42 papers:
VLDB-2015-NaziZT0D #network #online #performance #social- Walk, Not Wait: Faster Sampling Over Online Social Networks (AN, ZZ, ST, NZ, GD), pp. 678–689.
MSR-2015-YuWFDV #evaluation #git #latency- Wait for It: Determinants of Pull Request Evaluation Latency on GitHub (YY, HW, VF, PTD, BV), pp. 367–371.
CHI-2015-AsthanaSG #analysis #assessment #human-computer- Survival Analysis: Objective assessment of Wait Time in HCI (SA, PS, PG), pp. 367–376.
CHI-2015-CaiGGM #education #named- Wait-Learning: Leveraging Wait Time for Second Language Education (CJC, PJG, JRG, RCM), pp. 3701–3710.
CSCW-2015-SolomonMW #coordination #exclamation #how- Don’t Wait!: How Timing Affects Coordination of Crowdfunding Donations (JS, WM, RW), pp. 547–556.
SAC-2015-BarringtonFD #multi #scalability- A scalable multi-producer multi-consumer wait-free ring buffer (AB, SDF, DD), pp. 1321–1328.
CASE-2014-WangCG #algorithm #constraints #estimation #hybrid #multi #problem #scheduling- Hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm with multiple subpopulations for semiconductor manufacturing scheduling problem with limited waiting-time constraint (HKW, CFC, MG), pp. 101–106.
STOC-2014-AlistarhCS #algorithm #concurrent #question- Are lock-free concurrent algorithms practically wait-free? (DA, KCH, NS), pp. 714–723.
IFM-2014-TofanSR #composition #multi #proving- A Compositional Proof Method for Linearizability Applied to a Wait-Free Multiset (BT, GS, WR), pp. 357–372.
CHI-2014-GreisAHM- I can wait a minute: uncovering the optimal delay time for pre-moderated user-generated content on public displays (MG, FA, NH, NM), pp. 1435–1438.
PPoPP-2014-TimnatP #data type #simulation- A practical wait-free simulation for lock-free data structures (ST, EP), pp. 357–368.
ICALP-v1-2013-MuchaS #problem #scheduling #symmetry- No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Is as Hard as Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (MM, MS), pp. 769–779.
ASPLOS-2013-JafriVV #dependence #named #performance- Wait-n-GoTM: improving HTM performance by serializing cyclic dependencies (SARJ, GV, TNV), pp. 521–534.
ISMM-2012-IyengarTWG- The Collie: a wait-free compacting collector (BI, GT, MW, EFG), pp. 85–96.
PPoPP-2012-KoganP #data type #performance- A methodology for creating fast wait-free data structures (AK, EP), pp. 141–150.
PPoPP-2012-TimnatBKP- Wait-free linked-lists (ST, AB, AK, EP), pp. 309–310.
CASE-2011-HajiD #case study #simulation #using- A simulation case study: Reducing outpatient waiting time of otolaryngology care services using VBA (MH, HD), pp. 525–530.
CASE-2011-KaoZCHWLWWC #constraints- Near optimal furnace tool allocation with batching and waiting time constraints (YTK, SCZ, SCC, JHH, PW, PBL, SW, FW, JC), pp. 108–113.
PPoPP-2011-KoganP #multi- Wait-free queues with multiple enqueuers and dequeuers (AK, EP), pp. 223–234.
PPoPP-2011-StellwagSKS #constraints #library #parallel- A wait-free NCAS library for parallel applications with timing constraints (PS, FS, JK, WSP), pp. 301–302.
LOPSTR-2010-GiorginoSMP #algorithm #graph #verification- Verification of the Schorr-Waite Algorithm — From Trees to Graphs (MG, MS, RM, MP), pp. 67–83.
HPDC-2009-SonmezYIE #evaluation #predict #queue #runtime- Trace-based evaluation of job runtime and queue wait time predictions in grids (OOS, NY, AI, DHJE), pp. 111–120.
CSCW-2008-AvrahamiFH #communication #latency- IM waiting: timing and responsiveness in semi-synchronous communication (DA, SRF, SEH), pp. 285–294.
SAC-2008-OliveiraRSCBM #heuristic #problem- A vehicular waiting time heuristic for dynamic vehicle routing problem (HCBdO, GMR, MMdS, LAC, VRB, GRM), pp. 13–17.
SAS-2006-LoginovRS #algorithm #automation #verification- Automated Verification of the Deutsch-Schorr-Waite Tree-Traversal Algorithm (AL, TWR, MS), pp. 261–279.
SAC-2006-ChoRJ #embedded #on the #realtime #scheduling- On utility accrual processor scheduling with wait-free synchronization for embedded real-time software (HC, BR, EDJ), pp. 918–922.
SEFM-2005-HubertM #algorithm #c #case study #source code #verification- A case study of C source code verification: the Schorr-Waite algorithm (TH, CM), pp. 190–199.
SIGIR-2005-Hosanagar #approach #distributed #information retrieval- A utility theoretic approach to determining optimal wait times in distributed information retrieval (KH), pp. 91–97.
AdaEurope-2003-BliebergerBS #analysis- Busy Wait Analysis (JB, BB, BS), pp. 142–152.
OOPSLA-2003-BlackburnM #garbage collection #performance- Ulterior reference counting: fast garbage collection without a long wait (SB, KSM), pp. 344–358.
STOC-2002-AspnesSS #infinity- Wait-free consensus with infinite arrivals (JA, GS, JS), pp. 524–533.
HT-1998-Leggett #hypermedia- Camping on Banks of the Hypermedia Literature: Waiting for (a Hyperliterate) Civilization to Arrive (JJL), p. 305.
STOC-1997-LoH #robust- All of Us are Smarter Than Any of Us: Wait-Free Hierarchies are not Robust (WKL, VH), pp. 579–588.
STOC-1995-AfekDT #performance- Wait-free made fast (Extended Abstract) (YA, DD, DT), pp. 538–547.
CIKM-1995-ParkST #algorithm #concurrent #detection #distributed #generative #graph #hybrid- A Distributed Deadlock Detection and Resolution Algorithm Based on A Hybrid Wait-for Graph and Probe Generation Scheme (YCP, PS, HLT), pp. 378–386.
STOC-1994-HerlihyS #theorem- A simple constructive computability theorem for wait-free computation (MH, NS), pp. 243–252.
STOC-1993-SaksZ- Wait-free k-set agreement is impossible: the topology of public knowledge (MES, FZ), pp. 101–110.
STOC-1991-AndersonW #algorithm #parallel #problem- Wait-free Parallel Algorithms for the Union-Find Problem (RJA, HW), pp. 370–380.
PLILP-1990-Sahlin #fixpoint #prolog #using- Finding the Least Fixed Point Using Wait-Declarations in Prolog (DS), pp. 151–158.
ICALP-1989-LiV #concurrent #how- How to Share Concurrent Asynchronous Wait-Free Variables (Preliminary Version) (ML, PMBV), pp. 488–505.
ML-1988-Lebowitz- Deferred Commitment in UNIMEM: Waiting to Learn (ML), pp. 80–86.
PODS-1984-TaySG #database #performance- A Mean Value Performance Model for Locking in Databases: The Waiting Case (YCT, RS, NG), pp. 311–322.