51 papers:
DAC-2015-RozicYDV #generative #performance #random- Highly efficient entropy extraction for true random number generators on FPGAs (VR, BY, WD, IV), p. 6.
DATE-2015-YangRMDV #embedded #framework #generative #on the fly #random #testing- Embedded HW/SW platform for on-the-fly testing of true random number generators (BY, VR, NM, WD, IV), pp. 345–350.
DAC-2014-RahmanXFZST #generative #independence #named #random- TI-TRNG: Technology Independent True Random Number Generator (MTR, KX, DF, XZ, JS, MT), p. 6.
ICML-c1-2014-SeijenS #online- True Online TD(λ) (HvS, RSS), pp. 692–700.
CHI-2013-VermeulenLHC #execution- Crossing the bridge over norman’s gulf of execution: revealing feedforward’s true identity (JV, KL, EvdH, KC), pp. 1931–1940.
DATE-2012-AbdallahSMA #testing- Testing RF circuits with true non-intrusive built-in sensors (LA, HGDS, SM, JA), pp. 1090–1095.
STOC-2012-VaziraniV #generative #quantum #random- Certifiable quantum dice: or, true random number generation secure against quantum adversaries (UVV, TV), pp. 61–76.
ICML-2012-LiuW #modelling #multi #probability- TrueLabel + Confusions: A Spectrum of Probabilistic Models in Analyzing Multiple Ratings (CL, YMW), p. 6.
DAC-2011-GaillardonBMNCO #3d #architecture #question #towards- Can we go towards true 3-D architectures? (PEG, MHBJ, PHM, JPN, FC, IO), pp. 282–283.
DATE-2011-MotaS #detection #testing- A true power detector for RF PA built-in calibration and testing (PFdM, JMdS), pp. 365–370.
SLE-2011-SeibelHNG #black box #composition #execution #model transformation- A Dedicated Language for Context Composition and Execution of True Black-Box Model Transformations (AS, RH, SN, HG), pp. 19–39.
ICGT-2010-Esparza #concurrent #tool support- A False History of True Concurrency: From Petri to Tools (JE), pp. 1–2.
CHI-2010-InglesantS #cost analysis #policy- The true cost of unusable password policies: password use in the wild (PI, MAS), pp. 383–392.
ICPR-2010-CetinH #adaptation #algorithm #estimation #video- An Adaptive True Motion Estimation Algorithm for Frame Rate Conversion of High Definition Video (MC, IH), pp. 4109–4112.
FSE-2010-ZhouM10a #developer- Developer fluency: achieving true mastery in software projects (MZ, AM), pp. 137–146.
ICALP-v1-2009-AilonL #clustering #correlation #cost analysis #fault #problem- Correlation Clustering Revisited: The “True” Cost of Error Minimization Problems (NA, EL), pp. 24–36.
MLDM-2009-Hoppner #how #question- How Much True Structure Has Been Discovered? (FH), pp. 385–397.
SIGIR-2009-ZhangHS #approximate #modelling- Approximating true relevance distribution from a mixture model based on irrelevance data (PZ, YH, DS), pp. 107–114.
DAC-2008-MenezesKA #grid #power management #verification- A “true” electrical cell model for timing, noise, and power grid verification (NM, CVK, CSA), pp. 462–467.
DATE-2008-GargMK- A Single-supply True Voltage Level Shifter (RG, GM, SPK), pp. 979–984.
STOC-2008-GoyalOS- The vpn conjecture is true (NG, NO, FBS), pp. 443–450.
CHI-2008-KimGSPPW #experience #realtime #user interface- Tracking real-time user experience (TRUE): a comprehensive instrumentation solution for complex systems (JHK, DVG, ES, BP, RJP, DRW), pp. 443–452.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-EngelsHHJLRVW #architecture- A Method for Engineering a True Service-Oriented Architecture (GE, AH, BH, OJ, ML, JPR, MV, JW), pp. 272–281.
PPoPP-2008-LevM #hardware #memory management #transaction #using- Split hardware transactions: true nesting of transactions using best-effort hardware transactional memory (YL, JWM), pp. 197–206.
