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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × China
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
1 × UK
1 × United Kingdom
10 × USA
4 × Canada
Collaborated with:
Y.Liu A.Liu M.A.Babar L.Zhu P.Tran J.Haack J.Almquist L.Bass N.B.Bui J.Klein N.A.Ernst A.Wynne X.Wu A.Nurgaliev P.Fornasier J.Webber B.Kitchenham Y.Chen S.Jin J.Chatterton A.Tang J.Han S.Chen B.Buhnova C.A.Szyperski S.Bellomo I.Ozkaya R.L.Nord C.Lansing T.Elsethagen K.K.v.Dam J.Chase A.Chappell C.Hoang S.Abanmi T.Al-Naeem F.A.Rabhi B.Benatallah N.Cramer M.Hoza Ruochen Xu Y.Yang H.Liu G.Zheng Laila Alhmoud Joel Gao Caglayan Gemici Rajat Kapoor Prasanth Nair Varun Saravagi
Talks about:
architectur (13) applic (9) softwar (8) evalu (6) perform (5) system (5) experi (5) compon (5) use (5) enterpris (4)

♂ Person: Ian Gorton

DBLP DBLP: Gorton:Ian

Facilitated 22 volumes:

CBSE 2015SCo
CBSE 2014PrCo
CBSE 2014SCo
CBSE 2013PrCo
CBSE 2013SCo
ASE 2012ExpertReviewPa
ASE 2012PrBoard
CBSE 2012PrCo
CBSE 2012SCo
ASE 2011ExpertReviewPa
ASE 2011PrBoard
CBSE 2011PrCo
CBSE 2011SCo
CBSE 2010PrCo
ECSA 2010Ed
QoSA 2009Ed
CBSE 2008PrCo
CBSE 2008SCo
CBSE 2007PrCo
CBSE 2007SCo
CBSE 2006Ed
CBSE 2006PrCh

Contributed to:

ESEC/FSE 20152015
QoSA 20152015
WICSA 20152015
CBSE 20132013
SEKE 20112011
CBSE 20092009
QoSA 20082008
WICSA 20082008
CBSE 20072007
ICSE 20072007
QoSA 20072007
WICSA 20072007
ICSE 20062006
QoSA 20062006
CBSE 20052005
ICSE 20052005
WICSA 20052005
ICSE 20042004
EDOC 20032003
CBSE 20022002
ICSE 20022002
TOOLS Europe 20012001
ICEIS 20002000
PDP 19971997
WICSA 20162016
ICSA 20172017
ICSA 20182018

Wrote 33 papers:

