Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × USA
3 × Germany
Collaborated with:
J.Kuper M.Wiggers M.Bekooij P.K.F.Hölzenspies T.Krol Y.Guo P.J.M.Havinga J.Hurink A.B.J.Kokkeler M.A.J.Rosien H.Broersma P.M.Heysters M.E.T.Gerards J.L.Hurink T.D.t.Braak
Talks about:
time (4) applic (3) heterogen (2) communic (2) spatial (2) system (2) comput (2) buffer (2) graph (2) capac (2)
Person: Gerard J. M. Smit
DBLP: Smit:Gerard_J=_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- PDP-2014-GerardsHHKS
- Analytic Clock Frequency Selection for Global DVFS (METG, JLH, PKFH, JK, GJMS), pp. 512–519.
- DATE-2010-BraakHKHS #realtime #resource management #runtime
- Run-time spatial resource management for real-time applications on heterogeneous MPSoCs (TDtB, PKFH, JK, JH, GJMS), pp. 357–362.
- DATE-2008-HolzenspiesHKS #multi #runtime #streaming
- Run-time Spatial Mapping of Streaming Applications to a Heterogeneous Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSOC) (PKFH, JH, JK, GJMS), pp. 212–217.
- DATE-2008-WiggersBS #communication #throughput
- Computation of Buffer Capacities for Throughput Constrained and Data Dependent Inter-Task Communication (MW, MB, GJMS), pp. 640–645.
- DAC-2007-WiggersBS #data flow #graph #performance
- Efficient Computation of Buffer Capacities for Cyclo-Static Dataflow Graphs (MW, MB, GJMS), pp. 658–663.
- DATE-2007-KokkelerSKK #detection
- Cyclostationary feature detection on a tiled-SoC (ABJK, GJMS, TK, JK), pp. 171–176.
- DATE-2003-RosienGSK
- Mapping Applications to an FPFA Tile (MAJR, YG, GJMS, TK), pp. 11124–11125.
- LCTES-2003-GuoSBH #algorithm #configuration management #graph
- A graph covering algorithm for a coarse grain reconfigurable system (YG, GJMS, HB, PMH), pp. 199–208.
- PDP-1994-SmitH #architecture #multi #realtime
- A Switch Architecture For Real-time Multimedia Communications (GJMS, PJMH), pp. 438–444.