131 papers:
CASE-2015-AcarS #design #fault- Discrete event supervisor design and application for manufacturing systems with arbitrary faults and repairs (ANA, KWS), pp. 825–830.
DAC-2015-BockHKS #algorithm #modelling- Local search algorithms for timing-driven placement under arbitrary delay models (AB, SH, NK, US), p. 6.
STOC-2015-Bresler #graph #learning #modelling- Efficiently Learning Ising Models on Arbitrary Graphs (GB), pp. 771–782.
STOC-2015-LiRSS #learning #statistics- Learning Arbitrary Statistical Mixtures of Discrete Distributions (JL, YR, LJS, CS), pp. 743–752.
DHM-EH-2015-EndoTM #estimation #modelling- Estimation of Arbitrary Human Models from Anthropometric Dimensions (YE, MT, MM), pp. 3–14.
ASPLOS-2015-SungA #named #performance- DeNovoSync: Efficient Support for Arbitrary Synchronization without Writer-Initiated Invalidations (HS, SVA), pp. 545–559.
DAC-2014-WangX #on the #performance #simulation- On the Simulation of NBTI-Induced Performance Degradation Considering Arbitrary Temperature and Voltage Variations (TW, QX), p. 6.
DATE-2014-MottaghiRD #framework #named #network #performance- RETLab: A fast design-automation framework for arbitrary RET networks (MDM, AR, CD), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-WangLXCP #energy #hybrid- Minimizing state-of-health degradation in hybrid electrical energy storage systems with arbitrary source and load profiles (YW, XL, QX, NC, MP), pp. 1–4.
STOC-2014-EisentragerHK0 #algorithm #quantum- A quantum algorithm for computing the unit group of an arbitrary degree number field (KE, SH, AK, FS), pp. 293–302.
STOC-2014-Neeman #testing- Testing surface area with arbitrary accuracy (JN), pp. 393–397.
KDIR-2014-BigdeliMRM #clustering #summary- Arbitrary Shape Cluster Summarization with Gaussian Mixture Model (EB, MM, BR, SM), pp. 43–52.
KR-2014-Dyrkolbotn #how #set #using- How to Argue for Anything: Enforcing Arbitrary Sets of Labellings using AFs (SKD).
OOPSLA-2014-BerganGC #execution #parallel #source code #symbolic computation #thread- Symbolic execution of multithreaded programs from arbitrary program contexts (TB, DG, LC), pp. 491–506.
ICLP-J-2014-CaropreseTTZ #abduction- A Measure of Arbitrariness in Abductive Explanations (LC, IT, MT, EZ), pp. 665–679.
DATE-2013-NeukirchnerQMAE #analysis #realtime- Sensitivity analysis for arbitrary activation patterns in real-time systems (MN, SQ, TM, PA, RE), pp. 135–140.
ICDAR-2013-WangUL #recognition- Part-Based Recognition of Arbitrary Fonts (SW, SU, ML), pp. 170–174.
VLDB-2013-Bartos #modelling #similarity- Universal Indexing of Arbitrary Similarity Models (TB), pp. 1392–1397.
ICALP-v1-2013-Grier #finite #game studies- Deciding the Winner of an Arbitrary Finite Poset Game Is PSPACE-Complete (DG), pp. 497–503.
SAC-2013-JancewiczKMRS #execution- Malicious takeover of voting systems: arbitrary code execution on optical scan voting terminals (RJJ, AK, LDM, AR, AAS), pp. 1816–1823.
LICS-2013-Hales #logic #synthesis- Arbitrary Action Model Logic and Action Model Synthesis (JH), pp. 253–262.
CASE-2012-GhonaimGS #on the #problem- On the assignment problem of arbitrary processing time operations in partially overlapping manufacturing resources (WG, HG, WS), pp. 341–346.
DATE-2012-AxerSE #bound #probability- Probabilistic response time bound for CAN messages with arbitrary deadlines (PA, MS, RE), pp. 1114–1117.
