Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × India
1 × Poland
1 × Sweden
13 × USA
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × Japan
3 × Belgium
3 × Portugal
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
E.Pontelli H.Guo B.Jayaraman N.Saeedloei Q.Wang K.Marple A.Bansal L.Simon A.Mallya R.Min V.S.Costa D.Ranjan D.Tang S.F.Akhter ∅ M.V.Hermenegildo A.I.Karshmer M.Leuschel R.Vaupel J.R.Iglesias B.Milligan S.Kona M.B.Blake M.Liu K.Villaverde F.Pulvirenti A.Ferro M.Carro R.Yang N.Datta O.El-Khatib M.Noamany X.Zhou
Talks about:
program (19) logic (16) parallel (15) implement (7) coinduct (6) dynam (5) semant (4) execut (4) direct (4) optim (4)
Person: Gopal Gupta
DBLP: Gupta:Gopal
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 39 papers:
- ICLP-J-2014-MarpleG #consistency #programming #set
- Dynamic Consistency Checking in Goal-Directed Answer Set Programming (KM, GG), pp. 415–427.
- FLOPS-2012-SaeedloeiG #constraints #induction #logic programming
- Coinductive Constraint Logic Programming (NS, GG), pp. 243–259.
- LOPSTR-2012-MarpleG #named #set
- Galliwasp: A Goal-Directed Answer Set Solver (KM, GG), pp. 122–136.
- PPDP-2012-MarpleBMG #execution #set #source code
- Goal-directed execution of answer set programs (KM, AB, RM, GG), pp. 35–44.
- ICLP-2010-SaeedloeiG10 #definite clause grammar
- Timed Definite Clause Ω-Grammars (NS, GG), pp. 212–221.
- LATA-2010-SaeedloeiG #induction #realtime #verification
- Verifying Complex Continuous Real-Time Systems with Coinductive CLP(R) (NS, GG), pp. 536–548.
- SEKE-2010-BansalKBG #composition #non-functional #weaving #web #web service
- Weaving Functional and Non-Functional Attributes for Dynamic Web Service Composition (AB, SK, MBB, GG), pp. 247–252.
- LOPSTR-2009-MinG #induction #logic programming
- Coinductive Logic Programming with Negation (RM, GG), pp. 97–112.
- ICALP-2007-SimonBMG #induction #logic programming
- Co-Logic Programming: Extending Logic Programming with Coinduction (LS, AB, AM, GG), pp. 472–483.
- ICLP-2007-GuptaBMSM #induction #logic programming
- Coinductive Logic Programming and Its Applications (GG, AB, RM, LS, AM), pp. 27–44.
- ICLP-2006-SimonMBG #induction #logic programming
- Coinductive Logic Programming (LS, AM, AB, GG), pp. 330–345.
- LOPSTR-2005-SimonMG #design #implementation #realtime
- Design and Implementation of AT: A Real-Time Action Description Language (LS, AM, GG), pp. 44–60.
- PADL-2005-WangGL #code generation #continuation #logic #semantics #towards
- Towards Provably Correct Code Generation via Horn Logical Continuation Semantics (QW, GG, ML), pp. 98–112.
- PPDP-2005-GuoJGL #optimisation
- Optimization with mode-directed preferences (HFG, BJ, GG, ML), pp. 242–251.
- SAC-2005-WangG #approach #domain-specific language #framework #implementation #prototype #semantics
- Rapidly prototyping implementation infrastructure of domain specific languages: a semantics-based approach (QW, GG), pp. 1419–1426.
- PADL-2004-GuoG #programming
- Simplifying Dynamic Programming via Tabling (HFG, GG), pp. 163–177.
- ICLP-2003-GuoG
- A New Mode Declaration for Tabled Predicates (HFG, GG), pp. 485–486.
- LOPSTR-2003-WangG #continuation #horn clause #semantics
- Continuation Semantics as Horn Clauses (QW, GG), pp. 176–177.
