88 papers:
VLDB-2015-NaidanBN #performance #permutation- Permutation Search Methods are Efficient, Yet Faster Search is Possible (BN, LB, EN), pp. 1618–1629.
STOC-2015-Czumaj #network #permutation #random #using- Random Permutations using Switching Networks (AC), pp. 703–712.
CIAA-2015-Madejski #linear #permutation #problem- The Membership Problem for Linear and Regular Permutation Languages (GM), pp. 211–223.
DLT-2015-AvgustinovichFP #complexity #infinity #permutation- Ergodic Infinite Permutations of Minimal Complexity (SVA, AEF, SP), pp. 71–84.
DLT-2015-CurrieMN #permutation- Unary Patterns with Permutations (JDC, FM, DN), pp. 191–202.
ICML-2015-JiaoV #kernel #permutation- The Kendall and Mallows Kernels for Permutations (YJ, JPV), pp. 1935–1944.
KDD-2015-Llinares-LopezS #mining #mutation testing #performance #permutation #testing- Fast and Memory-Efficient Significant Pattern Mining via Permutation Testing (FLL, MS, LP, KMB), pp. 725–734.
VLDB-2014-WeiYLJ #approach #independence #permutation #query #reachability- Reachability Querying: An Independent Permutation Labeling Approach (HW, JXY, CL, RJ), pp. 1191–1202.
ILC-2014-SmithP #finite #lisp #performance #permutation- Efficient Finite Permutation Groups and Homomesy Computation in Common Lisp (RS, BP), p. 60.
ICML-c1-2014-Shrivastava0 #performance #permutation- Densifying One Permutation Hashing via Rotation for Fast Near Neighbor Search (AS, PL), pp. 557–565.
ICML-c2-2014-DefazioDC #big data #incremental #named #performance #problem- Finito: A faster, permutable incremental gradient method for big data problems (AD, JD, TSC), pp. 1125–1133.
KDD-2014-WangSE #collaboration #learning #permutation- Active collaborative permutation learning (JW, NS, JE), pp. 502–511.
IJCAR-2014-NigamRL #automation #named #permutation #proving- Quati: An Automated Tool for Proving Permutation Lemmas (VN, GR, LL), pp. 255–261.
VLDB-2013-Thonangi0 #permutation- Permuting Data on Random-Access Block Storage (RT, JY), pp. 721–732.
DLT-2012-ManeaMN #permutation- The Avoidability of Cubes under Permutations (FM, MM, DN), pp. 416–427.
MLDM-2012-KalpakisYHMSSS #analysis #permutation #predict #using- Outcome Prediction for Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Using Permutation Entropy Analysis of Electronic Vital Signs Data (KK, SY, PFMH, CFM, LGS, DMS, TMS), pp. 415–426.
DAC-2011-Stergiou #diagrams #network #order #permutation- Implicit permutation enumeration networks and binary decision diagrams reordering (SS), pp. 615–620.
SAC-2011-GalvaoD #distance #permutation #symmetry- Computing rearrangement distance of every permutation in the symmetric group (GRG, ZD), pp. 106–107.
SAC-2011-TranCS #permutation #predict- Prediction of permuted super-secondary structures in β-barrel proteins (VDT, PC, JMS), pp. 110–111.
SAT-2011-Minato #diagrams #named #performance #permutation #problem- πDD: A New Decision Diagram for Efficient Problem Solving in Permutation Space (SiM), pp. 90–104.
CIAA-2010-Egri-NagyN #finite #on the #word- On Straight Words and Minimal Permutators in Finite Transformation Semigroups (AEN, CLN), pp. 115–124.
GT-VMT-2010-HermannCEK #analysis #equivalence #graph #performance #permutation #petri net- Efficient Analysis of Permutation Equivalence of Graph Derivations Based on Petri Nets (FH, AC, HE, BK).
SAC-2010-BaudetD #algorithm #permutation- An improved algorithm to enumerate all traces that sort a signed permutation by reversals (CB, ZD), pp. 1521–1525.
HPCA-2010-HuangSWSXM #named #permutation- SIF: Overcoming the limitations of SIMD devices via implicit permutation (LH, LS, ZW, WS, NX, SM), pp. 1–12.
HPDC-2010-PetrouSMFPD #mutation testing #optimisation #parallel #permutation #testing- Optimization of a parallel permutation testing function for the SPRINT R package (SP, TMS, MM, TF, MP, BD), pp. 516–521.
VMCAI-2010-PerrelleH #analysis #array #permutation- An Analysis of Permutations in Arrays (VP, NH), pp. 279–294.
DATE-2009-MilderHP #automation #generative #permutation #streaming- Automatic generation of streaming datapaths for arbitrary fixed permutations (PAM, JCH, MP), pp. 1118–1123.
CIAA-2009-FreivaldsI #permutation #quantum #query- Quantum Queries on Permutations with a Promise (RF, KI), pp. 208–216.