STOC-2012-GalHKPV #bound- Tight bounds on computing error-correcting codes by bounded-depth circuits with arbitrary gates (AG, KAH, MK, PP, EV), pp. 479–494.
ICALP-v2-2012-KaneMSS #data type- Counting Arbitrary Subgraphs in Data Streams (DMK, KM, TS, HS), pp. 598–609.
GT-VMT-2012-Taentzer #generative #graph #multi- Instance Generation from Type Graphs with Arbitrary Multiplicities (GT).
SAS-2011-EsparzaG #abstraction #probability- Probabilistic Abstractions with Arbitrary Domains (JE, AG), pp. 334–350.
ICALP-v2-2011-AndersonMSS #first-order #invariant #locality #logic #query- Locality of Queries Definable in Invariant First-Order Logic with Arbitrary Built-in Predicates (MA, DvM, NS, LS), pp. 368–379.
HCI-MIIE-2011-BraunK #identification #smarttech- Passive Identification and Control of Arbitrary Devices in Smart Environments (AB, FK), pp. 147–154.
CIKM-2011-LangeN11a #composition #metric #performance #similarity- Efficient similarity search: arbitrary similarity measures, arbitrary composition (DL, FN), pp. 1679–1688.
DATE-2010-WieckowskiSBCIPA #analysis #black box- A black box method for stability analysis of arbitrary SRAM cell structures (MW, DS, DB, VC, SI, CP, RCA), pp. 795–800.
DATE-2010-YeHL #fault #multi- Diagnosis of multiple arbitrary faults with mask and reinforcement effect (JY, YH, XL), pp. 885–890.
VLDB-2010-PD #metric #performance #retrieval #similarity- Efficient RkNN Retrieval with Arbitrary Non-Metric Similarity Measures (DP, PD), pp. 1243–1254.
STOC-2010-FraigniaudG #network #on the- On the searchability of small-world networks with arbitrary underlying structure (PF, GG), pp. 389–398.
DLT-2010-DrosteV #automaton #bound #logic #multi #theorem- Kleene and Büchi Theorems for Weighted Automata and Multi-valued Logics over Arbitrary Bounded Lattices (MD, HV), pp. 160–172.
ICPR-2010-Coeurjolly #approximate #performance- Fast and Accurate Approximation of the Euclidean Opening Function in Arbitrary Dimension (DC), pp. 229–232.
ICPR-2010-HoriKY #generative #image #multi #sequence #using- Arbitrary Stereoscopic View Generation Using Multiple Omnidirectional Image Sequences (MH, MK, NY), pp. 286–289.
KEOD-2010-NeumaierS #framework #representation- A Framework for Representing and Processing Arbitrary Mathematics (AN, PS), pp. 476–479.
ECMFA-2010-SchmidtPJF #component #library- An Integrated Facet-Based Library for Arbitrary Software Components (MS, JP, JJ, MAF), pp. 261–276.
SAC-2010-ChandaFP #classification #documentation- Structural handwritten and machine print classification for sparse content and arbitrary oriented document fragments (SC, KF, UP), pp. 18–22.
SAC-2010-Volz #metamodelling #representation- A meta model for representing arbitrary meta model hierarchies (BV), pp. 2371–2372.
SAT-2010-BubeckB #quantifier- Rewriting (Dependency-)Quantified 2-CNF with Arbitrary Free Literals into Existential 2-HORN (UB, HKB), pp. 58–70.
DAC-2009-El-MoselhyED #algorithm #performance- An efficient resistance sensitivity extraction algorithm for conductors of arbitrary shapes (TAEM, IME, BD), pp. 770–775.
DATE-2009-MilderHP #automation #generative #permutation #streaming- Automatic generation of streaming datapaths for arbitrary fixed permutations (PAM, JCH, MP), pp. 1118–1123.
DocEng-2009-PeroniV #order- Annotations with EARMARK for arbitrary, overlapping and out-of order markup (SP, FV), pp. 171–180.
