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Collaborated with:
M.T.Kandemir Y.Chen H.Song X.Sun E.Chan R.A.v.d.Geijn W.Gropp R.B.Ross P.Balaji W.Feng X.Ma A.Vo S.S.Vakkalanka M.Delisi G.Gopalakrishnan R.M.Kirby M.Vilayannur P.H.Carns A.Sivasubramaniam J.S.Archuleta H.Lin R.Kettimuthu A.N.Choudhary H.S.Nagesh J.No X.Shen V.E.Taylor S.More A.M.Aji L.S.Panwar F.Ji M.Chabbi K.Murthy K.R.Bisset J.Dinan J.M.Mellor-Crummey H.Yu R.K.Sahoo C.Howson G.Almasi J.G.Castaños M.Gupta J.E.Moreira J.J.Parker T.Engelsiepen R.Latham W.D.Gropp
Talks about:
perform (3) distribut (2) scientif (2) communic (2) collect (2) high (2) mpi (2) supercomput (1) architectur (1) strategi (1)

Person: Rajeev Thakur

DBLP DBLP: Thakur:Rajeev

Contributed to:

HPDC 20132013
HPDC 20102010
PPoPP 20092009
PPoPP 20082008
HPCA 20062006
PPoPP 20062006
PDP 20042004
HPDC 19991999

Wrote 8 papers:

HPDC-2013-AjiPJCMBBDFMMT #on the
On the efficacy of GPU-integrated MPI for scientific applications (AMA, LSP, FJ, MC, KM, PB, KRB, JD, WcF, JMMC, XM, RT), pp. 191–202.
HPDC-2010-ChenSTS #optimisation
A layout-aware optimization strategy for collective I/O (YC, HS, RT, XHS), pp. 360–363.
PPoPP-2009-VoVDGKT #source code #verification
Formal verification of practical MPI programs (AV, SSV, MD, GG, RMK, RT), pp. 261–270.
PPoPP-2008-BalajiFALKTM #distributed #semantics
Semantics-based distributed I/O for mpiBLAST (PB, WcF, JSA, HL, RK, RT, XM), pp. 293–294.
HPCA-2006-YuSHACGMPERTLG #performance
High performance file I/O for the Blue Gene/L supercomputer (HY, RKS, CH, GA, JGC, MG, JEM, JJP, TE, RBR, RT, RL, WDG), pp. 187–196.
PPoPP-2006-ChanGGT #architecture #communication #multi
Collective communication on architectures that support simultaneous communication over multiple links (EC, RAvdG, WG, RT), pp. 2–11.
PDP-2004-VilayannurRCTSK #interface #on the #performance
On the Performance of the POSIX I/O Interface to PVFS (MV, RBR, PHC, RT, AS, MTK), pp. 332–339.
HPDC-1999-ChoudharyKNNSTMT #data transformation #distributed #performance #scalability
Data Management for Large-Scale Scientific Computations in High Performance Distributed Systems (ANC, MTK, HSN, JN, XS, VET, SM, RT), pp. 263–272.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.