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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Israel
1 × Turkey
13 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Fox R.H.Katz M.J.Franklin G.A.Gibson D.E.Culler R.Y.Wang T.E.Anderson M.Armbrust W.Xu L.Huang M.I.Jordan R.H.Arpaci-Dusseau A.C.Arpaci-Dusseau J.M.Hellerstein Z.Tan K.Asanovic T.Kraska R.M.Karp D.L.Oppenheimer J.R.Albrecht A.Vahdat M.Stonebraker J.K.Ousterhout Z.Qian X.Chen L.Hellerstein E.Liang K.Curtis M.Dahlin J.M.Neefe D.S.Roselli A.Waterman R.Avizienis Y.Lee H.Cook S.Tu N.Lanham B.Trushkowsky J.Trutna A.Sahay K.E.Schauser E.E.Santos R.Subramonian T.v.Eicken F.A.Nothaft M.Massie T.Danford Z.Zhang U.Laserson C.Yeksigian J.Kottalam A.Ahuja J.Hammerbacher M.Linderman A.D.Joseph
Talks about:
system (5) scale (4) log (4) network (3) comput (3) larg (3) disk (3) architectur (2) workstat (2) problem (2)

Person: David A. Patterson

DBLP DBLP: Patterson:David_A=

Facilitated 1 volumes:


Contributed to:

ASPLOS 20152015
SIGMOD 20152015
SIGMOD 20132013
VLDB 20122011
DAC 20102010
ICML 20102010
SIGMOD 20102010
SOSP 20092009
HPDC 20052005
HPCA 20022002
OSDI 19991999
HPCA 19981998
SIGMOD 19971997
SOSP 19951995
PPoPP 19931993
ASPLOS 19891989
SIGMOD 19881988
VLDB 19881988

Wrote 18 papers:

ASPLOS-2015-TanQCAP #named #network #using
DIABLO: A Warehouse-Scale Computer Network Simulator using FPGAs (ZT, ZQ, XC, KA, DAP), pp. 207–221.
SIGMOD-2015-NothaftMDZLYKAH #data-driven #scalability #using
Rethinking Data-Intensive Science Using Scalable Analytics Systems (FAN, MM, TD, ZZ, UL, CY, JK, AA, JH, ML, MJF, ADJ, DAP), pp. 631–646.
SIGMOD-2013-ArmbrustLKFFP #incremental #independence
Generalized scale independence through incremental precomputation (MA, EL, TK, AF, MJF, DAP), pp. 625–636.
VLDB-2012-ArmbrustCKFFP11 #in the cloud #named #query
PIQL: Success-Tolerant Query Processing in the Cloud (MA, KC, TK, AF, MJF, DAP), pp. 181–192.
DAC-2010-TanWALCPA #architecture #multi
RAMP gold: an FPGA-based architecture simulator for multiprocessors (ZT, AW, RA, YL, HC, DAP, KA), pp. 463–468.
ICML-2010-XuHFPJ #detection #mining #problem #scalability
Detecting Large-Scale System Problems by Mining Console Logs (WX, LH, AF, DAP, MIJ), pp. 37–46.
SIGMOD-2010-ArmbrustTFFPLTT #named #performance #query
PIQL: a performance insightful query language (MA, ST, AF, MJF, DAP, NL, BT, JT), pp. 1207–1210.
SOSP-2009-XuHFPJ #detection #mining #problem #scalability
Detecting large-scale system problems by mining console logs (WX, LH, AF, DAP, MIJ), pp. 117–132.
HPDC-2005-OppenheimerAPV #design #implementation #resource management #trade-off
Design and implementation tradeoffs for wide-area resource discovery (DLO, JRA, DAP, AV), pp. 113–124.
HPCA-2002-Patterson #research
Recovery Oriented Computing: A New Research Agenda for a New Century (DAP), p. 247.
OSDI-1999-WangAP #file system #programmable
Virtual Log Based File Systems for a Programmable Disk (RYW, TEA, DAP), pp. 29–43.
HPCA-1998-Arpaci-DusseauACHP #architecture #clustering #comparison #streaming
The Architectural Costs of Streaming I/O: A Comparison of Workstations, Clusters, and SMPs (RHAD, ACAD, DEC, JMH, DAP), pp. 90–101.
SIGMOD-1997-Arpaci-DusseauACHP #network #sorting
High-Performance Sorting on Networks of Workstations (ACAD, RHAD, DEC, JMH, DAP), pp. 243–254.
SOSP-1995-AndersonDNPRW #file system #network
Serverless Network File Systems (TEA, MD, JMN, DAP, DSR, RYW), pp. 109–126.
PPoPP-1993-CullerKPSSSSE #named #parallel #towards
LogP: Towards a Realistic Model of Parallel Computation (DEC, RMK, DAP, AS, KES, EES, RS, TvE), pp. 1–12.
ASPLOS-1989-GibsonHKKP #array #scalability
Failure Correction Techniques for Large Disk Arrays (GAG, LH, RMK, RHK, DAP), pp. 123–132.
SIGMOD-1988-PattersonGK #array
A Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) (DAP, GAG, RHK), pp. 109–116.
VLDB-1988-StonebrakerKPO #design
The Design of XPRS (MS, RHK, DAP, JKO), pp. 318–330.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.