ICALP-v1-2009-KoufogiannakisY #algorithm #approximate #constraints- Greedy Δ-Approximation Algorithm for Covering with Arbitrary Constraints and Submodular Cost (CK, NEY), pp. 634–652.
SLE-2009-Jugel #api #generative #library- Generating Smart Wrapper Libraries for Arbitrary APIs (UJ), pp. 354–373.
CASE-2008-BillerMMZ #modelling #reliability- Closed production lines with arbitrary models of machine reliability (SB, SPM, SMM, LZ), pp. 466–471.
DAC-2008-HeloueN #analysis #modelling- Parameterized timing analysis with general delay models and arbitrary variation sources (KRH, FNN), pp. 403–408.
DAC-2008-ImaiSNM #analysis #framework #parametricity #statistics- Non-parametric statistical static timing analysis: an SSTA framework for arbitrary distribution (MI, TS, NN, KM), pp. 698–701.
DATE-2008-KoenigSB #algorithm #novel #recursion- A Novel Recursive Algorithm for Bit-Efficient Realization of Arbitrary Length Inverse Modified Cosine Transforms (RK, TS, JB), pp. 604–609.
FLOPS-2008-Julien #induction #integer #using- Certified Exact Real Arithmetic Using Co-induction in Arbitrary Integer Base (NJ), pp. 48–63.
ICPR-2008-YousriKI #clustering #novel- A novel validity measure for clusters of arbitrary shapes and densities (NAY, MSK, MAI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangLDZ #documentation #image #segmentation- Arbitrary warped document image restoration based on segmentation and Thin-Plate Splines (YZ, CL, XD, YZ), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-LingMZS #mining #multi #topic- Mining multi-faceted overviews of arbitrary topics in a text collection (XL, QM, CZ, BRS), pp. 497–505.
ECMDA-FA-2008-GronmoSMK #aspect-oriented #interactive #semantics- A Semantics-Based Aspect Language for Interactions with the Arbitrary Events Symbol (RG, FS, BMP, SK), pp. 262–277.
DATE-2007-CucuG #multi #scheduling- Feasibility intervals for multiprocessor fixed-priority scheduling of arbitrary deadline periodic systems (LC, JG), pp. 1635–1640.
ICDAR-2007-MinagawaFTF #analysis #image #layout #logic- Logical Structure Analysis for Form Images with Arbitrary Layout by Belief Propagation (AM, YF, HT, KF), pp. 714–718.
CHI-2007-GrossmanKB #modelling- Modeling pointing at targets of arbitrary shapes (TG, NK, RB), pp. 463–472.
RTA-2007-HaemmerleF #confluence- Abstract Critical Pairs and Confluence of Arbitrary Binary Relations (RH, FF), pp. 214–228.
DATE-2006-MajidzadehS #design #higher-order #novel- Arbitrary design of high order noise transfer function for a novel class of reduced-sample-rate sigma-delta-pipeline ADCs (VM, OS), pp. 138–143.
SIGMOD-2006-AchtertBKKPR #metric #nearest neighbour #performance- Efficient reverse k-nearest neighbor search in arbitrary metric spaces (EA, CB, PK, PK, AP, MR), pp. 515–526.
VLDB-2006-KeoghWXLV #distance #metric- LB_Keogh Supports Exact Indexing of Shapes under Rotation Invariance with Arbitrary Representations and Distance Measures (EJK, LW, XX, SHL, MV), pp. 882–893.
ICPR-v1-2006-KimK06a #parametricity #using- Estimating Intrinsic Parameters of Cameras using Two Arbitrary Rectangles (JSK, ISK), pp. 707–710.
ICPR-v2-2006-YamadaS #invariant #recognition- Space-Time Moment Invariants and Recognition of Non-Rigid Motions from Arbitrary Viewpoints (TY, JS), pp. 990–993.