DHM-2009-ClavelM #approach #modelling #multimodal #named #permutation- PERMUTATION: A Corpus-Based Approach for Modeling Personality and Multimodal Expression of Affects in Virtual Characters (CC, JCM), pp. 211–220.
ICALP-A-2008-TedderCHP #composition #linear #permutation #recursion- Simpler Linear-Time Modular Decomposition Via Recursive Factorizing Permutations (MT, DGC, MH, CP), pp. 634–645.
KDD-2008-HuYS #constraints #named #permutation #proximity- Permu-pattern: discovery of mutable permutation patterns with proximity constraint (MH, JY, WS), pp. 318–326.
CC-2008-FranchettiP #generative #permutation- Generating SIMD Vectorized Permutations (FF, MP), pp. 116–131.
IJCAR-2008-TourEN #equation #unification- Unification and Matching Modulo Leaf-Permutative Equational Presentations (TBdlT, ME, PN), pp. 332–347.
LICS-2008-Tatsuta- Types for Hereditary Permutators (MT), pp. 83–92.
ICML-2007-LiangJT #modelling- A permutation-augmented sampler for DP mixture models (PL, MIJ, BT), pp. 545–552.
CASE-2006-ChandrasekaranSPV #algorithm #optimisation #permutation #problem #scheduling- An Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problems to Minimize Makespan, Total Flowtime and Completion Time Variance (SC, RKS, SGP, NV), pp. 513–518.
ITiCSE-2006-Stevenson- PNG palette permuter (DES), pp. 143–147.
PLDI-2006-RenWP #optimisation #permutation- Optimizing data permutations for SIMD devices (GR, PW, DAP), pp. 118–131.
CIKM-2006-WangC #performance #permutation #query #sequence- Improving query I/O performance by permuting and refining block request sequences (XW, MC), pp. 652–661.
ICML-2006-ShivaswamyJ #invariant #permutation- Permutation invariant SVMs (PKS, TJ), pp. 817–824.
ICPR-v1-2006-KimC #ambiguity #clustering #permutation- ICA-Based Clustering for Resolving Permutation Ambiguity in Frequency-Domain Convolutive Source Separation (MK, SC), pp. 950–954.
CIKM-2005-HuangLH #approach #distributed #mining #permutation- A new permutation approach for distributed association rule mining (YH, ZL, HH), pp. 351–352.
SAC-2005-GoettlBJ #algorithm #email #search-based- Call me e-mail: arranging the keyboard with a permutation-coded genetic algorithm (JSG, AWB, BAJ), pp. 947–951.
LCTES-2005-KudriavtsevK #generative #permutation- Generation of permutations for SIMD processors (AK, PMK), pp. 147–156.
CSL-2005-AndreoliPR #logic- Permutative Logic (JMA, GP, PR), pp. 184–199.
RTA-2005-TourE #unification- Unification in a Class of Permutative Theories (TBdlT, ME), pp. 105–119.
ICALP-2004-HooryMMR #permutation- Simple Permutations Mix Well (SH, AM, SM, CR), pp. 770–781.
ICALP-2004-Soltys #calculus #permutation- LA, Permutations, and the Hajós Calculus (MS), pp. 1176–1187.
IJCAR-2004-Avenhaus #algorithm #performance #permutation- Efficient Algorithms for Computing Modulo Permutation Theories (JA), pp. 415–429.
IJCAR-2004-TourE #equation- Overlapping Leaf Permutative Equations (TBdlT, ME), pp. 430–444.
STOC-2003-ItohTT #independence #on the #permutation #strict- On the sample size of k-restricted min-wise independent permutations and other k-wise distributions (TI, YT, JT), pp. 710–719.
ICALP-2003-MunroRRR #permutation- Succinct Representations of Permutations (JIM, RR, VR, SSR), pp. 345–356.
ICML-2003-KirshnerPS #learning #permutation- Unsupervised Learning with Permuted Data (SK, SP, PS), pp. 345–352.
CADE-2003-CohenMPS #permutation #problem- Certifying Solutions to Permutation Group Problems (AMC, SHM, MP, VS), pp. 258–273.
TLCA-2003-SantoP #calculus #multi- Permutative Conversions in Intuitionistic Multiary Sequent Calculi with Cuts (JES, LP), pp. 286–300.
ICML-2002-LebanonL #modelling #named #permutation #probability #ranking #using- Cranking: Combining Rankings Using Conditional Probability Models on Permutations (GL, JDL), pp. 363–370.
STOC-2001-Vocking #permutation- Almost optimal permutation routing on hypercubes (BV), pp. 530–539.
DLT-2001-Prodinger #permutation #word- Words, Permutations, and Representations of Numbers (HP), pp. 81–99.
ICALP-2001-CormodeMS #editing #permutation- Permutation Editing and Matching via Embeddings (GC, SM, SCS), pp. 481–492.
