49 papers:
ASE-2014-GayRH #automation- Improving the accuracy of oracle verdicts through automated model steering (GG, SR, MPEH), pp. 527–538.
CASE-2014-TanHZ #automation #development #validation- Development and validation of an automated steering control system for bus revenue service (HST, JH, WBZ), pp. 31–36.
SIGMOD-2014-DimitriadouPD #automation #data analysis #framework #interactive #named #query- Explore-by-example: an automatic query steering framework for interactive data exploration (KD, OP, YD), pp. 517–528.
ITiCSE-2014-HeldalSBM #communication #industrial- Supporting communication within industrial doctoral projects: the thesis steering model (IH, ES, LB, RM), p. 325.
ICEIS-v1-2014-Tribolet #adaptation #approach #bottom-up #enterprise #top-down- An Engineering Approach to Natural Enterprise Dynamics — From Top-down Purposeful Systemic Steering to Bottom-up Adaptive Guidance Control (JT), p. XIII.
CHI-2013-WilfingerMOMT- The wheels are turning: content rotation on steering wheel displays (DW, MM, SO, AM, MT), pp. 1809–1812.
DHM-SET-2013-BiegBC #behaviour #bias- Attentional Biases during Steering Behavior (HJB, HHB, LLC), pp. 21–27.
HCI-AS-2013-AngeliniCCCLKM #gesture #interactive #named- WheelSense: Enabling Tangible Gestures on the Steering Wheel for In-Car Natural Interaction (LA, MC, FC, SC, DL, OAK, EM), pp. 531–540.
HIMI-D-2013-AsaoSK #estimation #using- Estimation of Driver’s Steering Intention by Using Mechanical Impedance (TA, SS, KK), pp. 3–11.
HIMI-HSM-2013-WadaNS #approach- Approach to Haptic Guidance Control in Steering Operation Based on Cooperative States between Driver and Control System (TW, RN, SS), pp. 596–605.
ICEIS-J-2013-Proper13a #architecture #enterprise- Enterprise Architecture: Informed Steering of Enterprises in Motion (HAP), pp. 16–34.
OOPSLA-2013-LiSWL #execution #symbolic computation- Steering symbolic execution to less traveled paths (YL, ZS, LW, XL), pp. 19–32.
CHI-2011-DoringKMPSGS #gesture #interactive #visual notation- Gestural interaction on the steering wheel: reducing the visual demand (TD, DK, PM, MP, JS, VG, AS), pp. 483–492.
DHM-2011-NeumannD #empirical #visual notation- The Two-Point Visual Control Model of Steering — New Empirical Evidence (HN, BD), pp. 493–502.
HCI-MIIE-2011-KimPCJ #clustering #effectiveness #traversal- The Effective IVIS Menu and Control Type of an Instrumental Gauge Cluster and Steering Wheel Remote Control with a Menu Traversal (SMK, JP, JC, ESJ), pp. 401–410.
CASE-2010-ChenPWBC #modelling #performance- Modeling and control of a fast steering mirror in imaging applications (NC, BP, JTW, SB, AC), pp. 27–32.
CASE-2010-EderK #design #framework- Design of an experimental platform for an X-by-wire car with four-wheel steering (ME, AK), pp. 656–661.
CHI-2010-BiBB #scalability #visual notation- Effects of interior bezels of tiled-monitor large displays on visual search, tunnel steering, and target selection (XB, SHB, RB), pp. 65–74.
CHI-2010-KapoorLTH #classification #interactive #optimisation- Interactive optimization for steering machine classification (AK, BL, DST, EH), pp. 1343–1352.
ICPR-2010-YangC #classification #representation- Sparse Representation Classifier Steered Discriminative Projection (JY, DC), pp. 694–697.
CASE-2009-CaldwellM #estimation #higher-order- Second-order optimal estimation of slip state for a simple slip-steered vehicle (TMC, TDM), pp. 133–139.
DATE-2009-BarontiLRS #detection #distributed #metric- Distributed sensor for steering wheel rip force measurement in driver fatigue detection (FB, FL, RR, RS), pp. 894–897.
ESEC-FSE-2009-LoMP #automation #behaviour #model inference- Automatic steering of behavioral model inference (DL, LM, MP), pp. 345–354.
ICDAR-2007-ImdadBERE #identification #using- Writer Identification Using Steered Hermite Features and SVM (AI, SB, VE, CRM, HE), pp. 839–843.
