Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × Denmark
1 × Hungary
1 × Lithuania
1 × Romania
1 × Switzerland
2 × Estonia
2 × Spain
2 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
5 × Italy
Collaborated with:
D.Insa S.Tamarit G.Vidal M.Llorens J.Oliver C.Tomás J.G.Ramos ∅ O.Chitil C.Herrero M.Leuschel J.González K.F.Sagonas A.Riesco J.M.Almendros-Jiménez C.Ochoa I.Ramos J.Á.Carsí S.Fischer G.Arroyo B.Braßel M.Hanus F.Huch
Talks about:
algorithm (8) debug (7) program (5) graph (4) partial (3) slice (3) evalu (3) tree (3) csp (3) strategi (2)
Person: Josep Silva
DBLP: Silva:Josep
Contributed to:
Wrote 24 papers:
- ITiCSE-2015-InsaS #assessment #automation #domain-specific language #java #library
- Semi-Automatic Assessment of Unrestrained Java Code: A Library, a DSL, and a Workbench to Assess Exams and Exercises (DI, JS), pp. 39–44.
- ITiCSE-2013-HerreroLOST #student
- The influence of students distribution on their grades (CH, ML, JO, JS, ST), p. 316.
- ITiCSE-2013-HerreroLOST13a #analysis #empirical #performance
- An empirical analysis of the influence of classmates on the academic performance (CH, ML, JO, JS, ST), p. 328.
- LOPSTR-2013-GonzalezIS #architecture #debugging #eclipse #hybrid
- A New Hybrid Debugging Architecture for Eclipse (JG, DI, JS), pp. 183–201.
- PEPM-2013-SagonasST #fault #precise #type system
- Precise explanation of success typing errors (KFS, JS, ST), pp. 33–42.
- TAP-2013-InsaSR #algorithm #debugging #execution #using
- Speeding Up Algorithmic Debugging Using Balanced Execution Trees (DI, JS, AR), pp. 133–151.
- FASE-2012-SilvaTT #dependence #erlang #graph
- System Dependence Graphs in Sequential Erlang (JS, ST, CT), pp. 486–500.
- LOPSTR-2012-InsaST #debugging #declarative
- Enhancing Declarative Debugging with Loop Expansion and Tree Compression (DI, JS, CT), pp. 71–88.
- ASE-2011-InsaS #algorithm #debugging
- An optimal strategy for algorithmic debugging (DI, JS), pp. 203–212.
- CIKM-2011-Almendros-JimenezST #optimisation #slicing #xquery
- XQuery optimization based on program slicing (JMAJ, JS, ST), pp. 1525–1534.
- ICSM-2010-InsaS #algorithm #debugging #java
- An algorithmic debugger for Java (DI, JS), pp. 1–6.
- LOPSTR-2010-InsaS #algorithm #debugging #execution #scalability
- Scaling Up Algorithmic Debugging with Virtual Execution Trees (DI, JS), pp. 149–163.
- LOPSTR-2010-LlorensOST #csp #generative #graph #process
- Graph Generation to Statically Represent CSP Processes (ML, JO, JS, ST), pp. 52–66.
- SAC-2010-LlorensOST #algorithm #control flow #graph
- An algorithm to generate the context-sensitive synchronized control flow graph (ML, JO, JS, ST), pp. 2144–2148.
- PEPM-2009-LeuschelLOST #csp #named #slicing #specification
- SOC: a slicer for CSP specifications (ML, ML, JO, JS, ST), pp. 165–168.
- LOPSTR-2008-LeuschelLOST #csp #specification #static analysis
- The MEB and CEB Static Analysis for CSP Specifications (ML, ML, JO, JS, ST), pp. 103–118.
- LOPSTR-2007-FischerSTV #functional #lazy evaluation #partial evaluation #source code
- Preserving Sharing in the Partial Evaluation of Lazy Functional Programs (SF, JS, ST, GV), pp. 74–89.
- LOPSTR-2006-ArroyoRSV #graph #partial evaluation #using
- Improving Offline Narrowing-Driven Partial Evaluation Using Size-Change Graphs (GA, JGR, JS, GV), pp. 60–76.
- LOPSTR-2006-Silva #algorithm #case study #comparative #debugging
- A Comparative Study of Algorithmic Debugging Strategies (JS), pp. 143–159.
- PPDP-2006-SilvaC #algorithm #debugging #slicing
- Combining algorithmic debugging and program slicing (JS, OC), pp. 157–166.
- ICFP-2005-RamosSV #partial evaluation #performance #source code
- Fast narrowing-driven partial evaluation for inductively sequential programs (JGR, JS, GV), pp. 228–239.
- LOPSTR-2004-BrasselHHSV #functional #logic programming #profiling #runtime #source code
- Run-Time Profiling of Functional Logic Programs (BB, MH, FH, JS, GV), pp. 182–197.
- PEPM-2004-OchoaSV #slicing
- Dynamic slicing based on redex trails (CO, JS, GV), pp. 123–134.
- ICSM-2002-SilvaRC #algorithm #concept
- An Algorithm to Compare OO-Conceptual Schemas (JS, IR, JÁC), pp. 351–358.