Travelled to:
1 × China
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Martino A.Spagnolli R.Baù M.Ferron F.Scarpetta A.Spoto B.Kirman S.W.Lawson C.Linehan A.Gaggioli
Talks about:
social (3) feedback (2) effect (2) activ (2) multiplay (1) videogam (1) systemat (1) structur (1) facebook (1) contextu (1)
Person: Luciano Gamberini
DBLP: Gamberini:Luciano
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- OCSC-2011-GamberiniMSBF #feedback #network #process #quote #social
- “Your Team Cohesion is Low”: A Systematic Study of the Effects of Social Network Feedback on Mediated Activity (LG, FM, AS, RB, MF), pp. 172–181.
- CHI-2010-KirmanLLMGG #facebook #game studies #information management #social
- Improving social game engagement on facebook through enhanced socio-contextual information (BK, SWL, CL, FM, LG, AG), pp. 1753–1756.
- OCSC-2007-GamberiniMSSS #communication #feedback #game studies #multi #online #process #social
- Unveiling the Structure: Effects of Social Feedback on Communication Activity in Online Multiplayer Videogames (LG, FM, FS, AS, AS), pp. 334–341.