62 papers:
CHI-2015-HanrahanWSM #named- TurkBench: Rendering the Market for Turkers (BVH, JKW, SS, DBM), pp. 1613–1616.
CHI-2014-LuFL #gesture #using- Gesture script: recognizing gestures and their structure using rendering scripts and interactively trained parts (HL, JF, YL), pp. 1685–1694.
CHI-2014-PuciharCA #visual notation- The use of surrounding visual context in handheld AR: device vs. user perspective rendering (KCP, PC, JA), pp. 197–206.
HIMI-AS-2014-MakiY #3d #image #multi #using- 3D CG Integral Photography Artwork Using Glittering Effects in the Post-processing of Multi-viewpoint Rendered Images (NM, KY), pp. 546–554.
ICPR-2014-SchmeingJ #image- Superpixel-Based Disocclusion Filling in Depth Image Based Rendering (MS, XJ), pp. 1073–1078.
SIGIR-2014-ReichenbachAZ #assessment- Rendering expressions to improve accuracy of relevance assessment for math search (MSR, AA, RZ), pp. 851–854.
DocEng-2013-FerilliER #documentation #html #multi- Hi-Fi HTML rendering of multi-format documents in DoMinUS (SF, FE, DR), pp. 173–176.
ICDAR-2013-ZhouFLW #segmentation- Scene Text Segmentation via Inverse Rendering (YZ, JLF, EGLM, RW), pp. 457–461.
CHI-2013-LeithingerFOLHLI #interactive #named #physics- Sublimate: state-changing virtual and physical rendering to augment interaction with shape displays (DL, SF, AO, SL, AH, JL, HI), pp. 1441–1450.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HermannCW #human-computer #industrial #interactive #manycore #parallel- Parallel Rendering of Human-Computer Interaction Industrial Applications on Multi-/Many-Core Platforms (SH, AC, L(W), pp. 350–360.
HCI-IMT-2013-SakairiTKG #editing #multi #using #visual notation- Multi-layer Control and Graphical Feature Editing Using Server-Side Rendering on Ajax-GIS (TS, TT, KK, YG), pp. 722–729.
SEKE-2012-HanXO #web- Client-Side Rendering Mechanism: A Double-Edged Sword for Browser-Based Web Applications (HH, YX, KO), pp. 124–130.
SEKE-2012-NarkngamL #diagrams #domain-specific language #process #uml- Rendering UML Activity Diagrams as a Domain Specific Language — ADL (CN, YL), pp. 724–729.
DocEng-2011-PinkneyBB #component #documentation- Reflowable documents composed from pre-rendered atomic components (AJP, SRB, DFB), pp. 163–166.
ICDAR-2011-RashidSB #evaluation #recognition- An Evaluation of HMM-Based Techniques for the Recognition of Screen Rendered Text (SFR, FS, TMB), pp. 1260–1264.
CHI-2011-WeissRB #physics- Rendering physical effects in tabletop controls (MW, CR, JOB), pp. 3009–3012.
HCI-ITE-2011-AkahaneHYS #development- Development of a High Definition Haptic Rendering for Stability and Fidelity (KA, TH, TY, MS), pp. 3–12.
HCI-UA-2011-BellegoBBT #smarttech #using- Using a Smart Phone for Information Rendering in Computer-Aided Surgery (GLB, MB, IB, JT), pp. 202–209.
HIMI-v2-2011-KuboDM #interactive #realtime- Real-time and Interactive Rendering for Translucent Materials such as Human Skin (HK, YD, SM), pp. 388–395.
DATE-2010-GrottesiMRB #animation #parallel- Parallel subdivision surface rendering and animation on the Cell BE processor (RG, SM, MR, LB), pp. 178–183.
SIGMOD-2010-FuKOPZ #incremental- Ajax-based report pages as incrementally rendered views (YF, KK, KWO, YP, KKZ), pp. 567–578.
ICPR-2010-Lin_ #image- Noise-Insensitive Contrast Enhancement for Rendering High-Dynamic-Range Images (HYSL), pp. 2676–2679.
HPDC-2010-StuartCMO #multi #pipes and filters #using- Multi-GPU volume rendering using MapReduce (JAS, CKC, KLM, JDO), pp. 841–848.
CHI-2008-KrukD #navigation- Rendering navigation and information space with honeycombTM (SRK, BM), pp. 1793–1796.
ICPR-2008-LiuZXMD #estimation #image- Illumination transition image: Parameter-based illumination estimation and re-rendering (JL, NZ, LX, GM, SD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Machucho-CadenaCB #using- Rendering of brain tumors using endoneurosonography (RMC, SdlCR, EBC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SatoOKI #image #realtime- Real-time image-based rendering system for virtual city based on image compression technique and eigen texture method (RS, SO, HK, KI), pp. 1–4.
ECMDA-FA-2008-Fondement #syntax #visual notation- Graphical Concrete Syntax Rendering with SVG (FF), pp. 200–214.
TestCom-FATES-2008-CalameP #case study #html #modelling #testing- Applying Model-Based Testing to HTML Rendering Engines — A Case Study (JRC, JvdP), pp. 250–265.
ICDAR-2007-WachenfeldFKJ #segmentation- Segmentation of Very Low Resolution Screen-Rendered Text (SW, SF, HUK, XJ), pp. 1153–1157.
