Travelled to:
3 × Germany
Collaborated with:
T.Stripf J.Becker L.Bauer M.Shafique W.Ahmed J.Henkel
Talks about:
architectur (2) kahrisma (2) novel (2) reconfigur (1) hypermorph (1) transform (1) arbitrari (1) algorithm (1) instruct (1) approxim (1)
Person: Ralf König
DBLP: K=ouml=nig:Ralf
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DATE-2012-StripfKB #approximate #architecture
- A cycle-approximate, mixed-ISA simulator for the KAHRISMA architecture (TS, RK, JB), pp. 21–26.
- DATE-2010-KoenigBSSABH #architecture #configuration management #multi #named #novel
- KAHRISMA: A novel Hypermorphic Reconfigurable-Instruction-Set Multi-grained-Array architecture (RK, LB, TS, MS, WA, JB, JH), pp. 819–824.
- DATE-2008-KoenigSB #algorithm #novel #recursion
- A Novel Recursive Algorithm for Bit-Efficient Realization of Arbitrary Length Inverse Modified Cosine Transforms (RK, TS, JB), pp. 604–609.