- PADL-2002-GuptaGKPIRMDENZ #logic programming #question #semantics
- Semantics-Based Filtering: Logic Programming’s Killer App? (GG, HFG, AIK, EP, JRI, DR, BM, ND, OEK, MN, XZ), pp. 82–100.
- ICLP-2001-GuoG #implementation #logic programming #order
- A Simple Scheme for Implementing Tabled Logic Programming Systems Based on Dynamic Reordering of Alternatives (HFG, GG), pp. 181–196.
- ICLP-2001-VillaverdePGG #architecture #implementation #named #prolog
- PALS: An Or-Parallel Implementation of Prolog on Beowulf Architectures (KV, EP, HFG, GG), pp. 27–42.
- PADL-2001-IglesiasGPRM #approach #logic programming #tool support
- Interoperability between Bioinformatics Tools: A Logic Programming Approach (JRI, GG, EP, DR, BM), pp. 153–168.
- PADL-2000-GuptaA #constraints #interface #named #source code #spreadsheet #visual notation
- Knowledgesheet: A Graphical Spreadsheet Interface for Interactively Developing a Class of Constraint Programs (GG, SFA), pp. 308–323.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-KarshmerPG #interface
- Software technology and computer interfaces for the disabled: non-visual WWW browsing (AIK, EP, GG), pp. 792–796.
- ICLP-1999-GuptaP #distributed #memory management #named
- Stack-splitting: Or-/And-parallelism on Distributed Memory Machines (GG, EP), pp. 290–304.
- ALP-PLILP-1998-PontelliRG #complexity #object-oriented
- The Complexity of Late-Binding in Dynamic Object-Oriented Languages (EP, DR, GG), pp. 213–229.
- JICSLP-1998-Gupta #logic
- Horn Logic Denotations (GG), pp. 357–358.
- ICLP-1997-PontelliG #implementation
- Implementation Mechanisms for Dependent And-Parallelism (EP, GG), pp. 123–137.
- ICLP-1997-PontelliGPF #automation #parallel #prolog #source code
- Automatic Compile-time Parallelization of Prolog Programs for Dependent And-Parallelism (EP, GG, FP, AF), pp. 108–122.
- ICLP-1997-VaupelGP #execution #logic programming #source code #visualisation
- Visualization of And/Or-Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (RV, EP, GG), pp. 271–285.
- ICLP-1995-GuptaCP #array #logic programming #parallel
- Shared Paged Binding Array: A Universal Datastructure for Parallel Logic Programming (GG, VSC, EP), p. 824.
- ICLP-1995-PontelliGT #implementation #optimisation #prolog
- Determinacy Driven Optimizations of And-Parallel Prolog Implementations (EP, GG, DT), pp. 615–629.
- ICLP-1994-GuptaHPC #execution #logic programming #named #source code
- ACE: And/Or-parallel Copying-based Execution of Logic Programs (GG, MVH, EP, VSC), pp. 93–109.
- ILPS-1994-TangPGC #backtracking #logic programming #optimisation #parallel #performance
- Last Parallel Call Optimization and Fast Backtracking in And-parallel Logic Programming Systems (DT, EP, GG, MC), pp. 683–684.
- ISLP-1991-GuptaCYH #independence #named
- IDIOM: Integrating Dependent And-, Independent And-, and Or-parallelism (GG, VSC, RY, MVH), pp. 152–166.
- NACLP-1990-GuptaJ #implementation #optimisation #parallel
- Optimizing And-Or Parallel Implementations (GG, BJ), pp. 605–623.
- NACLP-1990-GuptaJ90a #execution #logic programming #modelling #on the #source code
- On Criteria for Or-Parallel Execution Models of Logic Programs (GG, BJ), pp. 737–756.
- NACLP-1989-GuptaJ #memory management #parallel
- Combined And-Or Parallelism on Shared Memory Multiprocessors (GG, BJ), pp. 332–349.