ICDAR-2007-WachenfeldKJ #database #recognition- Annotated Databases for the Recognition of Screen-Rendered Text (SW, HUK, XJ), pp. 272–276.
HCI-IPT-2007-HeBPC #mobile- Accelerated Rendering of Vector Graphics on Mobile Devices (GH, BB, ZP, XC), pp. 298–305.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Vallejo-FernandezGL #approach #optimisation- A Qualitative Expert Knowledge Approach to Rendering Optimization (DVF, CGM, LJL), pp. 336–341.
DATE-DF-2006-DavilaTSSBR #algorithm #architecture #configuration management #design #implementation- Design and implementation of a rendering algorithm in a SIMD reconfigurable architecture (MorphoSys) (JD, AdT, JMS, MSE, NB, FR), pp. 52–57.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiL #probability- Probabilistic Image-Based Rendering with Gaussian Mixture Model (WL, BL), pp. 179–182.
ICPR-v2-2006-WachenfeldKJ #recognition- Recognition of Screen-Rendered Text (SW, HUK, XJ), pp. 1086–1089.
ICPR-v4-2006-AlnasserF- Image-Based Rendering of Synthetic Diffuse Objects in Natural Scenes (MA, HF), pp. 787–790.
SAC-2006-FangG #bound #dataset- Boundary surface extraction and rendering for volume datasets (SF, PG), pp. 1356–1360.
SAC-2006-GiannettiFTNRC #performance- High performance XSL-FO rendering for variable data printing (FG, LGF, RT, TN, MR, MBC), pp. 811–817.
SEKE-2005-ChiangTK #classification #multi #performance #using- Fast Class Rendering Using Multiresolution Classification in Discrete Cosine Transform Domain (TWC, TT, LJK), pp. 689–694.
ICPR-v1-2004-YaoC #performance- An Efficient Image-Based Rendering Method (JY, WkC), pp. 88–91.
ICPR-v2-2004-KovacsS #performance- Efficient Coding of Stroke-Rendered Paintings (LK, TS), pp. 835–838.
ICPR-v2-2004-MachidaTY #estimation- Dense Estimation of Surface Reflectance Properties Based on Inverse Global Illumination Rendering (TM, HT, NY), pp. 895–898.
ICPR-v3-2004-IwahoriWKF #artificial reality #modelling #network- Neural Network Based Modeling and Color Rendering for Mixed Reality (YI, RJW, HK, KF), pp. 198–201.
DocEng-2003-MongB #using #visual notation #web- Using SVG as the rendering model for structured and graphically complex web material (JCM, DFB), pp. 88–91.
SAC-2003-ChenL #clustering #dataset #visualisation- Cluster Rendering of Skewed Datasets via Visualization (KC, LL), pp. 909–916.
SAC-2003-TakeuchiIH #parallel- An Improvement on Binary-Swap Compositing for Sort-Last Parallel Rendering (AT, FI, KH), pp. 996–1002.
ICPR-v1-2002-Mignotte #multi #parametricity- Bayesian Rendering with Non-Parametric Multiscale Prior Model (MM), pp. 247–251.
ICPR-v3-2002-TomiteYY #image #interactive #multi- Arbitrary Viewpoint Rendering from Multiple Omnidirectional Images for Interactive Walkthroughs (KT, KY, NY), pp. 987–990.
SAC-2002-TrembilskiB- Transparency for polygon based cloud rendering (AT, AB), pp. 785–790.
DAC-2001-SolomonH #layout #using- Using Texture Mapping with Mipmapping to Render a VLSI Layout (JS, MH), pp. 500–505.
ICPR-v3-2000-WestenbergR- X-Ray Volume Rendering by Hierarchical Wavelet Splatting (MAW, JBTMR), pp. 3163–3166.
ITiCSE-1998-KarpouzisK #approach #pipes and filters- The rendering pipeline in the classroom: a diversified approach (KK, SDK), pp. 139–142.
ICPR-1998-SeoAH #video- Video augmentation by image-based rendering under the perspective camera model (YS, MHA, KSH), pp. 1694–1696.
ICPR-1998-WernerPH #performance #visualisation- Efficient rendering of projective model for image-based visualization (TW, TP, VH), pp. 1705–1707.
SAC-1998-VazirgiannisSTH #interactive #modelling #multi- Interactive multimedia scenario: modeling rendering (MV, IS, MT, MH), pp. 462–470.
CHI-1997-Kurze #interactive- Rendering Drawings for Interactive Haptic Perception (MK), pp. 423–430.
HCI-CC-1997-CakDE #design #industrial- An Ergonomic Rendering System for Industrial Design (SC, END, AE), pp. 603–606.
HCI-SEC-1997-Reichert #approach- Perception-Oriented Stereo Rendering: A New Approach to Control the Third Dimension (LR), pp. 845–848.
HCI-SEC-1997-Riedel #3d #aspect-oriented #parametricity #performance- 3D-Rendering and the Eye: Aspects for Efficient Rendering Through Physiological and Anatomical Parameters of the Eye (OR), pp. 981–984.
PPoPP-1997-JiangS #parallel- Parallel Shear-Warp Volume Rendering on Shared Address Space Multiprocessors (DJ, JPS), pp. 252–263.
CHI-1996-SchumannSLR #image- Assessing the Effect of Non-Photorealistic Rendered Images in CAD (JS, TS, SL, AR), pp. 35–41.