33 papers:
SIGIR-2015-SedhaiS #named #research #twitter- HSpam14: A Collection of 14 Million Tweets for Hashtag-Oriented Spam Research (SS, AS), pp. 223–232.
SAC-2014-SeelandKK #clustering #graph- Structural clustering of millions of molecular graphs (MS, AK, SK), pp. 121–128.
HPDC-2013-RajachandrasekarMMP #file system- A 1 PB/s file system to checkpoint three million MPI tasks (RR, AM, KM, DKP), pp. 143–154.
ITiCSE-2012-ChenLM #encryption- Cryptography for the million (YC, EL, MM), p. 384.
KDD-2012-JainVV #kernel #learning #multi #named- SPF-GMKL: generalized multiple kernel learning with a million kernels (AJ, SVNV, MV), pp. 750–758.
RecSys-2012-Lamere #question #what- I’ve got 10 million songs in my pocket: now what? (PL), pp. 207–208.
SIGIR-2012-HuO #classification #dataset #using- Genre classification for million song dataset using confidence-based classifiers combination (YH, MO), pp. 1083–1084.
SAC-2012-SakkopoulosPSTPS #deployment #distributed #framework #named- DREAM: a distributed fRamework for customized dEployment of a vAriety of indexing engines over million-node overlays (ES, AP, SS, DT, GP, AS), pp. 853–858.
ICSE-2012-HanDGZX #debugging #in the large #mining #performance #stack- Performance debugging in the large via mining millions of stack traces (SH, YD, SG, DZ, TX), pp. 145–155.
DATE-2011-Furber #architecture- Biologically-inspired massively-parallel architectures — Computing beyond a million processors (SBF), p. 1.
ICDAR-2011-TakedaKI #database #documentation #image #memory management #performance #realtime #retrieval- Real-Time Document Image Retrieval for a 10 Million Pages Database with a Memory Efficient and Stability Improved LLAH (KT, KK, MI), pp. 1054–1058.
ICSE-2011-McMillan11a- Finding relevant functions in millions of lines of code (CM), pp. 1170–1172.
CGO-2011-HardekopfL #analysis #pointer- Flow-sensitive pointer analysis for millions of lines of code (BH, CL), pp. 289–298.
DAC-2010-GoodenoughA #design- Post-silicon is too late avoiding the $50 million paperweight starts with validated designs (JG, RA), pp. 8–11.
ICPR-2010-Jiang #3d #re-engineering #using- 3D Human Pose Reconstruction Using Millions of Exemplars (HJ), pp. 1674–1677.
CGO-2010-YuXHFZ #analysis #pointer #scalability- Level by level: making flow- and context-sensitive pointer analysis scalable for millions of lines of code (HY, JX, WH, XF, ZZ), pp. 218–229.
ECIR-2009-CarterettePKAA #query- If I Had a Million Queries (BC, VP, EK, JAA, JA), pp. 288–300.
SIGMOD-2008-Shneiderman #visualisation- Extreme visualization: squeezing a billion records into a million pixels (BS), pp. 3–12.
AFL-2008-Roska #algorithm- Cellular Wave Computers — Algorithms for million processor computers (Abstract) (TR), p. 352.
CC-2008-ZhaoRARW #debugging #how #performance #using- How to Do a Million Watchpoints: Efficient Debugging Using Dynamic Instrumentation (QZ, RMR, SPA, LR, WFW), pp. 147–162.
ISSTA-2008-Liblit #debugging #testing- Cooperative debugging with five hundred million test cases (BL), pp. 119–120.
PLDI-2007-HardekopfL #analysis #performance #pointer- The ant and the grasshopper: fast and accurate pointer analysis for millions of lines of code (BH, CL), pp. 290–299.
VISSOFT-2007-BohnetD07a #compilation #comprehension #graph- CGA Call Graph Analyzer — Locating and Understanding Functionality within the Gnu Compiler Collection’s Million Lines of Code (JB, JD), pp. 161–162.
ESEC-FSE-2007-VoungJL #concurrent #detection #named- RELAY: static race detection on millions of lines of code (JWV, RJ, SL), pp. 205–214.
AdaEurope-2006-BreuerP #fault #kernel #linux #source code #static analysis- One Million (LOC) and Counting: Static Analysis for Errors and Vulnerabilities in the Linux Kernel Source Code (PTB, SP), pp. 56–70.
ICML-2006-KlaasBFDML #performance- Fast particle smoothing: if I had a million particles (MK, MB, NdF, AD, SM, DL), pp. 481–488.
DATE-v2-2004-Krupnova #experience #industrial #multi- Mapping Multi-Million Gate SoCs on FPGAs: Industrial Methodology and Experience (HK), pp. 1236–1243.
CSCW-2004-NardiSG #people #process #question #social- Blogging as social activity, or, would you let 900 million people read your diary? (BAN, DJS, MG), pp. 222–231.
DAC-2003-DescampsBGIP #design #network #using- Design of a 17-million gate network processor using a design factory (GED, SB, SG, SI, AP), pp. 844–849.
DAC-2002-Berthet #design #industrial #mobile #multi- Going mobile: the next horizon for multi-million gate designs in the semi-conductor industry (CB), pp. 375–378.
DATE-2002-BerkelaarE #effectiveness #performance- Efficient and Effective Redundancy Removal for Million-Gate Circuits (MRCMB, KvE), p. 1088.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-Heintze #alias #analysis #c- Aliasing analysis for a million lines of C (NH), pp. 47–49.
PLDI-2001-HeintzeT01a #alias #analysis #c #using- Ultra-fast Aliasing Analysis using CLA: A Million Lines of C Code in a Second (NH, OT), pp. 254–263.