Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Greece
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
I.D.Walker Carlos Henrique De Aguiar Alexander Bernard A.Threatt J.Merino J.O.Brooks A.Soleimani D.C.Herro C.Gardner-McCune S.Healy P.M.Yanik J.Manganelli Reza Fateminasab Chase G. Frazelle R.Scott Y.Wang Michael B. Wooten
Talks about:
storytel (2) result (2) physic (2) assist (2) robot (2) participatori (1) environmenl (1) cyberplayc (1) technolog (1) distribut (1)
Person: Keith Evan Green
DBLP: Green:Keith_Evan
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- LCT-2015-SoleimaniGHWG #empirical
- CyberPLAYce, A Cyber-Physical-Spatial Storytelling Tool: Results from an Empirical Study with 8-10-Year-Old Storytellers (AS, KEG, DCH, IDW, CGM), pp. 438–446.
- CHI-2014-ThreattMGWBH #design #evaluation #process
- An assistive robotic table for older and post-stroke adults: results from participatory design and evaluation activities with clinical staff (AT, JM, KEG, IDW, JOB, SH), pp. 673–682.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-YanikTMMBGW #gesture #learning
- A Method for Lifelong Gesture Learning Based on Growing Neural Gas (PMY, AT, JM, JM, JOB, KEG, IDW), pp. 191–202.
- CASE-2016-AguiarFFSWWGW #distributed
- The networked, robotic home+ furniture suite: A distributed, assistive technology facilitating aging in place (CHDA, RF, CGF, RS, YW, MBW, KEG, IDW), pp. 1067–1072.
- CASE-2018-BernardAG #3d #configuration management #physics
- Model for a Rigid, 3D Mechanism Inspired by Pop-Up Origami, and its Application to a Re-configurable, Physical Environmenl (AB, CHDA, KEG), pp. 1146–1151.