Travelled to:
1 × USA
2 × France
Collaborated with:
J.Henkel M.A.A.Faruque S.Pagani S.Kobbe J.Chen
Talks about:
core (3) architectur (2) softwar (2) pipelin (2) mani (2) configur (1) pipelet (1) context (1) system (1) runtim (1)
Person: Janmartin Jahn
DBLP: Jahn:Janmartin
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-2013-JahnPKCH #configuration management #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Optimizations for configuring and mapping software pipelines in many core systems (JJ, SP, SK, JJC, JH), p. 8.
- DATE-2013-JahnH #architecture #manycore #named #pipes and filters #self
- Pipelets: self-organizing software pipelines for many-core architectures (JJ, JH), pp. 1516–1521.
- DATE-2011-JahnFH #adaptation #architecture #migration #multi #named #runtime
- CARAT: Context-aware runtime adaptive task migration for multi core architectures (JJ, MAAF, JH), pp. 515–520.