SAC-2006-RuizCCP #algebra #analysis #concurrent #e-commerce #process #protocol #set #using- Analysis of the SET e-commerce protocol using a true concurrency process algebra (MCR, DC, FC, JJP), pp. 879–886.
ISMM-2006-Meyer #hardware- A true hardware read barrier (MM), pp. 3–16.
FoSSaCS-2005-Froschle #composition- Composition and Decomposition in True-Concurrency (SBF), pp. 333–347.
PPDP-2002-AnconaLZ #compilation #java- True separate compilation of Java classes (DA, GL, EZ), pp. 189–200.
TestCom-2002-Jard #distributed #modelling #synthesis- Principles of Distributed Test Synthesis based on True-concurrency Models (CJ), pp. 301–316.
DAC-2001-KedingCLM #performance #simulation- Fast Bit-True Simulation (HK, MC, OL, HM), pp. 708–713.
DAC-2001-KimZP #multi- A True Single-Phase 8-bit Adiabatic Multiplier (SK, CHZ, MCP), pp. 758–763.
CSEET-2001-McConnell #re-engineering- After the Gold Rush: Establishing a True Profession of Software Engineering (SM), p. 3–?.
STOC-2001-WangW- Estimating true evolutionary distances between genomes (LSW, TW), pp. 637–646.
ECOOP-2001-AnconaZ #java- True Modules for Java-like Languages (DA, EZ), pp. 354–380.
DATE-2000-GauthierJ #simulation- Cycle-True Simulation of the ST10 Microcontroller (LG, AAJ), p. 742.
AdaEurope-2000-LinM #morphism #polymorphism- (True) Polymorphism in SPARK2000 (TML, JAM), pp. 252–265.
ICEIS-2000-Theaker #case study #industrial- Case Study: “Industry Strength” — It’s True Meaning for High-Tech SMEs (CJT), p. XLVI.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Reenskaug #component #development #object-oriented- Component Based Development — The True Object Orientation (TR), p. 6.
ICALP-1998-BaierKL #concurrent #metric #realtime #semantics- Metric Semantics for True Concurrent Real Time (CB, JPK, DL), pp. 568–579.
SAS-1997-BodeiP #abstract interpretation #concurrent- True Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, CP), pp. 202–216.
RTA-1997-Perlo-FreemanP- Scott’s Conjecture is True, Position Sensitive Weights (SMHWPF, PP), pp. 217–227.
ICALP-1993-JategaonkarM #concurrent #finite- Deciding True Concurrency Equivalences on Finite Sate Nets (Preliminary Report) (LJ, ARM), pp. 519–531.
HCI-SHI-1993-HobbsS #3d #user interface- A User Interface to a True 3-D Display Device (BAH, MRS), pp. 579–584.
ISLP-1991-MontanariR #concurrent #constraints #programming- True Concurrency in Concurrent Constraint Programming (UM, FR), pp. 694–713.
STOC-1990-BellareMO90a #complexity #statistics- The (True) Complexity of Statistical Zero Knowledge (MB, SM, RO), pp. 494–502.
CHI-1990-DillonET #cost analysis- Measuring the true cost of command selection: techniques and results (RFD, JDE, JWT), pp. 19–26.
DAC-1988-WeyC #named- PLAYGROUND: Minimization of PLAs with Mixed Ground True Outputs (CLW, TYC), pp. 421–426.
LICS-1986-GermanCH #axiom- True Relative Completeness of an Axiom System for the Language L4 (Abridged) (SMG, EMC, JYH), pp. 11–25.
DAC-1981-Sherwood #logic #modelling #simulation- A MOS modelling technique for 4-state true-value hierarchical logic simulation or Karnough knowledge (WS), pp. 775–785.
ICSE-1979-DAgapayeff #framework #on the- On Microprocessors: A Platform for True Program Portability with Examples from Microcobal (AD), pp. 332–339.
POPL-1978-Mizell #aspect-oriented #concurrent #design #verification- Verification and Design Aspects of “True” Concurrency (DWM), pp. 171–175.