Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Israel
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ D.A.Patterson D.Coetzee M.Armbrust M.J.Franklin B.Hartmann M.A.Hearst S.D.Gribble E.A.Brewer W.Xu L.Huang M.I.Jordan T.Kraska J.McKinsey S.Joseph D.D.Garcia E.Amir S.Lim G.Candea S.Kawamoto Y.Fujiki G.Friedman Y.Chawathe P.Gauthier J.Ren H.Yin Q.Hu W.Koszek E.Liang K.Curtis I.Cohen S.Zhang M.Goldszmidt J.Symons T.Kelly A.Guerrero R.Fresno A.Ju P.F.0001 C.Müller A.Ruiz-Cortés Leonard Truong R.Barik Ehsan Totoni H.Liu Chick Markley T.Shpeisman S.Kamil S.Beamer H.Cook E.Gonina J.Harper J.Morlan S.Tu N.Lanham B.Trushkowsky J.Trutna
Talks about:
system (4) scale (4) network (3) languag (3) larg (3) techniqu (2) recoveri (2) softwar (2) problem (2) perform (2)
Person: Armando Fox
DBLP: Fox:Armando
Contributed to:
Wrote 18 papers:
- CSCW-2015-CoetzeeLFHH #interactive #learning #scalability
- Structuring Interactions for Large-Scale Synchronous Peer Learning (DC, SL, AF, BH, MAH), pp. 1139–1152.
- CSCW-2014-CoetzeeFHH #question
- Should your MOOC forum use a reputation system? (DC, AF, MAH, BH), pp. 1176–1187.
- ITiCSE-2014-McKinseyJFG #online #programming
- Remote pair programming (RPP) in massively open online courses (MOOCs) (JM, SJ, AF, DDG), p. 340.
- SIGMOD-2013-ArmbrustLKFFP #incremental #independence
- Generalized scale independence through incremental precomputation (MA, EL, TK, AF, MJF, DAP), pp. 625–636.
- PPoPP-2012-KamilCBCGHMF #domain-specific language #effectiveness #embedded #parallel #performance
- Portable parallel performance from sequential, productive, embedded domain-specific languages (SK, DC, SB, HC, EG, JH, JM, AF), pp. 303–304.
- VLDB-2012-ArmbrustCKFFP11 #in the cloud #named #query
- PIQL: Success-Tolerant Query Processing in the Cloud (MA, KC, TK, AF, MJF, DAP), pp. 181–192.
- ICML-2010-XuHFPJ #detection #mining #problem #scalability
- Detecting Large-Scale System Problems by Mining Console Logs (WX, LH, AF, DAP, MIJ), pp. 37–46.
- SIGMOD-2010-ArmbrustTFFPLTT #named #performance #query
- PIQL: a performance insightful query language (MA, ST, AF, MJF, DAP, NL, BT, JT), pp. 1207–1210.
- SOSP-2009-XuHFPJ #detection #mining #problem #scalability
- Detecting large-scale system problems by mining console logs (WX, LH, AF, DAP, MIJ), pp. 117–132.
- ICSE-2005-Fox #dependence #machine learning #statistics
- Addressing software dependability with statistical and machine learning techniques (AF), p. 8.
- SOSP-2005-CohenZGSKF #clustering
- Capturing, indexing, clustering, and retrieving system history (IC, SZ, MG, JS, TK, AF), pp. 105–118.
- OSDI-2004-CandeaKFFF #named
- Microreboot — A Technique for Cheap Recovery (GC, SK, YF, GF, AF), pp. 31–44.
- VLDB-2002-Fox #towards
- Toward Recovery-Oriented Computing (AF), pp. 873–876.
- SOSP-1997-FoxGCB #clustering #network #scalability
- Cluster-Based Scalable Network Services (AF, SDG, YC, EAB, PG), pp. 78–91.
- ASPLOS-1996-FoxGBA #adaptation #network #on-demand #variability
- Adapting to Network and Client Variability via On-Demand Dynamic Distillation (AF, SDG, EAB, EA), pp. 160–170.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-RenYHFK #development #towards
- Towards quantifying the development value of code contributions (JR, HY, QH, AF, WK), pp. 775–779.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-GuerreroFJF0MR #agile #development #framework #named
- Eagle: a team practices audit framework for agile software development (AG, RF, AJ, AF, PF0, CM, ARC), pp. 1139–1143.
- PLDI-2016-TruongBTLMFS #compilation #named #network #performance #runtime
- Latte: a language, compiler, and runtime for elegant and efficient deep neural networks (LT, RB, ET, HL, CM, AF, TS), pp. 209–223.