Travelled to:
1 × South Korea
2 × Canada
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.G.Robertson A.Kapoor D.S.Tan N.H.Riche G.Smith S.M.Drucker R.A.Metoyer M.Czerwinski S.Amershi R.Mahajan P.Chi A.Kumar T.Paek A.K.Karlson T.M.Chilimbi E.Horvitz H.Song B.H.Kim J.Seo J.Talbot F.Amini C.Hurter P.Irani E.K.Choe N.B.Lee W.Pratt J.A.Kientz C.Dunne B.Christian B.B.Bederson R.M.Sherman P.S.Herrnson R.G.Niemi M.Chickering P.Y.Simard J.Suh A.J.B.Brush S.Agarwal S.Saroiu C.Dixon G.Venolia J.C.Tang R.Cervantes S.Bly K.Inkpen
Talks about:
visual (5) understand (3) interact (3) support (3) machin (3) data (3) structur (2) perform (2) network (2) languag (2)
Person: Bongshin Lee
DBLP: Lee:Bongshin
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- CHI-2015-AmershiCDLSS #analysis #machine learning #named #performance #tool support
- ModelTracker: Redesigning Performance Analysis Tools for Machine Learning (SA, MC, SMD, BL, PYS, JS), pp. 337–346.
- CHI-2015-AminiRLHI #comprehension #lens #visualisation
- Understanding Data Videos: Looking at Narrative Visualization through the Cinematography Lens (FA, NHR, BL, CH, PI), pp. 1459–1468.
- CHI-2014-ChiLD #named
- DemoWiz: re-performing software demonstrations for a live presentation (PYC, BL, SMD), pp. 1581–1590.
- CHI-2014-ChoeLLPK #comprehension
- Understanding quantified-selfers’ practices in collecting and exploring personal data (EKC, NBL, BL, WP, JAK), pp. 1143–1152.
- CHI-2012-DunneRLMR #multi #named #network #scalability
- GraphTrail: analyzing large multivariate, heterogeneous networks while supporting exploration history (CD, NHR, BL, RAM, GGR), pp. 1663–1672.
- CHI-2012-KumarPL #interactive #speech #type system
- Voice typing: a new speech interaction model for dictation on touchscreen devices (AK, TP, BL), pp. 2277–2286.
- CHI-2012-MetoyerLRC #comprehension #visualisation
- Understanding the verbal language and structure of end-user descriptions of data visualizations (RAM, BL, NHR, MC), pp. 1659–1662.
- CHI-2011-AmershiLKMC #named #network #performance
- CueT: human-guided fast and accurate network alarm triage (SA, BL, AK, RM, BC), pp. 157–166.
- CHI-2011-BrushLMASD #automation #challenge
- Home automation in the wild: challenges and opportunities (AJBB, BL, RM, SA, SS, CD), pp. 2115–2124.
- CHI-2011-KarlsonSL #ecosystem #experience #version control
- Which version is this?: improving the desktop experience within a copy-aware computing ecosystem (AKK, GS, BL), pp. 2669–2678.
- CHI-2010-KapoorLTH #classification #interactive #optimisation
- Interactive optimization for steering machine classification (AK, BL, DST, EH), pp. 1343–1352.
- CHI-2010-SongKLS #comparative #evaluation #scalability #visualisation
- A comparative evaluation on tree visualization methods for hierarchical structures with large fan-outs (HS, BHK, BL, JS), pp. 223–232.
- CHI-2010-VenoliaTCBRLI #social
- Embodied social proxy: mediating interpersonal connection in hub-and-satellite teams (GV, JCT, RC, SB, GGR, BL, KI), pp. 1049–1058.
- SOFTVIS-2010-RobertsonCL #memory management #named #visualisation
- AllocRay: memory allocation visualization for unmanaged languages (GGR, TMC, BL), pp. 43–52.
- CHI-2009-LeeSRCT #dataset #named #roadmap
- FacetLens: exposing trends and relationships to support sensemaking within faceted datasets (BL, GS, GGR, MC, DST), pp. 1293–1302.
- CHI-2009-TalbotLKT #classification #interactive #machine learning #multi #named #visualisation
- EnsembleMatrix: interactive visualization to support machine learning with multiple classifiers (JT, BL, AK, DST), pp. 1283–1292.
- CHI-2003-BedersonLSHN #usability
- Electronic voting system usability issues (BBB, BL, RMS, PSH, RGN), pp. 145–152.