81 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-BarbaC- Tangible Media Approaches to Introductory Computer Science (EB, SC), pp. 207–212.
CHI-2015-KimN #interactive #named- G-raff: An Elevating Tangible Block for Spatial Tabletop Interaction (CMK, TJN), pp. 4161–4164.
CHI-2015-LiangSCCCYCC #interactive #lens #named- WonderLens: Optical Lenses and Mirrors for Tangible Interactions on Printed Paper (RHL, CS, YCC, GTC, LWC, DNY, MYC, BYC), pp. 1281–1284.
CHI-2015-SavageHHGML #component #named- Lamello: Passive Acoustic Sensing for Tangible Input Components (VS, AH, BH, DBG, GJM, WL), pp. 1277–1280.
CHI-2015-VissersG #case study #experience #functional #named #physics #prototype #user interface- TUIkit: Evaluating Physical and Functional Experiences of Tangible User Interface Prototypes (JV, DG), pp. 1267–1276.
DUXU-UI-2015-AldawoodAAAAAHA #collaboration #interface- Collaborative Tangible Interface (CoTI) for Complex Decision Support Systems (SA, FA, AA, TA, TA, RA, MKH, AA, AAW), pp. 415–424.
CHI-2014-LiangCTKHYC #interactive #named- GaussBricks: magnetic building blocks for constructive tangible interactions on portable displays (RHL, LWC, HYT, HCK, DYH, DNY, BYC), pp. 3153–3162.
CHI-2014-PilliasRL #design #game studies #lessons learnt #video- Designing tangible video games: lessons learned from the sifteo cubes (CP, RRB, GL), pp. 3163–3166.
CHI-2014-SchmidtRPJKPRRSSYB #named- Kickables: tangibles for feet (DS, RR, EWP, JJ, SK, AP, HR, AR, PS, CS, YY, PB), pp. 3143–3152.
HCI-AIMT-2014-FleischmannSS #case study #comparative #interactive #modelling #process- Tangible or Not Tangible — A Comparative Study of Interaction Types for Process Modeling Support (AF, WS, CS), pp. 544–555.
HCI-AIMT-2014-PotidisS #composition #named #user interface- Spyractable: A Tangible User Interface Modular Synthesizer (SP, TS), pp. 600–611.
HCI-AS-2014-AlvarezHHKLLL #framework #game studies- From Screens to Devices and Tangible Objects: A Framework Applied to Serious Games Characterization (JA, SH, CH, CK, YL, SL, AL), pp. 559–570.
HCI-TMT-2014-HeidtPBR #communication- Tangible Disparity — Different Notions of the Material as Catalyst of Interdisciplinary Communication (MH, LP, AB, PR), pp. 199–206.
HIMI-DE-2014-HottaOM #user interface #using- Liquid Tangible User Interface: Using Liquid in TUI (MH, MO, HM), pp. 167–176.
CHI-2013-LetondalHLVC #design- Flights in my hands: coherence concerns in designing strip’tic, a tangible space for air traffic controllers (CL, CH, RL, JLV, SC), pp. 2175–2184.
CHI-2013-LiangCCPCLYC13a #interactive #named- GaussBits: magnetic tangible bits for portable and occlusion-free near-surface interactions (RHL, KYC, LWC, CXP, MYC, RHL, DNY, BYC), pp. 1391–1400.
CHI-2013-NowackaLHJLRO #multi #named- Touchbugs: actuated tangibles on multi-touch tables (DN, KL, NYH, DJ, CL, ER, PO), pp. 759–762.
HCI-AS-2013-AngeliniCCCLKM #gesture #interactive #named- WheelSense: Enabling Tangible Gestures on the Steering Wheel for In-Car Natural Interaction (LA, MC, FC, SC, DL, OAK, EM), pp. 531–540.
CHI-2012-FollmerI #named #tool support- KidCAD: digitally remixing toys through tangible tools (SF, HI), pp. 2401–2410.
CHI-2012-JansenDF- Tangible remote controllers for wall-size displays (YJ, PD, JDF), pp. 2865–2874.
CHI-2012-MarshallCAS #interactive #named- Ultra-tangibles: creating movable tangible objects on interactive tables (MTM, TC, JA, SS), pp. 2185–2188.
CHI-2011-LeitnerH #design #image #interactive #named- Geckos: combining magnets and pressure images to enable new tangible-object design and interaction (JL, MH), pp. 2985–2994.
CHI-2011-PedersenH #interactive #interface- Tangible bots: interaction with active tangibles in tabletop interfaces (EWP, KH), pp. 2975–2984.
CHI-2011-SongGFMH #named- WYSIWYF: exploring and annotating volume data with a tangible handheld device (PS, WBG, CWF, QM, PAH), pp. 1333–1342.
CHI-2011-WilliamsYPMMI #3d #interactive #multi #named- TZee: exploiting the lighting properties of multi-touch tabletops for tangible 3d interactions (CW, XDY, GAP, JMU, AM, PI), pp. 1363–1372.
