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Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × Israel
1 × Japan
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
2 × France
2 × India
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Denmark
3 × Spain
6 × Italy
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.A.d.Waal J.C.Peralta G.Puebla H.Saglam K.S.Henriksen B.Kafle M.Bruynooghe E.Albert G.Banda H.Christiansen L.Lafave B.Martens J.Cook E.I.Marakakis T.Schrijvers W.V.Humbeeck M.V.Hermenegildo D.Boulanger J.F.Morales M.Gómez-Zamalloa S.Craig M.Leuschel S.Genaim M.Codish V.Lagoon
Talks about:
program (25) logic (18) analysi (12) base (11) abstract (8) type (8) use (7) specialis (6) regular (6) partial (6)

Person: John P. Gallagher

DBLP DBLP: Gallagher:John_P=

Facilitated 5 volumes:

ICLP 2011Ed
ICLP 2011Ed
PEPM 2010Ed
PEPM 1997Ed

Contributed to:

PEPM 20152015
VMCAI 20152015
LOPSTR 20112011
ICLP 20092009
LOPSTR 20082008
LOPSTR 20072007
SCAM 20062006
ICLP 20052005
LOPSTR 20052005
SAS 20052005
ICLP 20042004
LOPSTR 20042004
LOPSTR 20032003
LOPSTR 20022002
PADL 20022002
VMCAI 20022002
PEPM 20002000
LOPSTR 19991999
PEPM 19991999
SAS 19981998
LOPSTR 19971997
ICLP 19951995
ILPS 19951995
PPDP 19951995
CADE 19941994
ICLP 19941994
LOPSTR/META 19941994
ILPS 19931993
PEPM 19931993
LOPSTR 19921992
WSA 19921992
LOPSTR 19911991
ICLP 19901990
CAV (1) 20162016

Wrote 38 papers:

PEPM-2015-KafleG #constraints #horn clause #verification
Constraint Specialisation in Horn Clause Verification (BK, JPG), pp. 85–90.
VMCAI-2015-KafleG #horn clause #refinement #verification
Tree Automata-Based Refinement with Application to Horn Clause Verification (BK, JPG), pp. 209–226.
LOPSTR-2011-Gallagher #analysis #logic programming #source code #using
Analysis of Logic Programs Using Regular Tree Languages — (JPG), pp. 1–3.
Non-discriminating Arguments and Their Uses (HC, JPG), pp. 55–69.
LOPSTR-2008-BandaG #analysis #hybrid #linear
Analysis of Linear Hybrid Systems in CLP (GB, JPG), pp. 55–70.
LOPSTR-2008-SchrijversBG #polymorphism
From Monomorphic to Polymorphic Well-Typings and Beyond (TS, MB, JPG), pp. 152–167.
LOPSTR-2007-AlbertGGP #online #partial evaluation #type system
Type-Based Homeomorphic Embedding and Its Applications to Online Partial Evaluation (EA, JPG, MGZ, GP), pp. 23–42.
SCAM-2006-HenriksenG #abstract interpretation #logic programming #source code
Abstract Interpretation of PIC Programs through Logic Programming (KSH, JPG), pp. 184–196.
ICLP-2005-GallagherHB #analysis #scalability
Techniques for Scaling Up Analyses Based on Pre-interpretations (JPG, KSH, GB), pp. 280–296.
LOPSTR-2005-AlbertPG #logic programming #partial evaluation #source code
Non-leftmost Unfolding in Partial Evaluation of Logic Programs with Impure Predicates (EA, GP, JPG), pp. 115–132.
LOPSTR-2005-GallagherPA #abstract domain #type system
Converting One Type-Based Abstract Domain to Another (JPG, GP, EA), pp. 147–162.
SAS-2005-BruynoogheGH #analysis #logic programming #source code #termination
Inference of Well-Typings for Logic Programs with Application to Termination Analysis (MB, JPG, WVH), pp. 35–51.
ICLP-2004-GallagherH #abstract domain
Abstract Domains Based on Regular Types (JPG, KSH), pp. 27–42.
LOPSTR-2004-CraigGLH #analysis #automation #prolog
Fully Automatic Binding-Time Analysis for Prolog (SJC, JPG, ML, KSH), pp. 53–68.
LOPSTR-2003-Gallagher #analysis #logic programming #program transformation #source code
A Program Transformation for Backwards Analysis of Logic Programs (JPG), pp. 92–105.
LOPSTR-2002-PeraltaG #abstraction #source code
Convex Hull Abstractions in Specialization of CLP Programs (JCP, JPG), pp. 90–108.
PADL-2002-GallagherP #abstract interpretation #analysis #automaton #finite #logic programming #nondeterminism #source code
Abstract Interpretation over Non-deterministic Finite Tree Automata for Set-Based Analysis of Logic Programs (JPG, GP), pp. 243–261.
VMCAI-2002-GenaimCGL #termination
Combining Norms to Prove Termination (SG, MC, JPG, VL), pp. 126–138.
PEPM-2000-GallagherP #approximate #using
Using Regular Approximations for Generalisation During Partial Evalution (JPG, JCP), pp. 44–51.
LOPSTR-1999-PeraltaG #approach #imperative #using
Imperative Program Specialisation: An Approach Using CLP (JCP, JPG), pp. 102–117.
PEPM-1999-PueblaHG #abstract interpretation #framework #integration #partial evaluation
An Integration of Partial Evaluation in a Generic Abstract Interpretation Framework (GP, MVH, JPG), pp. 75–84.
SAS-1998-PeraltaGS #analysis #constraints #imperative #logic programming #source code
Analysis of Imperative Programs through Analysis of Constraint Logic Programs (JCP, JPG, HS), pp. 246–261.
LOPSTR-1997-LafaveG #constraints #functional #logic programming #partial evaluation #source code
Constraint-Based Partial Evaluation of Rewriting-Based Functional Logic Programs (LL, JPG), pp. 168–188.
LOPSTR-1997-SaglamG #approximate #logic programming #source code
Constrained Regular Approximation of Logic Programs (HS, JPG), pp. 282–299.
ICLP-1995-MartensG #deduction #flexibility #termination
Ensuring Global Termination of Partial Deduction while Allowing Flexible Polyvariance (BM, JPG), pp. 597–611.
ILPS-1995-GallagherBS #logic programming #modelling #source code #static analysis
Practical Model-Based Static Analysis for Definite Logic Programs (JPG, DB, HS), pp. 351–365.
PLILP-1995-SaglamG #approximate #constraints #logic programming #polymorphism #source code #using
Approximating Constraint Logic Programs Using Polymorphic Types and Regular Descriptions (HS, JPG), pp. 461–462.
CADE-1994-WaalG #logic programming #program analysis #program transformation #proving #theorem proving
The Applicability of Logic Program Analysis and Transformation to Theorem Proving (DAdW, JPG), pp. 207–221.
ICLP-1994-GallagherW #approximate #logic programming #performance #precise #source code
Fast and Precise Regular Approximations of Logic Programs (JPG, DAdW), pp. 599–613.
LOPSTR-1994-CookG #analysis #source code #termination
A Transformation System for Definite Programs Based on Termination Analysis (JC, JPG), pp. 51–68.
LOPSTR-1994-MarakakisG #data type #design #logic programming #source code #top-down #using
Schema-Based Top-Down Design of Logic Programs Using Abstract Data Types (EIM, JPG), pp. 138–153.
ILPS-1993-WaalG #logic programming
Logic Program Specialisation With Deletion of Useless Clauses (DAdW, JPG), p. 632.
PEPM-1993-Gallagher #logic programming #source code #tutorial
Tutorial on Specialisation of Logic Programs (JPG), pp. 88–98.
LOPSTR-1992-GallagherW #logic programming #source code
Deletion of Redundant Unary Type Predicates from Logic Programs (JPG, DAdW), pp. 151–167.
WSA-1992-Gallagher #logic programming #specification #static analysis
Static Analysis for Logic Program Specification (JPG), pp. 285–294.
LOPSTR-1991-WaalG #algorithm #unification
Specialisation of a Unification Algorithm (DAdW, JPG), pp. 205–220.
CLP-1990-GallagherB90 #algorithm
The Derivation of an Algorithm for Program Specialisation (JPG, MB), pp. 732–746.
CAV-2016-KafleGM #abstract interpretation #automaton #finite #horn clause #named #using #verification
Rahft: A Tool for Verifying Horn Clauses Using Abstract Interpretation and Finite Tree Automata (BK, JPG, JFM), pp. 261–268.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.