CHI-2007-KattinakereGS #interactive #modelling- Modeling steering within above-the-surface interaction layers (RSK, TG, SS), pp. 317–326.
CHI-2006-Pastel- Measuring the difficulty of steering through corners (RP), pp. 1087–1096.
DAC-2005-TopalogluO #approach #process- A DFT approach for diagnosis and process variation-aware structural test of thermometer coded current steering DACs (ROT, AO), pp. 851–856.
CHI-2005-Ahlstrom #modelling #using- Modeling and improving selection in cascading pull-down menus using Fitts’ law, the steering law and force fields (DA), pp. 61–70.
MLDM-2005-KuhnertK #feedback #learning- Autonomous Vehicle Steering Based on Evaluative Feedback by Reinforcement Learning (KDK, MK), pp. 405–414.
SAC-2005-Goualard #algorithm #constraints #on the #theorem proving- On considering an interval constraint solving algorithm as a free-steering nonlinear Gauss-Seidel procedure (FG), pp. 1434–1438.
ICEIS-v2-2004-BleckerAKF #multi- Dynamic Multi-Agent Based Variety Formation and Steering in Mass Customization (TB, NA, GK, GF), pp. 3–13.
DATE-2003-AlbiolGA #design #performance- Improved Design Methodology for High-Speed High-Accuracy Current Steering D/A Converters (MA, JLG, EA), pp. 10636–10641.
CHI-2003-GutwinS #scalability- Fisheyes are good for large steering tasks (CG, AS), pp. 201–208.
DATE-2002-PalkovicMC #optimisation #trade-off- Systematic Power-Performance Trade-Off in MPEG-4 by Means of Selective Function Inlining Steered by Address Optimization Opportunities (MP, MM, FC), pp. 1072–1077.
DAC-2001-SinghMM #latency- Latency and Latch Count Minimization in Wave Steered Circuits (AS, AM, MMS), pp. 383–388.
CHI-2001-AccotZ- Scale effects in steering law tasks (JA, SZ), pp. 1–8.
DAC-2000-MacchiaruloM- Wave-steering one-hot encoded FSMs (LM, MMS), pp. 357–360.
DAC-2000-PlasVDBGS #design- Systematic design of a 14-bit 150-MS/s CMOS current-steering D/A converter (GVdP, JV, WD, AvdB, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 452–457.
DATE-2000-MacchiaruloSM- Wave Steered FSMs (LM, SMS, MMS), pp. 270–276.
CHI-2000-DennerleinMH #performance- Force-feedback improves performance for steering and combined steering-targeting tasks (JTD, DBM, CJH), pp. 423–429.
HPDC-2000-MuralidharP #distributed #framework #simulation- An Object Infrastructure for Computational Steering of Distributed Simulations (RM, MP), pp. 304–305.
HPDC-2000-RenambotBGS #artificial reality #framework #named- CAVEStudy: An Infrastructure for Computational Steering in Virtual Reality Environments (LR, HEB, DG, HJWS), pp. 239–246.
DAC-1999-MukherjeeSML #layout #novel #synthesis- Wave Steering in YADDs: A Novel Non-Iterative Synthesis and Layout Technique (AM, RS, MMS, SIL), pp. 466–471.
CHI-1999-AccotZ #evaluation #performance- Performance Evaluation of Input Devices in Trajectory-Based Tasks: An Application of the Steering Law (JA, SZ), pp. 466–472.
HPDC-1999-IsertKSPE #data type #distributed- Steering Data Streams in Distributed Computational Laboratories (CI, DK, KS, BP, GE), pp. 331–332.
HPDC-1998-MillerHPJ #distributed #simulation- Simulation Steering with SCIRun in a Distributed Environment (MM, CDH, SGP, CRJ), pp. 364–365.
TOOLS-USA-1997-YangFD #object-oriented- Steering Object-Oriented Scientific Computations (TYBY, GF, PFD), pp. 112–119.
STOC-1995-AgarwalRT- Motion planning for a steering-constrained robot through moderate obstacles (PKA, PR, HT), pp. 343–352.
HPDC-1994-EisenhauerSGM #interactive #named #online #parallel #source code #towards- Falcon — Toward Interactive Parallel Programs: The On-line Steering of a Molecular Dynamics Application (GE, KS, WG, NM), pp. 26–33.