LICS-2001-BouajjaniMT #algorithm #permutation #verification- Permutation Rewriting and Algorithmic Verification (AB, AM, TT), pp. 399–408.
ICALP-2000-Broder #independence #permutation #theory and practice- Min-wise Independent Permutations: Theory and Practice (AZB), p. 808.
ICPR-v4-2000-ColiosT #identification #invariant #permutation- Landmark Identification Based on Projective and Permutation Invariant Vectors (CIC, PET), pp. 4128–4131.
SAC-2000-Gottlieb #algorithm #multi #problem- Permutation-Based Evolutionary Algorithms for Multidimensional Knapsack Problems (JG), pp. 408–414.
SAC-1999-Julstrom #heuristic #permutation- Coding TSP Tours as Permutations via an Insertion Heuristic (BAJ), pp. 297–301.
HPCA-1999-SchwarzSB #development #layout #permutation- Permutation Development Data Layout (PDDL) (TJES, JS, WAB), pp. 214–217.
RTA-1999-Groote #deduction #normalisation #on the- On the Strong Normalisation of Natural Deduction with Permutation-Conversions (PdG), pp. 45–59.
ITiCSE-1998-FarthingJM #multi #performance- Permutational multiple-choice questions: an objective and efficient alternative to essay-type examination questions (DWF, DMJ, DM), pp. 81–85.
STOC-1998-BroderCFM #independence #permutation- Min-Wise Independent Permutations (Extended Abstract) (AZB, MC, AMF, MM), pp. 327–336.
ICML-1998-FrankW98a #mutation testing #permutation #using- Using a Permutation Test for Attribute Selection in Decision Trees (EF, IHW), pp. 152–160.
STOC-1997-NaorR #on the #permutation #pseudo- On the Construction of Pseudo-Random Permutations: Luby-Rackoff Revisited (Extended Abstract) (MN, OR), pp. 189–199.
TACAS-1996-MichelAV #algebra #process- Permutable Agents in Process Algebras (FM, PA, FV), pp. 187–206.
HPCA-1996-QiaoM #multi #network #on the #permutation- On the Multiplexing Degree Required to Embed Permutations in a Class of Networks with Direct Interconnects (CQ, YM), pp. 118–129.
STOC-1995-HannenhalliP #algorithm #permutation #polynomial #sorting- Transforming cabbage into turnip: polynomial algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals (SH, PAP), pp. 178–189.
STOC-1994-MaG #complexity #permutation- The computational complexity of recognizing permutation functions (KM, JvzG), pp. 392–401.
STOC-1993-AlonCG #graph #permutation- Routing permutations on graphs via matchings (NA, FRKC, RLG), pp. 583–591.
ICALP-1993-BodlaenderKK #graph #permutation- Treewidth and Pathwidth of Permutation Graphs (HLB, TK, DK), pp. 114–125.
DAC-1992-HouC #algorithm #permutation- A Pin Permutation Algorithm for Improving Over-the-Cell Channel Routing (CYH, CYRC), pp. 594–599.
ALP-1992-LaneveM #axiom #equivalence #permutation #λ-calculus- Axiomatizing Permutation Equivalence in the λ-Calculus (CL, UM), pp. 350–363.
STOC-1991-BabaiCFLS #algorithm #monte carlo #performance #permutation- Fast Monte Carlo Algorithms for Permutation Groups (LB, GC, LF, EML, ÁS), pp. 90–100.
ICALP-1991-Hagerup #generative #parallel #performance #permutation #random- Fast Parallel Generation of Random Permutations (TH), pp. 405–416.
KR-1991-ChalasaniEM #algorithm #performance #permutation #problem- Integrating Efficient Model-Learning and Problem-Solving Algorithms in Permutation Environments (PC, OE, JM), pp. 89–98.
STOC-1989-ImpagliazzoR #permutation- Limits on the Provable Consequences of One-Way Permutations (RI, SR), pp. 44–61.
STOC-1987-BabaiLS #permutation- Permutation Groups in NC (LB, EML, ÁS), pp. 409–420.
STOC-1986-LubyR #composition #encryption #generative #permutation #pseudo- Pseudo-random Permutation Generators and Cryptographic Composition (ML, CR), pp. 356–363.
ICALP-1984-RestivoR #formal method #permutation- Cancellation, Pumping and Permutation in Formal Languages (AR, CR), pp. 414–422.
STOC-1983-DriscollF #on the #permutation- On the Diameter of Permutation Groups (JRD, MLF), pp. 152–160.
CADE-1980-Jeanrond #algebra #term rewriting #termination- Deciding Unique Termination of Permutative Rewriting Systems: Choose Your Term Algebra Carefully (HJJ), pp. 335–355.
STOC-1973-Pratt #parallel #permutation- Computing Permutations with Double-Ended Queues, Parallel Stacks and Parallel Queues (VRP), pp. 268–277.