oriented #design #validation- Aspects of Design, Test and Validation of the Software for a Computerized Reactor Protection System (UV), pp. 606–610.
DAC-1973-Blum #design #scalability- Computerized design of large capital equipment (FLB), pp. 228–232.
DAC-1971-Grason #approach #graph #using- An approach to computerized space planning using graph theory (JG), pp. 170–178.
DAC-1971-WeaverH- A computerized management control system (JFW, REH), pp. 286–297.