25 papers:
CHI-2015-NevesFMBN #communication #evaluation #exclamation #quote- “My Hand Doesn’t Listen to Me!”: Adoption and Evaluation of a Communication Technology for the “Oldest Old” (BBN, RLF, CM, RB, MN), pp. 1593–1602.
RecSys-2015-Vall #automation #generative #music- Listener-Inspired Automated Music Playlist Generation (AV), pp. 387–390.
ICSE-v2-2015-GomezMMR #debugging- When App Stores Listen to the Crowd to Fight Bugs in the Wild (MG, MM, MM, RR), pp. 567–570.
CHI-2014-MoranPRCGZMR #deployment #lessons learnt #smarttech- Listening to the forest and its curators: lessons learnt from a bioacoustic smartphone application deployment (SM, NP, TR, AC, CG, DZ, GVM, AR), pp. 2387–2396.
HIMI-DE-2014-LiH- Improving Academic Listening Skills of Second Language by Building up Strategy Object Mashups (HL, SH), pp. 384–395.
CHI-2013-PaneelsOBC #exclamation #usability #what- Listen to it yourself!: evaluating usability of what’s around me? for the blind (SAP, AO, JRB, JRC), pp. 2107–2116.
SAC-2013-YuFH- An intelligent building that listens to your needs (DYY, EF, HH), pp. 58–63.
CHI-2012-BaurBB #analysis #component #music #scalability- Listening factors: a large-scale principal components analysis of long-term music listening histories (DB, JB, AB), pp. 1273–1276.
CHI-2012-KripleanTMBK #web #what- Is this what you meant?: promoting listening on the web with reflect (TK, MT, JTM, AB, AK), pp. 1559–1568.
CHI-2012-YangFLGB #architecture #navigation #scalability #web- Aural browsing on-the-go: listening-based back navigation in large web architectures (TY, MF, YL, RRG, DB), pp. 277–286.
CSCW-2011-SilfverbergLL #game studies #ll #network #quote #social- “I’ll press play, but I won’t listen”: profile work in a music-focused social network service (SS, LAL, AL), pp. 207–216.
DUXU-v2-2011-ArdavanC #3d #exclamation #safety #towards- Listen! Somebody Is Walking towards Your Car (Introducing the Awareness-3D Sound System into the Driver to Increase the Pedestrian’s Safety) (MA, FC), pp. 89–98.
RecSys-2011-LeeL #analysis #behaviour #music #recommendation- My head is your tail: applying link analysis on long-tailed music listening behavior for music recommendation (KL, KL), pp. 213–220.
SAC-2010-CanazzaD- Listening the photos (SC, AD), pp. 1941–1945.
ICSE-2009-PadioleauTZ #operating system #taxonomy- Listening to programmers — Taxonomies and characteristics of comments in operating system code (YP, LT, YZ), pp. 331–341.
CHI-2008-Kaneko #detection- Detecting the direction of listening with the emg signals measured behind ears (NK), pp. 535–538.
KDD-2007-KohaviHS #web- Practical guide to controlled experiments on the web: listen to your customers not to the hippo (RK, RMH, DS), pp. 959–967.
RecSys-2007-AngladeTV #clustering #identification- Complex-network theoretic clustering for identifying groups of similar listeners in p2p systems (AA, MT, FV), pp. 41–48.
CHI-2006-BhatiaM- Listening to your inner voices: investigating means for voice notifications (SB, DSM), pp. 1173–1176.
CHI-2006-MarchF #privacy #women- Girls, technology and privacy: “is my mother listening?” (WM, CF), pp. 107–110.
CHI-2005-VoidaGDEN #music- Listening in: practices surrounding iTunes music sharing (AV, REG, ND, WKE, MWN), pp. 191–200.
AdaEurope-2002-Rosen #ada #interface #paradigm- Ada, Interfaces and the Listener Paradigm (JPR), pp. 344–356.
PADL-2002-Dahl #how- How to Talk to Your Computer so that It Will Listen (VD), pp. 3–8.
CHI-2001-BackCGHM- Listen reader: an electronically augmented paper-based book (MB, JC, RG, SRH, SLM), pp. 23–29.
CHI-2000-HeSGG #summary- Comparing presentation summaries: slides vs. reading vs. listening (LH, ES, AG, JG), pp. 177–184.