30 papers:
MoDELS-2015-KetataMFLC #migration #modelling #performance #predict- Performance prediction upon toolchain migration in model-based software (AK, CM, SF, JHL, KC), pp. 302–311.
DHM-2014-HuangLCCC #performance #quality- The Influence of Shift Workers Sleeping Quality upon Job Performance (YCH, FLL, HCC, CCC, CLC), pp. 254–262.
CSEET-2013-StettinaZBK #education #re-engineering #towards- Academic education of software engineering practices: towards planning and improving capstone courses based upon intensive coaching and team routines (CJS, ZZ, TB, BRK), pp. 169–178.
OCSC-2013-GoodSP #facebook #roadmap- Looking Back at Facebook Content and the Positive Impact Upon Wellbeing: Exploring Reminiscing as a Tool for Self Soothing (AG, AS, VP), pp. 278–286.
DUXU-v1-2011-KurodaI #distance- Impact of Distance to Screen upon Spacial Awareness (KK, MI), pp. 270–276.
SEKE-2011-ThiryZS #education #empirical #game studies #learning #testing- Empirical study upon software testing learning with support from educational game (MT, AZ, ACdS), pp. 481–484.
SEKE-2010-ZegarraCSC #approach #ontology- An Ontology-based Configurator for Customized Product Information based upon the Slow Intelligence Systems Approach (EZ, FC, MDS, SKC), pp. 521–528.
SAC-2010-HilaireGGK #approach #documentation- An approach based upon OWL-S for method fragments documentation and selection (VH, NG, SG, AK), pp. 938–939.
ICDAR-2007-WeiKL- Bibliographic Attributes Extraction with Layer-upon-Layer Tagging (WW, IK, JHML), pp. 804–808.
MLDM-2007-FranceC #development #evaluation #metric #reduction- Development of an Agreement Metric Based Upon the RAND Index for the Evaluation of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, with Applications to Mapping Customer Data (SLF, JDC), pp. 499–517.
SIGIR-2007-KneesPSW #metric #music #similarity- A music search engine built upon audio-based and web-based similarity measures (PK, TP, MS, GW), pp. 447–454.
POPL-2005-ParkPT #probability- A probabilistic language based upon sampling functions (SP, FP, ST), pp. 171–182.
DAC-2003-KrsticWCLM #fault #modelling #statistics- Enhancing diagnosis resolution for delay defects based upon statistical timing and statistical fault models (AK, LCW, KTC, JJL, TMM), pp. 668–673.
DATE-2003-KrsticWCLA #fault #modelling #statistics- Delay Defect Diagnosis Based Upon Statistical Timing Models — The First Step (AK, LCW, KTC, JJL, MSA), pp. 10328–10335.
SAT-2002-Kullmann #adaptation #branch #database #encryption #normalisation #random #satisfiability #standard #towards #using- Towards an adaptive density based branching rule for SAT solvers, using a database for mixed random conjunctive normal forms built upon the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (OK), p. 8.
ICPR-v3-2000-ThiemH #design- Biology-Inspired Design of Digital Gabor Filters upon a Hexagonal Sampling Scheme (JT, GH), pp. 3449–3452.
ICSE-2000-OsterweilBEGKM #re-engineering #research #why- Why don’t we get more (self?) respect: the positive impact of software engineering research upon practice (LJO, BWB, ME, VG, JK, EFM), p. 660.
POPL-1999-WansbroughJ #polymorphism- Once Upon a Polymorphic Type (KW, SLPJ), pp. 15–28.
SAC-1999-LuR #functional #information management #knowledge base #named #principle- KAT: A Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Acquiring Functional Knowledge Based Upon the No-Causality-In-Functional Principle (CL, DJR), pp. 8–13.
UML-1997-BergnerRS #uml- A Critical Look upon UML 1.0 (KB, AR, MS), pp. 79–92.
FPCA-1995-TurnerWM- Once Upon a Type (DNT, PW, CM), pp. 1–11.
SEKE-1995-JainSK #behaviour #reuse #towards- Towards Reusability Based Upon Similar Computational Behavior (AJ, LS, MK), pp. 197–203.
ICLP-1995-BrassD #bottom-up #evaluation #semantics- Disjunctive Semantics based upon Partial and Bottom-Up Evaluation (SB, JD), pp. 199–213.
ICLP-1994-BoulangerS #abstract interpretation #approach #compilation- Compiling Control Revisited: A New Approach based upon Abstract Interpretation (DB, DDS), pp. 699–713.
HCI-ACS-1993-Davies #design #process- Articulating the Design Process: TheEffects of Verbalisation Upon Design Strategies (SPD), pp. 528–533.
HCI-SHI-1993-WatersonO #multi #using- Using Animated Demonstrations in Multimedia Applications: Some Suggestions Based upon Experimental Evidence (PEW, CO), pp. 543–548.
SEKE-1993-Cooke93a #multi #order #programming language- A High Level Programming Language Based Upon Ordered Multisets (DEC), pp. 117–124.
DAC-1982-BeylsHLMP #design #layout #tool support- A design methodology based upon symbolic layout and integrated cad tools (AMB, BH, JL, GM, AP), pp. 872–878.
DAC-1982-KawatoUHS #interactive #logic #synthesis- An interactive logic synthesis system based upon AI techniques (NK, TU, SH, TS), pp. 858–864.
SOSP-1971-Baskett #dependence #scheduling- The Dependence of Computer System Queues upon Processing Time Distribution and Central Processor Scheduling (FB), pp. 109–113.