21 papers:
ICPC-2015-MacLeodSB #developer #documentation #how #using- Code, camera, action: how software developers document and share program knowledge using YouTube (LM, MAS, AB), pp. 104–114.
CHI-2015-HourcadeMWP #analysis #exclamation #using- Look, My Baby Is Using an iPad! An Analysis of YouTube Videos of Infants and Toddlers Using Tablets (JPH, SLM, DW, LP), pp. 1915–1924.
HT-2014-AgarwalS #crawling #mining- A focused crawler for mining hate and extremism promoting videos on YouTube (SA, AS), pp. 294–296.
ICPR-2014-NegiBC #topic- Discovering User-Communities and Associated Topics from YouTube (SN, RB, SC), pp. 1958–1963.
ICPR-2014-TamboBLHY #comprehension #video- Integrated Model for Understanding Pollen Tube Growth in Video (ALT, BB, NL, GH, ZY), pp. 2727–2732.
KMIS-2014-LashariW #monitoring- A Tool for Monitoring of YouTube Content (IAL, UKW), pp. 171–178.
KDD-2012-BorgholACEM #video- The untold story of the clones: content-agnostic factors that impact YouTube video popularity (YB, SA, NC, DLE, AM), pp. 1186–1194.
CIKM-2011-Fernandez-LuqueKM #named #retrieval #trust- HealthTrust: trust-based retrieval of you tube’s diabetes channels (LFL, RK, GBM), pp. 1917–1920.
ITiCSE-2010-WangDWS #database- Undergraduate database instruction with MeTube (JZW, TAD, JW, PKS), pp. 279–283.
RecSys-2010-DavidsonLLNVGGHLLS #recommendation #video- The YouTube video recommendation system (JD, BL, JL, PN, TVV, UG, SG, YH, ML, BL, DS), pp. 293–296.
CHI-2009-BlytheC- Critical methods and user generated content: the iPhone on YouTube (MB, PAC), pp. 1467–1476.
HCI-AUII-2009-UangLC #anti- The Effects of an Anti-glare Sleeve Installed on Fluorescent Tube Lamps on Glare and Reading Comfort (STU, CLL, MC), pp. 544–553.
OCSC-2009-Gould #facebook #quote #self #student- “I Heard It on the Grapevine” — Blogging, Facebook, YouTube, and Student Self-organization during a Faculty Strike (EWG), pp. 336–345.
OCSC-2009-HanKC #evaluation- Evaluation of User Reputation on YouTube (YSH, LK, JWC), pp. 346–353.
HCI-IPT-2007-ShinoharaTKNO #interactive- A Huge Screen Interactive Public Media System: Mirai-Tube (AS, JT, TK, SN, KO), pp. 936–945.
HCI-MIE-2007-MarcusP #mobile #social #user interface #video- m-YouTube Mobile UI: Video Selection Based on Social Influence (AM, ÁP), pp. 926–932.
SAC-2007-LauwLP- TUBE (Text-cUBE) for discovering documentary evidence of associations among entities (HWL, EPL, HP), pp. 824–828.
DLT-1999-FreundF- Test tube systems: when two tubes are enough (RF, FF), pp. 338–350.
ICSM-1996-MancoridisH #clustering #graph #using- Recovering the Structure of Software Systems Using Tube Graph Interconnection Clustering (SM, RCH), p. 23–?.
ICPR-1996-FurukawaIU #image #multi #queue- Active tubes in multiscale image queue (RF, MI, TU), pp. 488–492.
ICSE-1994-ChenRV #named #testing- TestTube: A System for Selective Regression Testing (YFC, DSR, KPV), pp. 211–220.