Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Denmark
1 × Poland
2 × Belgium
2 × Canada
2 × France
2 × Japan
2 × Spain
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Portugal
4 × Italy
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Demoen B.C.d.S.Oliveira ∅ G.Karachalias M.Bruynooghe B.Desouter M.Sulzmann J.Sneyers N.Wu B.Sarna-Starosta S.L.P.Jones F.Degrave W.Vanhoof L.D.Koninck M.Jaskelioff B.Delaware S.Keuchel M.Triska X.Bi P.J.Stuckey D.Vytiniotis J.Wielemaker D.A.Orchard A.Mycroft A.Serebrenik D.S.Warren Alexander Vandenbroucke M.v.Dooren E.Rivas D.Campagna P.Pilozzi J.P.Gallagher G.J.Duck M.J.G.d.l.Banda S.Weirich R.Hinze E.Robbins A.King T.Winant D.Devriese F.Piessens M.M.T.Chakravarty V.S.Costa P.V.Weert A.H.Saleh M.Pretnar N.Xie K.Pauwels M.Derhaeg M.Piróg G.Tack P.Wuille H.Samulowitz W.Choi W.Lee K.Yi R.S.Bird J.Gibbons S.Mehner J.Voigtländer G.Bottu P.Wadler
Talks about:
constraint (11) type (9) rule (7) chr (7) function (6) prolog (6) handl (6) monad (5) program (4) polymorph (3)
Person: Tom Schrijvers
DBLP: Schrijvers:Tom
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 52 papers:
- ICFP-2015-KarachaliasSVJ #data type #lazy evaluation #pattern matching
- GADTs meet their match: pattern-matching warnings that account for GADTs, guards, and laziness (GK, TS, DV, SLPJ), pp. 424–436.
- ICLP-J-2015-DesouterDS #library
- Tabling as a library with delimited control (BD, MvD, TS), pp. 419–433.
- PPDP-2015-RivasJS #monad
- From monoids to near-semirings: the essence of MonadPlus and alternative (ER, MJ, TS), pp. 196–207.
- PADL-2014-WinantDPS #haskell
- Partial Type Signatures for Haskell (TW, DD, FP, TS), pp. 17–32.
- PPDP-2014-SchrijversWDD #functional #heuristic #implementation #logic programming #specification
- Heuristics Entwined with Handlers Combined: From Functional Specification to Logic Programming Implementation (TS, NW, BD, BD), pp. 259–270.
- ICFP-2013-DelawareKSO #composition #monad
- Modular monadic meta-theory (BD, SK, TS, BCdSO), pp. 319–330.
- ICLP-J-2013-SchrijversDDW #continuation #prolog
- Delimited continuations for prolog (TS, BD, BD, JW), pp. 533–546.
- POPL-2013-DelawareOS
- Meta-theory à la carte (BD, BCdSO, TS), pp. 207–218.
- LOPSTR-2012-SchrijversTWSS #combinator
- An Introduction to Search Combinators (TS, GT, PW, HS, PJS), pp. 2–16.
- PADL-2012-CampagnaSS #approximate #constraints #datalog #difference #optimisation
- Optimizing Inequality Joins in Datalog with Approximated Constraint Propagation (DC, BSS, TS), pp. 108–122.
- PLDI-2012-OliveiraSCLY #calculus #programming
- The implicit calculus: a new foundation for generic programming (BCdSO, TS, WC, WL, KY), pp. 35–44.
- PPDP-2012-SchrijversTD #named
- Tor: extensible search with hookable disjunction (TS, MT, BD), pp. 103–114.
- PPDP-J-2012-SchrijversDTD14 #composition #named
- Tor: Modular search with hookable disjunction (TS, BD, MT, BD), pp. 101–120.
- ICFP-2011-SchrijversO #monad #stack
- Monads, zippers and views: virtualizing the monad stack (TS, BCdSO), pp. 32–44.
- FLOPS-2010-OrchardS #constraints #haskell
- Haskell Type Constraints Unleashed (DAO, TS), pp. 56–71.
- SAS-2010-SchrijversM #data flow #strict
- Strictness Meets Data Flow (TS, AM), pp. 439–454.
- ICFP-2009-SchrijversJSV #data type #decidability #type inference
- Complete and decidable type inference for GADTs (TS, SLPJ, MS, DV), pp. 341–352.
- ICLP-2009-Sarna-StarostaS
- Attributed Data for CHR Indexing (BSS, TS), pp. 357–371.
- LOPSTR-2009-DegraveSV #constraints #framework #generative #testing #towards
- Towards a Framework for Constraint-Based Test Case Generation (FD, TS, WV), pp. 128–142.
- LOPSTR-2009-PilozziSB #approach #constraints #proving
- A Transformational Approach for Proving Properties of the CHR Constraint Store (PP, TS, MB), pp. 22–36.
- ICFP-2008-SchrijversJCS #type checking
- Type checking with open type functions (TS, SLPJ, MMTC, MS), pp. 51–62.