CHI-2011-YuCLTHTHCCHH #interactive #multi #named- TUIC: enabling tangible interaction on capacitive multi-touch displays (NHY, LWC, SYL, SST, ICH, DJT, FIH, LPC, MYC, PH, YPH), pp. 2995–3004.
CSCW-2011-FanLZTSW #game studies #gesture #social #using- Surprise Grabber: a co-located tangible social game using phone hand gesture (MF, XL, YZ, LT, YS, HW), pp. 625–628.
HCI-ITE-2011-HsiaoJ #analysis #named #user interface- TiMBA — Tangible User Interface for Model Building and Analysis (CPH, BRJ), pp. 43–52.
HCI-ITE-2011-NebeKJF #interactive #multi #using- Exploiting New Interaction Techniques for Disaster Control Management Using Multitouch-, Tangible- and Pen-Based-Interaction (KN, FK, HJ, HF), pp. 100–109.
HCI-ITE-2011-NebeMK #multi #requirements #using- An Investigation on Requirements for Co-located Group-Work Using Multitouch-, Pen-Based- and Tangible-Interaction (KN, TM, FK), pp. 90–99.
HCI-ITE-2011-RiedenklauHR #user interface- Saving and Restoring Mechanisms for Tangible User Interfaces through Tangible Active Objects (ER, TH, HJR), pp. 110–118.
HCI-ITE-2011-WuJMM #framework- A Framework Interweaving Tangible Objects, Surfaces and Spaces (AW, JJ, SM, AM), pp. 148–157.
CAiSE-2011-LuebbeW #empirical #modelling #process- Tangible Media in Process Modeling — A Controlled Experiment (AL, MW), pp. 283–298.
CHI-2010-BaudischBR #named- Lumino: tangible blocks for tabletop computers based on glass fiber bundles (PB, TB, FR), pp. 1165–1174.
CHI-2010-McGookinRB #graph #interactive #using- Clutching at straws: using tangible interaction to provide non-visual access to graphs (DKM, ER, SAB), pp. 1715–1724.
CHI-2010-TuddenhamKI #multi- Graspables revisited: multi-touch vs. tangible input for tabletop displays in acquisition and manipulation tasks (PT, DSK, SI), pp. 2223–2232.
CHI-2009-HerkVF #adaptation #programming- ESPranto SDK: an adaptive programming environment for tangible applications (RvH, JV, WF), pp. 849–858.
CHI-2009-HornSCJ #education #programming language #visual notation- Comparing the use of tangible and graphical programming languages for informal science education (MSH, ETS, RJC, RJKJ), pp. 975–984.
HCI-AUII-2009-BillinghurstGSD #artificial reality #interface #towards- Towards Ambient Augmented Reality with Tangible Interfaces (MB, RG, HS, AD), pp. 387–396.
HCI-AUII-2009-KubickiLLSKC #human-computer #interactive #using- New Human-Computer Interactions Using Tangible Objects: Application on a Digital Tabletop with RFID Technology (SK, SL, YL, PDS, CK, JC), pp. 446–455.
HCI-AUII-2009-MahlerHW #interactive #interface #mobile- Mobile Interfaces in Tangible Mnemonics Interaction (TDM, MH, MW), pp. 58–66.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Ehnes #artificial reality #automation #interface- A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMI Automated Meeting Assistant (JE), pp. 485–494.
ICEIS-J-2009-Ehnes #artificial reality #automation #interface- An Automated Meeting Assistant: A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMIDA Automatic Content Linking Device (JE), pp. 952–962.
CHI-2008-BonanniACVI #named- Handsaw: tangible exploration of volumetric data by direct cut-plane projection (LB, JA, NC, GV, HI), pp. 251–254.
CHI-2008-GuoS #case study #comparative #interactive #user interface- Exploring the use of tangible user interfaces for human-robot interaction: a comparative study (CG, ES), pp. 121–130.
CHI-2008-ParkesRI #interface- Topobo in the wild: longitudinal evaluations of educators appropriating a tangible interface (AJP, HR, HI), pp. 1129–1138.
ICFP-2007-Elliott #functional #programming- Tangible functional programming (CE), pp. 59–70.
CHI-2007-FjeldFEDBVJ #comparative #education #evaluation #user interface- Tangible user interface for chemistry education: comparative evaluation and re-design (MF, JF, ME, FD, KB, BMV, PJ), pp. 805–808.
CHI-2007-PattenI #constraints #interface- Mechanical constraints as computational constraints in tabletop tangible interfaces (JP, HI), pp. 809–818.
HCI-AS-2007-KimJCHH #learning- The Effect of Tangible Pedagogical Agents on Children’s Interest and Learning (JhK, DhJ, HSC, JYH, KHH), pp. 270–277.
HCI-IPT-2007-MugelliniRK #experience #interactive- Tangible Interaction Based on Personal Objects for Collecting and Sharing Travel Experience (EM, ER, OAK), pp. 873–882.
HCI-IPT-2007-RolshofenDS #interface- Application of Tangible Acoustic Interfaces in the Area of Production Control and Manufacturing (WR, PD, GS), pp. 920–925.