ICPR-v3-2006-HuW06a #representation- A Low-dimensional Illumination Space Representation of Human Faces for Arbitrary Lighting Conditions (YH, ZW), pp. 1147–1150.
KDD-2006-ZhaoZR #framework #mining #named- BLOSOM: a framework for mining arbitrary boolean expressions (LZ, MJZ, NR), pp. 827–832.
DATE-2005-BhuniaMRR #novel #testing- A Novel Low-overhead Delay Testing Technique for Arbitrary Two-Pattern Test Application (SB, HMM, AR, KR), pp. 1136–1141.
DATE-2005-WuRJ #energy #realtime #scheduling- Energy-Efficient, Utility Accrual Real-Time Scheduling Under the Unimodal Arbitrary Arrival Model (HW, BR, EDJ), pp. 474–479.
DocEng-2005-SilvaOMSMMG- Support for arbitrary regions in XSL-FO (ACBdS, JBSdO, FTMM, TBS, LLM, FRM, FG), pp. 64–73.
ICDAR-2005-ZhuN #network #online #recognition #segmentation- Segmentation of On-line Handwritten Japanese Text of Arbitrary Line Direction by a Neural Network for Improving Text Recognition (BZ, MN), pp. 157–161.
PODS-2005-AlonDLT #set- Estimating arbitrary subset sums with few probes (NA, NGD, CL, MT), pp. 317–325.
VLDB-2005-TaoCXNKP #multi #nondeterminism #probability- Indexing Multi-Dimensional Uncertain Data with Arbitrary Probability Density Functions (YT, RC, XX, WKN, BK, SP), pp. 922–933.
SAC-2005-SpohnG #network #problem #set #using- A solution for the location problem in arbitrary computer networks using generic dominating sets (MAS, JJGLA), pp. 739–743.
TLCA-2005-AehligMO #decidability #higher-order #monad #recursion- The Monadic Second Order Theory of Trees Given by Arbitrary Level-Two Recursion Schemes Is Decidable (KA, JGdM, CHLO), pp. 39–54.
DAC-2004-OrshanskyB #analysis #correlation #performance #statistics- Fast statistical timing analysis handling arbitrary delay correlations (MO, AB), pp. 337–342.
VLDB-2004-TaoPL- Reverse kNN Search in Arbitrary Dimensionality (YT, DP, XL), pp. 744–755.
ICPR-v1-2004-EwerthSTF #estimation- Estimation of Arbitrary Camera Motion in MPEG Videos (RE, MS, PT, BF), pp. 512–515.
ICPR-v1-2004-TsuiTC #image #metric #using- Metric Measurement on Arbitrary Planes in 2 Images Using the Conformal Point (PTT, HTT, WkC), pp. 108–111.
KR-2004-Shapiro #logic- A Logic of Arbitrary and Indefinite Objects (SCS), pp. 565–575.
SAC-2004-Tosun #clustering #query- Replicated declustering for arbitrary queries (AST), pp. 748–753.
DAC-2003-BullockM- An arbitrary twoqubit computation In 23 elementary gates or less (SSB, ILM), pp. 324–329.
ICDAR-2003-Breuel #algorithm #analysis #documentation #layout- An Algorithm for Finding Maximal Whitespace Rectangles at Arbitrary Orientations for Document Layout Analysis (TMB), pp. 66–70.
ICDAR-2003-KameyaMO #online #sequence #verification- Figure-Based Writer Verification by Matching between an Arbitrary Part of Registered Sequence and an Input Sequence Extracted from On-Line Handwritten Figures (HK, SM, RO), pp. 985–989.
VLDB-2003-ZhouS #clustering #metric- Data Bubbles for Non-Vector Data: Speeding-up Hierarchical Clustering in Arbitrary Metric Spaces (JZ, JS), pp. 452–463.
FoSSaCS-2003-BournezCNM #parallel #polynomial- Computability over an Arbitrary Structure. Sequential and Parallel Polynomial Time (OB, FC, PJdN, JYM), pp. 185–199.
