Travelled to:
1 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Ducheneaut Thomas Debeauvais B.A.Nardi E.Nickell R.J.Moore D.J.Schiano M.Wen G.Wadley C.V.Lopes B.Begole T.Matsumoto W.Zhang J.Liu M.Chu
Talks about:
world (5) warcraft (4) social (2) design (2) studi (2) onlin (2) look (2) gold (2) game (2) fit (2)
Person: Nicholas Yee
DBLP: Yee:Nicholas
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- CHI-2009-DucheneautWYW #case study #personalisation
- Body and mind: a study of avatar personalization in three virtual worlds (ND, MHW, NY, GW), pp. 1151–1160.
- HCI-VAD-2009-BegoleMZYLC #challenge #design #interactive
- Designed to Fit: Challenges of Interaction Design for Clothes Fitting Room Technologies (BB, TM, WZ, NY, JL, MC), pp. 448–457.
- CHI-2007-DucheneautYNM #community #game studies #online
- The life and death of online gaming communities: a look at guilds in world of warcraft (ND, NY, EN, RJM), pp. 839–848.
- CHI-2006-DucheneautYNM #game studies #multi #online #quote #social
- “Alone together?”: exploring the social dynamics of massively multiplayer online games (ND, NY, EN, RJM), pp. 407–416.
- FDG-2011-DebeauvaisNSDY
- If you build it they might stay: retention mechanisms in World of Warcraft (TD, BAN, DJS, ND, NY), pp. 180–187.
- FDG-2011-SchianoNDDY #social
- A new look at World of Warcraft's social landscape (DJS, BAN, TD, ND, NY), pp. 174–179.
- FDG-2012-DebeauvaisNLYD #case study
- 10, 000 gold for 20 dollars: an exploratory study of World of Warcraft gold buyers (TD, BAN, CVL, NY, ND), pp. 105–112.