Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × South Korea
1 × USA
2 × Canada
Collaborated with:
B.Lee B.Alper R.A.Metoyer M.Czerwinski T.Höllerer F.Amini C.Hurter P.Irani B.Bach T.Isenberg J.Fekete C.Dunne G.G.Robertson N.Moraveji M.R.Morris D.Morris
Talks about:
visual (3) understand (2) structur (2) search (2) graph (2) data (2) cinematographi (1) comparison (1) multivari (1) heterogen (1)
Person: Nathalie Henry Riche
DBLP: Riche:Nathalie_Henry
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- CHI-2015-AminiRLHI #comprehension #lens #visualisation
- Understanding Data Videos: Looking at Narrative Visualization through the Cinematography Lens (FA, NHR, BL, CH, PI), pp. 1459–1468.
- CHI-2014-AlperRH #case study #diagrams #visual notation
- Structuring the space: a study on enriching node-link diagrams with visual references (BA, NHR, TH), pp. 1825–1834.
- CHI-2013-AlperBRIF #analysis #comparison #graph
- Weighted graph comparison techniques for brain connectivity analysis (BA, BB, NHR, TI, JDF), pp. 483–492.
- CHI-2012-DunneRLMR #multi #named #network #scalability
- GraphTrail: analyzing large multivariate, heterogeneous networks while supporting exploration history (CD, NHR, BL, RAM, GGR), pp. 1663–1672.
- CHI-2012-MetoyerLRC #comprehension #visualisation
- Understanding the verbal language and structure of end-user descriptions of data visualizations (RAM, BL, NHR, MC), pp. 1659–1662.
- CHI-2011-MoravejiMMCR #development #learning #named #social #web
- ClassSearch: facilitating the development of web search skills through social learning (NM, MRM, DM, MC, NHR), pp. 1797–1806.