Collaborated with:
Sarah Edenhofer Kristina Bucher ∅ Samuel Truman Jan Burkholz Daniel Roth 0001 A.Müller Kirsten Brukamp M.E.Latoschik Christopher Stifter Katharina Eckardt Julia Rauscher Frank Gaibler Simon Faber Robin Han Dominik Auer Simon Kerler Johannes Vilsmeier Nicolas Rapp Daniel Rapp Jonas Muller Juliane Axt Mareike Schmiedecke Andreas Knote Tim Blome Alexander Diefenbach Stefan Rudolph Julian Keil Manuel Schildknecht Katharina Anna Maria Heydn Marc Philipp Dietrich Marcus Barkowsky Götz Winterfeldt Andreas Nüchter Mario Botsch Carsten Schröder Michel Wacker
Talks about:
game (8) virtual (6) realiti (6) strategi (2) children (2) serious (2) organis (2) simul (2) time (2) self (2)
Person: Sebastian von Mammen
DBLP: Mammen:Sebastian_von
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- VS-Games-2015-EdenhoferMER #education #game studies #in the cloud
- Cloud Computing - An Educational Game on Weather Phenomena (SE, SvM, KE, JR), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2015-GaiblerFEM #game studies
- Drink & Drive: A Serious but Fun Game on Alcohol-Induced Impairments in Road Traffic (FG, SF, SE, SvM), pp. 1–5.
- VS-Games-2016-HanAEM #named
- Skynetz: A Playful Experiential Robotics Simulator (RH, DA, SE, SvM), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2016-KerlerVEM #named #realtime
- Pheromander: Real-Time Strategy with Digital Pheromones (SK, JV, SE, SvM), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2016-Mammen #game studies #self
- Self-Organisation in Games, Games on Self-Organisation (SvM), pp. 1–8.
- VS-Games-2016-StifterEM
- Come Fly with Me - Perceive the World through a Mosquito's Senses (CS, SE, SvM), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2017-AxtSBKM #artificial reality #simulation
- A virtual reality simulation for children: Build and create from the perspective of a toy figure (JA, MS, KB, AK, SvM), pp. 133–136.
- VS-Games-2017-BlomeDRBM #artificial reality #learning
- VReanimate - Non-verbal guidance and learning in virtual reality (TB, AD, SR, KB, SvM), pp. 23–30.
- FDG-2018-TrumanRRM #artificial reality #game studies #realtime
- Rethinking real-time strategy games for virtual reality (ST, NR, DR0, SvM), p. 6.
- VS-Games-2018-RappMBM #artificial reality #game studies #named #social
- Pathomon: A Social Augmented Reality Serious Game (DR, JM, KB, SvM), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2019-0001MKSL #artificial reality #game studies
- Approaching Difficult Terrain with Sensitivity: A Virtual Reality Game on the Five Stages of Grief (DR0, SvM, JK, MS, MEL), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2019-BurkholzM #game studies
- Empathy & Information: Ingredients for a Children's Game on Diabetes (JB, SvM), pp. 1–2.
- VS-Games-2019-HeydnDBWMN #case study #comparative
- The Golden Bullet: A Comparative Study for Target Acquisition, Pointing and Shooting (KAMH, MPD, MB, GW, SvM, AN), pp. 1–8.
- VS-Games-2019-MammenMLBBSW #framework #platform
- VIA VR: A Technology Platform for Virtual Adventures for Healthcare and Well-Being (SvM, AM, MEL, MB, KB, CS, MW), pp. 1–2.
- VS-Games-2019-MullerTMB #artificial reality
- Engineering a Showcase of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (AM, ST, SvM, KB), pp. 1–2.