HCI-IPT-2007-SongWT #game studies #interface #using- A Tangible Game Interface Using Projector-Camera Systems (PS, SW, JT), pp. 956–965.
HCI-IPT-2007-SuhLSJY #collaboration #concept #design #evaluation #framework #interface- An Evaluation Framework for the Design Concepts of Tangible Interface on New Collaborative Work Support System (YS, CL, JS, MJ, MHY), pp. 1210–1219.
HCI-IPT-2007-Watanabe #game studies #interactive #named- VortexBath: Study of Tangible Interaction with Water in Bathroom for Accessing and Playing Media Files (JiW), pp. 1240–1248.
HCI-IPT-2007-XuRMMB #challenge #evaluation #user interface- Evaluation of Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) for and with Children — Methods and Challenges (DYX, JCR, EM, SM, MB), pp. 1008–1017.
HCI-MIE-2007-KimCPH #feedback #multimodal #user interface- A Tangible User Interface with Multimodal Feedback (LK, HC, SHP, MH), pp. 94–103.
CHI-2006-FernaeusT #design #programming- Finding design qualities in a tangible programming space (YF, JT), pp. 447–456.
CHI-2006-HorneckerB #framework #interactive #physics #social- Getting a grip on tangible interaction: a framework on physical space and social interaction (EH, JB), pp. 437–446.
CHI-2006-RafflePIL #behaviour #game studies- Beyond record and play: backpacks: tangible modulators for kinetic behavior (HR, AJP, HI, JL), pp. 681–690.
CHI-2005-ZuckermanAR #education #interface- Extending tangible interfaces for education: digital montessori-inspired manipulatives (OZ, SA, MR), pp. 859–868.
CHI-2004-KlemmerLLL #named #tool support- Papier-Mache: toolkit support for tangible input (SRK, JL, JL, JAL), pp. 399–406.
HT-2002-SinclairMMW #artificial reality #hypermedia #using- Links in the palm of your hand: tangible hypermedia using augmented reality (PASS, KM, DEM, MJW), pp. 127–136.
CHI-2002-JacobIPP #grid #interface #using- A tangible interface for organizing information using a grid (RJKJ, HI, GP, JP), pp. 339–346.
CHI-2002-McGeeCWH #multimodal #tool support- Comparing paper and tangible, multimodal tools (DM, PRC, RMW, SH), pp. 407–414.
CHI-2002-PiperRI #3d #analysis #interface- Illuminating clay: a 3-D tangible interface for landscape analysis (BP, CR, HI), pp. 355–362.
CHI-2002-SharlinIWKSL #assessment #user interface- Cognitive cubes: a tangible user interface for cognitive assessment (ES, YI, BW, YK, SS, LL), pp. 347–354.
ICPR-v3-2002-Ishii #bound #design #people- Tangible Bits: Designing the Boundary between People, Bits, and Atoms (HI), p. 277.
CHI-2001-PattenIHP #framework #named #user interface- Sensetable: a wireless object tracking platform for tangible user interfaces (JP, HI, JH, GP), pp. 253–260.
CHI-2001-SchkolnePS #3d #tool support- Surface drawing: creating organic 3D shapes with the hand and tangible tools (SS, MP, PS), pp. 261–268.
CHI-2001-StantonBNGBCIWPO #collaboration #design #interface- Classroom collaboration in the design of tangible interfaces for storytelling (DS, VB, HN, AG, SB, SC, RI, JRW, TPP, CO), pp. 482–489.
CHI-2000-BreretonM #communication #design #how- An observational study of how objects support engineering design thinking and communication: implications for the design of tangible media (MB, BM), pp. 217–224.
CHI-1999-CohenWP #interface #multi #named #video- Logjam: A Tangible Multi-Person Interface for Video Logging (JC, MW, PP), pp. 128–135.
CHI-1999-IshiiWOCP #design #game studies #interface #named- PingPongPlus: Design of an Athletic-Tangible Interface for Computer-Supported Cooperative Play (HI, CW, JO, BC, JAP), pp. 394–401.
CHI-1999-SingerHSW #less is more- Tangible Progress: Less is More in Somewire Audio Spaces (AS, DH, LS, SW), pp. 104–111.
CHI-1999-UnderkofflerI #design #named- Urp: A Luminous-Tangible Workbench for Urban Planning and Design (JU, HI), pp. 386–393.
CHI-1998-GorbetOI #interface #named- Triangles: Tangible Interface for Manipulation and Exploration of Digital Information Topography (MGG, MO, HI), pp. 49–56.
CHI-1998-UnderkofflerI #design #interface- Illuminating Light: An Optical Design Tool with a Luminous-Tangible Interface (JU, HI), pp. 542–549.
CSCW-1998-BraveID #collaboration #communication #interface- Tangible Interfaces for Remote Collaboration and Communication (SB, HI, AD), pp. 169–178.
CHI-1997-IshiiU #interface #people #towards- Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms (HI, BU), pp. 234–241.
ECOOP-1993-GangopadhyayM #behaviour #named #specification- ObjChart: Tangible Specification of Reactive Object Behavior (DG, SM), pp. 432–457.