- ICLP-2008-Schrijvers #constraints
- Constraint Handling Rules (TS), pp. 9–10.
- ICLP-2008-SchrijversCWD #prolog #towards
- Towards Typed Prolog (TS, VSC, JW, BD), pp. 693–697.
- ICLP-2008-SchrijversD #community #prolog
- Uniting the Prolog Community (TS, BD), pp. 7–8.
- ICLP-2008-SchrijversS #constraints #transaction
- Transactions in Constraint Handling Rules (TS, MS), pp. 516–530.
- LOPSTR-2008-DegraveSV #automation #generative #testing
- Automatic Generation of Test Inputs for Mercury (FD, TS, WV), pp. 71–86.
- LOPSTR-2008-SchrijversBG #polymorphism
- From Monomorphic to Polymorphic Well-Typings and Beyond (TS, MB, JPG), pp. 152–167.
- ICLP-2007-KoninckSD #algorithm #logic
- The Correspondence Between the Logical Algorithms Language and CHR (LDK, TS, BD), pp. 209–223.
- ICLP-2007-SneyersWSD #constraints
- Aggregates in Constraint Handling Rules (JS, PVW, TS, BD), pp. 446–448.
- PPDP-2007-KoninckSD
- User-definable rule priorities for CHR (LDK, TS, BD), pp. 25–36.
- ICLP-2006-SneyersSD #memory management #reuse
- Memory Reuse for CHR (JS, TS, BD), pp. 72–86.
- PPDP-2006-SchrijversB #algebra #data type #polymorphism #re-engineering
- Polymorphic algebraic data type reconstruction (TS, MB), pp. 85–96.
- ICLP-2005-Schrijvers #analysis #constraints #optimisation #summary
- Analyses, Optimizations and Extensions of Constraint Handling Rules: Ph.D. Summary (TS), pp. 435–436.
- ICLP-2005-SneyersSD #continuation #optimisation
- Guard and Continuation Optimization for Occurrence Representations of CHR (JS, TS, BD), pp. 83–97.
- PPDP-2005-SchrijversSD #abstract interpretation #constraints
- Abstract interpretation for constraint handling rules (TS, PJS, GJD), pp. 218–229.
- ICLP-2004-Schrijvers #generative #java #memory management #named #prolog
- JmmSolve: A Generative Java Memory Model Implemented in Prolog and CHR (TS), pp. 475–476.
- ICLP-2004-SchrijversS #prolog #refactoring #source code
- Improving Prolog Programs: Refactoring for Prolog (TS, AS), pp. 58–72.
- ICLP-2004-SchrijversW #constraints #execution
- Constraint Handling Rules and Tabled Execution (TS, DSW), pp. 120–136.
- ICLP-2002-SchrijversBD #analysis
- Trailing Analysis for HAL (TS, MJGdlB, BD), pp. 38–53.
- PPDP-2002-SchrijversD #analysis
- Combining an improvement to PARMA trailing with trailing analysis (TS, BD), pp. 88–98.
- ESOP-2016-KeuchelWS
- Needle & Knot: Binder Boilerplate Tied Up (SK, SW, TS), pp. 419–445.
- ESOP-2018-SalehKPS #type system
- Explicit Effect Subtyping (AHS, GK, MP, TS), pp. 327–354.
- ESOP-2019-BiXOS #composition #morphism #polymorphism #programming
- Distributive Disjoint Polymorphism for Compositional Programming (XB, NX, BCdSO, TS), pp. 381–409.
- Haskell-2013-BirdGMVS #comprehension #traversal
- Understanding idiomatic traversals backwards and forwards (RSB, JG, SM, JV, TS), pp. 25–36.
- Haskell-2014-WuSH
- Effect handlers in scope (NW, TS, RH), pp. 1–12.
- Haskell-2017-BottuKSOW #constraints #quantifier
- Quantified class constraints (GJB, GK, TS, BCdSO, PW), pp. 148–161.
- Haskell-2017-KarachaliasS #dependence #exclamation #functional
- Elaboration on functional dependencies: functional dependencies are dead, long live functional dependencies! (GK, TS), pp. 133–147.
- Haskell-2019-PauwelsKDS #bidirectional
- Bidirectional type class instances (KP, GK, MD, TS), pp. 30–43.
- Haskell-2019-SchrijversPWJ #algebra #composition #monad #what
- Monad transformers and modular algebraic effects: what binds them together (TS, MP, NW, MJ), pp. 98–113.
- ECOOP-2018-BiOS #composition
- The Essence of Nested Composition (XB, BCdSO, TS), p. 33.
- POPL-2016-RobbinsKS #data type #decompiler #recursion #semantics
- From MinX to MinC: semantics-driven decompilation of recursive datatypes (ER, AK, TS), pp. 191–203.
- POPL-2020-VandenbrouckeS #functional #named #probability
- PλωNK: functional probabilistic NetKAT (AV, TS), p. 27.