STOC-2003-FakcharoenpholRT #approximate #bound #metric- A tight bound on approximating arbitrary metrics by tree metrics (JF, SR, KT), pp. 448–455.
PPDP-2003-DuckSBH #constraints- Extending arbitrary solvers with constraint handling rules (GJD, PJS, MJGdlB, CH), pp. 79–90.
PPoPP-2003-DeitzCCS #array #design #implementation #parallel- The design and implementation of a parallel array operator for the arbitrary remapping of data (SJD, BLC, SEC, LS), pp. 155–166.
DATE-2002-DessoukyS #array #automation #generative- Automatic Generation of Common-Centroid Capacitor Arrays with Arbitrary Capacitor Ratio (MD, DS), pp. 576–580.
DATE-2002-JerkeL #analysis #verification- Hierarchical Current Density Verification for Electromigration Analysis in Arbitrary Shaped Metallization Patterns of Analog Circuits (GJ, JL), pp. 464–469.
DATE-2002-LinCC #using- Arbitrary Convex and Concave Rectilinear Module Packing Using TCG (JML, HLC, YWC), pp. 69–75.
DATE-2002-PeyranZ #slicing- Transforming Arbitrary Structures into Topologically Equivalent Slicing Structures (OP, WZ), p. 1099.
ICEIS-2002-CarballoDC #architecture #internet- Thin Servers — An Architecture to Support Arbitrary Placement of Computation in the Internet (JCDyC, AD, RCHC), pp. 1080–1085.
ICPR-v3-2002-KimKKK #bound #sequence- Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions (SK, SK, JK, MK), pp. 355–358.
ICPR-v3-2002-TomiteYY #image #interactive #multi- Arbitrary Viewpoint Rendering from Multiple Omnidirectional Images for Interactive Walkthroughs (KT, KY, NY), pp. 987–990.
ICPR-v4-2002-MizoguchiS #invariant #video- Space-Time Invariants and Video Motion Extraction from Arbitrary Viewpoints (MM, JS), pp. 56–59.
KDD-2002-Frigui #approach #clustering #identification #named #performance #scalability #set- SyMP: an efficient clustering approach to identify clusters of arbitrary shapes in large data sets (HF), pp. 507–512.
SAC-2002-SampleBW- A comprehensive model for arbitrary result extraction (NS, DB, GW), pp. 314–321.
STOC-2001-RazS #bound #matrix- Lower bounds for matrix product, in bounded depth circuits with arbitrary gates (RR, AS), pp. 409–418.
STOC-2001-SanjeevK #learning- Learning mixtures of arbitrary gaussians (SA, RK), pp. 247–257.
ICALP-2001-BofillG #on the- On the Completeness of Arbitrary Selection Strategies for Paramodulation (MB, GG), pp. 951–962.
VLDB-2000-YiF #performance #sequence- Fast Time Sequence Indexing for Arbitrary Lp Norms (BKY, CF), pp. 385–394.
ICPR-v1-2000-PapaioannouKT #3d #re-engineering #recognition #segmentation- Segmentation and Surface Characterization of Arbitrary 3D Meshes for Object Reconstruction and Recognition (GP, EAK, TT), pp. 1734–1737.
ICPR-v3-2000-KletteZ #bound #fault #multi #order- Multigrid Error Bounds for Moments of Arbitrary Order (RK, JDZ), pp. 3790–3793.
ICDAR-1999-KiseMYM #automation #documentation #generative #hypermedia #keyword #on the- On the Use of Density Distribution of Keywords for Automated Generation of Hypertext Links from Arbitrary Parts of Documents (KK, HM, MY, KM), pp. 301–304.
STOC-1999-AndrewsZ #requirements- Packet Routing with Arbitrary End-to-End Delay Requirements (MA, LZ), pp. 557–565.
ICSE-1999-SinhaHR #control flow #interprocedural #slicing #source code- System-Dependence-Graph-Based Slicing of Programs with Arbitrary Interprocedural Control Flow (SS, MJH, GR), pp. 432–441.
