37 papers:
DATE-2015-HuangLH #multi- Volume-oriented sample preparation for reactant minimization on flow-based microfluidic biochips with multi-segment mixers (CMH, CHL, JDH), pp. 1114–1119.
ITiCSE-2015-ClarkPB #agile #development #student #web- An Experimental Project Course to Prepare Students for Agile Web Application Development (NKC, JMP, CDB), pp. 81–86.
DAC-2014-RoyKCBC #streaming #using- Demand-Driven Mixture Preparation and Droplet Streaming using Digital Microfluidic Biochips (SR, SK, PPC, BBB, KC), p. 6.
CHI-2014-TrinhYE #named- PitchPerfect: integrated rehearsal environment for structured presentation preparation (HT, KY, DE), pp. 1571–1580.
KDIR-2014-HubwieserM #education #mining #scalability #set- Competency Mining in Large Data Sets — Preparing Large Scale Investigations in Computer Science Education (PH, AM), pp. 315–322.
RE-2014-Ferreira #evolution #requirements- Creative Strategic Scenarios for preparation to requirements evolution (MGF), pp. 494–499.
ICSE-2014-DIppolitoBKMSU #adaptation #multi- Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: multi-tier control for adaptive systems (ND, VAB, JK, JM, DS, SU), pp. 688–699.
ITiCSE-2012-Ragonis #algorithm #education #source code- Integrating the teaching of algorithmic patterns into computer science teacher preparation programs (NR), pp. 339–344.
ITiCSE-2011-Ernst #architecture #manycore #performance #student- Preparing students for future architectures with an exploration of multi- and many-core performance (DJE), pp. 57–62.
VLDB-2009-MukherjeeGDMZLKASW- Oracle SecureFiles: Prepared for the Digital Deluge (NM, AG, VD, SM, WZ, SL, KK, BA, KS, SW), pp. 1501–1511.
CSEET-2009-BhattacherjeeNM #development #question #student #testing- Are Our Students Prepared for Testing Based Software Development? (VB, MSN, RM), pp. 210–211.
HCI-NT-2009-GuoPS #what- What Do Users Want to See? A Content Preparation Study for Consumer Electronics (YG, RWP, GS), pp. 413–420.
ITiCSE-2008-ErnstS #concurrent #manycore #student- Concurrent CS: preparing students for a multicore world (DJE, DES), pp. 230–234.
CSEET-2007-Armarego07a- Beyond PBL: Preparing Graduates for Professional Practice (JA), pp. 175–183.
CSEET-2007-KarunasekeraB #industrial #re-engineering- Preparing Software Engineering Graduates for an Industry Career (SK, KB), pp. 97–106.
CSEET-2007-Richardson #re-engineering #research #student- Preparing Students for Software Engineering Research (IR), p. 367.
HCI-IDU-2007-GuoS #bibliography #industrial #web- Factor Structure of Content Preparation for E-Business Web Sites: A Survey Results of Industrial Employees in P.R. China (YG, GS), pp. 784–795.
HCI-IDU-2007-SavoyS #effectiveness- Effectiveness of Content Preparation in Information Technology Operations: Synopsis of a Working Paper (AS, GS), pp. 624–631.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimP #smarttech- Preparation of Conductive Materials for Smart Clothing: Doping and Composite of Conducting Polymer (JK, NP), pp. 1147–1154.
CASE-2005-MeldrumHFSMRPMCDW #analysis- Sample preparation in glass capillaries for high-throughput biochemical analyses (DRM, MH, CHF, MSS, SKM, TTHR, WHP, SEM, DLC, DAD, PJW), pp. 7–12.
CASE-2005-MillerSSLM #analysis #using- Biopsy preparation for flow analysis using microfabricated disaggregation blades (AKM, MLS, CAS, XL, SM), pp. 1–6.
SEKE-2005-BogornyEA #data mining #framework #mining- A Reuse-based Spatial Data Preparation Framework for Data Mining (VB, PME, LOA), pp. 649–652.
SPLC-2005-MatturroS #approach #knowledge-based #product line- A Knowledge-Based Perspective for Preparing the Transition to a Software Product Line Approach (GM, AS), pp. 96–101.
CSEET-2003-LandC04 #contest #design- Preparing for the 2004 IEEE Computer Society International Design Competition (CSIDC) (SKL, AC), p. 326.
ITiCSE-2003-Last #distributed #student- Preparing students for distributed teamwork (MZL), p. 239.
CC-2003-GagnonH #bytecode #effectiveness #java #sequence #thread #using- Effective Inline-Threaded Interpretation of Java Bytecode Using Preparation Sequences (EG, LJH), pp. 170–184.
VLDB-2002-LifantsevC #scalability #web- I/O-Conscious Data Preparation for Large-Scale Web Search Engines (ML, TcC), pp. 382–393.
CSEET-2002-DanielsFN #student- Open Ended Group Projects, Motivating Students and Preparing them for the “Real World” (MD, XF, IN), pp. 128–139.
CSEET-2002-Yourdon- Preparing Software Engineers for the “Real World” (EY), p. 3.
CSEET-1999-Halstead-Nussloch #distance #education- Establishing a Distance Education Program: Pedagogical Preparation (RHN), p. 109–?.
ICSM-1999-KhoshgoftaarAYJH #experience #fault #legacy #metric #predict- Experience Paper: Preparing Measurements of Legacy Software for Predicting Operational Faults (TMK, EBA, XY, WDJ, JPH), p. 359–?.
CC-1994-BenkerBZ #array #compilation #fortran #interface #performance- Processing Array Statements and Procedure Interfaces in the PREPARE High Performance Fortran Compiler (SB, PB, HPZ), pp. 324–338.
HCI-ACS-1993-Soares- Data-Preparation Clerks in Brazilian Data Processing Centres: The Unskilled and Unhealthy New Jobs (AS), pp. 886–890.
TRI-Ada-T2-1992-MogilenskyM #assessment #implementation #process- After the Assessment: Preparing and Implementing a Process Improvement Action Plan (JM, MM), pp. 590–624.
CHI-1991-DzidaFV #interface #named- ERGO-Shell: a UNIX-interface for task preparation (WD, RF, WV), pp. 421–422.
DAC-1982-Gelman #editing- VEEP A VEctor Editor and Preparer (SJG), pp. 771–776.
DAC-1978-Schechter- Data preparation and entry for computer-aided mapping (BS), pp. 48–52.