ESEC-FSE-2015-ErnstBONG #technical debt
Measure it? Manage it? Ignore it? software practitioners and technical debt (NAE, SB, IO, RLN, IG), pp. 50–60.
QoSA-2015-WuLG #architecture #modelling #performance
Exploring Performance Models of Hadoop Applications on Cloud Architecture (XW, YL, IG), pp. 93–101.
WICSA-2015-GortonKN #architecture #database #scalability
Architecture Knowledge for Evaluating Scalable Databases (IG, JK, AN), pp. 95–104.
CBSE-2013-GortonLLED #case study #component #experience #platform #using
Build less code deliver more science: an experience report on composing scientific environments using component-based and commodity software platforms (IG, YL, CL, TE, KKvD), pp. 159–168.
SEKE-2011-LiuGCJ #architecture #design #distributed #grid #power management #realtime
Designing a Distributed Systems Architecture Testbed for Real-Time Power Grid Systems (YL, IG, YC, SJ), pp. 268–271.
CBSE-2009-GortonCWAC #component #data-driven #workflow
Services + Components = Data Intensive Scientific Workflow Applications with MeDICi (IG, JC, AW, JA, AC), pp. 227–241.
QoSA-2008-LiuBG #architecture #evaluation #middleware #self
Middleware Architecture Evaluation for Dependable Self-managing Systems (YL, MAB, IG), pp. 189–204.
WICSA-2008-Gorton #architecture #challenge #data-driven
Software Architecture Challenges for Data Intensive Computing (IG), pp. 4–6.
WICSA-2008-GortonWAC #data type #framework #integration #performance #platform #streaming
The MeDICi Integration Framework: A Platform for High Performance Data Streaming Applications (IG, AW, JA, JC), pp. 95–104.
CBSE-2007-FornasierWG #component #composition #named #programming #runtime #using
Soya: A Programming Model and Runtime Environment for Component Composition Using SSDL (PF, JW, IG), pp. 227–241.
CBSE-2007-LiuZG #assessment #case study #experience #performance
Performance Assessment for e-Government Services: An Experience Report (YL, LZ, IG), pp. 74–89.
ICSE-2007-ZhuLBG #capacity #modelling #named
Revel8or: Model Driven Capacity Planning Tool Suite (LZ, YL, NBB, IG), pp. 797–800.
QoSA-2007-BabarBG #architecture #empirical #evaluation #industrial
Factors Influencing Industrial Practices of Software Architecture Evaluation: An Empirical Investigation (MAB, LB, IG), pp. 90–107.
WICSA-2007-GortonB #architecture #challenge #concept #information management
Architecture Knowledge Management: Concepts, Technologies, Challenges (IG, MAB), p. 31.
ICSE-2006-BabarKG #architecture #assessment #distributed #evaluation #process #towards
Towards a distributed software architecture evaluation process: a preliminary assessment (MAB, BK, IG), pp. 845–848.
QoSA-2006-LiuGBHA #architecture #middleware #named
MEMS: A Method for Evaluating Middleware Architectures (YL, IG, LB, CH, SA), pp. 9–26.
CBSE-2005-LiuG #performance #predict #protocol #using
Performance Prediction of J2EE Applications Using Messaging Protocols (YL, IG), pp. 1–16.
ICSE-2005-Al-NaeemGBRB #approach #architecture #distributed #quality
A quality-driven systematic approach for architecting distributed software applications (TAN, IG, MAB, FAR, BB), pp. 244–253.
ICSE-2005-GortonL #architecture #dot-net #enterprise #integration
An architects guide to enterprise application integration with J2EE and .NET (IG, AL), pp. 726–727.
ICSE-2005-GortonZ #architecture #case study #evaluation #experience #re-engineering #tool support
Tool support for just-in-time architecture reconstruction and evaluation: an experience report (IG, LZ), pp. 514–523.
WICSA-2005-TangBGH #architecture #design #documentation #overview
A Survey of the Use and Documentation of Architecture Design Rationale (AT, MAB, IG, JH), pp. 89–98.
WICSA-2005-ZhuLGB #benchmark #generative #metric #using
Customized Benchmark Generation Using MDA (LZ, YL, IG, NBB), pp. 35–44.
ICSE-2004-GortonH #architecture #case study #experience #nondeterminism
Architecting in the Face of Uncertainty: An Experience Report (IG, JH), pp. 543–551.
ICSE-2004-GortonL #architecture #enterprise #integration
Architectures and Technologies for Enterprise Application Integration (IG, AL), pp. 726–727.
EDOC-2003-GortonACHH #performance #scalability
An Efficient, Scalable Content-Based Messaging System (IG, JA, NC, JH, MH), pp. 278–287.
CBSE-2002-ChenGLL #component #enterprise #off the shelf #performance #predict
Performance Prediction of COTS Component-based Enterprise Applications (SC, IG, AL, YL), p. 7.
ICSE-2002-GortonL #assessment #component #quality
Software component quality assessment in practice: successes and practical impediments (IG, AL), pp. 555–558.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-TranG #corba #scalability #transaction
Analyzing the Scalability of Transactional CORBA Applications (PT, IG), pp. 102–110.
ICEIS-2000-GortonT #comprehension #enterprise #middleware
Understanding Enterprise Middleware Technology (IG, PT), p. XXXIII-XXXVI.
PDP-1997-LiuG #design #distributed #object-oriented
Designing distributed object systems with PARSE (AL, IG), pp. 335–342.
WICSA-2016-KleinGAGGKNS #big data #modelling
Model-Driven Observability for Big Data Storage (JK, IG, LA, JG, CG, RK, PN, VS), pp. 134–139.
ICSA-2017-GortonXYLZ #architecture #knowledge base #towards
Experiments in Curation: Towards Machine-Assisted Construction of Software Architecture Knowledge Bases (IG, RX, YY, HL, GZ), pp. 79–88.
Message from the General Chair and PC Chairs of ICSA 2018 (IG, BB, NAE, CAS), p. ix.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.