FASE-1998-ReedJDR #analysis #automation #formal method #modelling #network- Automated Formal Analysis of Networks: FDR Models of Arbitrary Topologies and Flow-Control Mechanisms (JNR, DMJ, BD, GMR), pp. 239–254.
STOC-1998-Bartal #approximate #metric #on the- On Approximating Arbitrary Metrices by Tree Metrics (YB), pp. 161–168.
TAGT-1998-LlabresR #algebra #category theory- Pushout Complements for Arbitrary Partial Algebras (ML, FR), pp. 131–144.
ICPR-1998-StoddartB #multi #re-engineering #using- Surface reconstruction and compression using multiresolution arbitrary topology G1 continuous splines (AJS, MSB), pp. 788–791.
SAC-1998-GaberT #distributed #network #random- Randomized load distribution of arbitrary trees in distributed networks (JG, BT), pp. 564–568.
SAC-1998-WohlmuthM #communication #configuration management #parallel- A method for them embedding of arbitrary communication topologies into configurable parallel computers (OW, FML), pp. 569–574.
ASPLOS-1998-GhoshMM #analysis #precise #program transformation- Precise Miss Analysis for Program Transformations with Caches of Arbitrary Associativity (SG, MM, SM), pp. 228–239.
SIGIR-1997-SilversteinP #clustering #corpus #set- Almost-Constant-Time Clustering of Arbitrary Corpus Subsets (CS, JOP), pp. 60–66.
LICS-1997-Janin #automaton #calculus #fixpoint #reduction #theorem- Automata, Tableaus and a Reduction Theorem for Fixpoint Calculi in Arbitrary Complete Lattices (DJ), pp. 172–182.
PODS-1996-PagelS #query #question- Are Window Queries Representative for Arbitrary Range Queries? (BUP, HWS), pp. 150–160.
STOC-1996-BergerKL #3d #fault- Reconstructing a Three-Dimensional Model with Arbitrary Errors (BB, JMK, FTL), pp. 449–458.
STOC-1996-Mohar #graph #linear- Embedding Graphs in an Arbitrary Surface in Linear Time (BM), pp. 392–397.
STOC-1996-RabaniT #distributed #network- Distributed Packet Switching in Arbitrary Networks (YR, ÉT), pp. 366–375.
ICPR-1996-AguadoMN #fourier #geometry- Extracting arbitrary geometric primitives represented by Fourier descriptors (ASA, EM, MSN), pp. 547–551.
ICPR-1996-HoK #classification #complexity- Building projectable classifiers of arbitrary complexity (TKH, EMK), pp. 880–885.
PLILP-1995-Mohnen #data type #garbage collection #performance- Efficient Compile-Time Garbage Collection for Arbitrary Data Structures (MM), pp. 241–258.
LICS-1995-Simpson #composition #logic- Compositionality via Cut-Elimination: Hennessy-Milner Logic for an Arbitrary GSOS (AKS), pp. 420–430.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-MenziesS #black box #constraints #framework #how- How to Edit “It”; or: A “Black-box” Constraint-Based Framework for User-Interaction with Arbitrary Structures (TM, RS), pp. 213–224.
JICSLP-1992-QianW #higher-order- Higher-Order E-Unification for Arbitrary Theories (ZQ, KW), pp. 52–66.
CADE-1988-Schmidt-Schauss #equation #unification- Unification in a Combination of Arbitrary Disjoint Equational Theories (MSS), pp. 378–396.
STOC-1986-Mulmuley #algorithm #matrix #parallel #performance #rank- A Fast Parallel Algorithm to Compute the Rank of a Matrix over an Arbitrary Field (KM), pp. 338–339.
ICALP-1978-Restivo #monad #set- Some Decision Results for Recognizable Sets in Arbitrary Monoids (AR), pp. 363–371.
STOC-1969-HermanI- Computability over Arbitrary Fields (GTH, SDI), pp. 149–153.