Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
14 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.N.Freeman-Benson T.Kriplean G.Lopez M.Müller M.Travers M.Wilson T.O'Shea D.H.H.Ingalls J.T.Morgan T.Felgentreff R.Hirschfeld B.T.Gill B.Ferris K.Watkins J.Maloney T.D.Millstein H.Samimi A.Warth M.Eslamimehr H.Sevcikova D.Socha W.Bleek C.Bonnar B.Kinney M.Toomim A.Ko D.Freelon L.Bennett R.Duisberg A.Kramer M.Woolf S.Azenkot S.Prasain E.Fortuna R.E.Ladner J.O.Wobbrock K.Derthick P.Tsao M.Zachry D.W.McDonald T.Denning B.Friedman T.Kohno W.H.Maisel J.Lincke Y.Ohshima B.Freudenberg R.Krahn
Talks about:
constraint (11) languag (6) public (4) object (4) program (3) system (3) smalltalk (2) implement (2) hierarchi (2) approach (2)
Person: Alan Borning
DBLP: Borning:Alan
Contributed to:
Wrote 22 papers:
- OOPSLA-2015-FelgentreffMBH #constraints #programming language #theorem proving
- Checks and balances: constraint solving without surprises in object-constraint programming languages (TF, TDM, AB, RH), pp. 767–782.
- Onward-2015-SamimiWEB #constraints #design pattern
- Constraints as a design pattern (HS, AW, ME, AB), pp. 28–43.
- CSCW-2014-KripleanBBKG #on-demand
- Integrating on-demand fact-checking with public dialogue (TK, CB, AB, BK, BTG), pp. 1188–1199.
- ECOOP-2014-FelgentreffBHLOFK #constraints #implementation #named #ocl
- Babelsberg/JS — A Browser-Based Implementation of an Object Constraint Language (TF, AB, RH, JL, YO, BF, RK), pp. 411–436.
- CHI-2012-BorningM #design
- Next steps for value sensitive design (AB, MM), pp. 1125–1134.
- CHI-2012-KripleanTMBK #web #what
- Is this what you meant?: promoting listening on the web with reflect (TK, MT, JTM, AB, AK), pp. 1559–1568.
- CSCW-2012-KripleanMFBB
- Supporting reflective public thought with ConsiderIt (TK, JTM, DF, AB, LB), pp. 265–274.
- CHI-2011-AzenkotPBFLW #independence #safety
- Enhancing independence and safety for blind and deaf-blind public transit riders (SA, SP, AB, EF, REL, JOW), pp. 3247–3256.
- OCSC-2011-DerthickTKBZM #collaboration #wiki
- Collaborative Sensemaking during Admin Permission Granting in Wikipedia (KD, PT, TK, AB, MZ, DWM), pp. 100–109.
- CHI-2010-DenningBFGKM #security
- Patients, pacemakers, and implantable defibrillators: human values and security for wireless implantable medical devices (TD, AB, BF, BTG, TK, WHM), pp. 917–926.
- CHI-2010-FerrisWB #named #realtime
- OneBusAway: results from providing real-time arrival information for public transit (BF, KW, AB), pp. 1807–1816.
- ISSTA-2006-SevcikovaBSB #approach #automation #probability #statistics #testing
- Automated testing of stochastic systems: a statistically grounded approach (HS, AB, DS, WGB), pp. 215–224.
- ECOOP-1994-LopezFB #constraints
- Constraints and Object Identity (GL, BNFB, AB), pp. 260–279.
- OOPSLA-1994-LopezFB #constraints #imperative #implementation #programming language #virtual machine
- Implementing Constraint Imperative Programming Languages: The Kaleidospace’93 Virtual Machine (GL, BNFB, AB), pp. 259–271.
- ECOOP-1992-Freeman-BensonB #constraints #object-oriented
- Integrating Constraints with an Object-Oriented Language (BNFB, AB), pp. 268–286.
- TOOLS-USA-1992-BorningF #constraints
- Constraint-Based Languages and Systems (AB, BNFB), p. 266.
- CHI-1991-BorningT #interactive #network #video
- Two approaches to casual interaction over computer and video networks (AB, MT), pp. 13–19.
- NACLP-1989-WilsonB #comparison #constraints #logic programming
- Extending Hierarchical Constraint Logic Programming: Nonmonotonicity and Inter-Hierarchy Comparison (MW, AB), pp. 3–19.
- OOPSLA-1989-MaloneyBF #constraints #interface
- Constraint Technology fur User-Interface Construction in ThingLab II (JM, AB, BNFB), pp. 381–388.
- ECOOP-1987-BorningO #empirical #motivation #named
- Deltatalk: An Empirically and Aesthetically Motivated Simplification of the Smalltalk-80 Language (AB, TO), pp. 1–10.
- OOPSLA-1987-BorningDFKW #constraints
- Constraint Hierarchies (AB, RD, BNFB, AK, MW), pp. 48–60.
- POPL-1982-BorningI #smalltalk
- A Type Declaration and Inference System for Smalltalk (AB, DHHI), pp. 133–141.