Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Estonia
1 × Portugal
1 × Russia
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Canada
2 × China
2 × France
2 × Japan
4 × Italy
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Schrijvers N.Xie X.Bi W.R.Cook H.Zhang O.Belo W.Zhang A.Löh J.Gibbons M.Böhme A.Roychoudhury B.Delaware T.v.d.Storm S.R.S.Souza ∅ Y.Wang M.Servetto Yanpeng Yang K.Yi A.Moors M.Odersky M.Wang R.Hinze H.Li J.Alpuim Z.Shi S.Mu S.You R.A.Eisenberg Z.Chu A.Loh S.Keuchel G.Lee S.Cho R.Teixeira F.Afonso F.Portela M.F.Santos W.Choi W.Lee G.Bottu G.Karachalias P.Wadler A.Rodriguez J.Jeuring P.Jansson A.Gerdes O.Kiselyov
Talks about:
type (8) program (6) pattern (4) modular (4) generic (4) object (4) visitor (3) qualiti (3) algebra (3) extens (3)
♂ Person: Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira
DBLP: Oliveira:Bruno_C=_d=_S=
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 37 papers:
- OOPSLA-2015-ZhangCOS #algebra #scrap your boilerplate
- Scrap your boilerplate with object algebras (HZ, ZC, BCdSO, TvdS), pp. 127–146.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-OliveiraB #independence #process #specification #towards
- ETL Patterns on YAWL — Towards to the Specification of Platform-independent Data Warehousing Populating Processes (BCdSO, OB), pp. 299–307.
- KMIS-2014-TeixeiraAOPS #case study #quality
- Business Intelligence to Improve the Quality of Local Government Services — Case-study in a Local Government Town Hall (RT, FA, BCdSO, FP, MFS), pp. 153–160.
- SEKE-2014-OliveiraS #agile #overview #quality
- The Agile Quality Culture — A survey on agile culture and software quality (BCdSO, SRSS), pp. 298–303.
- ECOOP-2013-OliveiraSLC #algebra #feature model #programming
- Feature-Oriented Programming with Object Algebras (BCdSO, TvdS, AL, WRC), pp. 27–51.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-BohmeOR #fault #interactive #testing
- Regression tests to expose change interaction errors (MB, BCdSO, AR), pp. 334–344.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-OliveiraB #approach #modelling #novel #process #standard
- ETL Standard Processes Modelling — A Novel BPMN Approach (BCdSO, OB), pp. 120–127.
- ICFP-2013-DelawareKSO #composition #monad
- Modular monadic meta-theory (BD, SK, TS, BCdSO), pp. 319–330.
- ICSE-2013-BohmeOR #verification
- Partition-based regression verification (MB, BCdSO, AR), pp. 302–311.
- PEPM-2013-OliveiraL #domain-specific language #graph #syntax
- Abstract syntax graphs for domain specific languages (BCdSO, AL), pp. 87–96.
- POPL-2013-DelawareOS
- Meta-theory à la carte (BD, BCdSO, TS), pp. 207–218.
- ECOOP-2012-OliveiraC #algebra
- Extensibility for the Masses — Practical Extensibility with Object Algebras (BCdSO, WRC), pp. 2–27.
- ESOP-2012-LeeOCY #first-order #framework #named
- GMeta: A Generic Formal Metatheory Framework for First-Order Representations (GL, BCdSO, SC, KY), pp. 436–455.
- ICFP-2012-OliveiraC #functional #graph #programming
- Functional programming with structured graphs (BCdSO, WRC), pp. 77–88.
- PLDI-2012-OliveiraSCLY #calculus #programming
- The implicit calculus: a new foundation for generic programming (BCdSO, TS, WC, WL, KY), pp. 35–44.
- ICFP-2011-SchrijversO #monad #stack
- Monads, zippers and views: virtualizing the monad stack (TS, BCdSO), pp. 32–44.
- OOPSLA-2010-OliveiraMO
- Type classes as objects and implicits (BCdSO, AM, MO), pp. 341–360.
- ECOOP-2009-Oliveira #component #composition #visitor
- Modular Visitor Components (BCdSO), pp. 269–293.
- OOPSLA-2008-OliveiraWG #component #reuse #type safety #visitor
- The visitor pattern as a reusable, generic, type-safe component (BCdSO, MW, JG), pp. 439–456.
- FLOPS-2006-HinzeLO #scrap your boilerplate
- “Scrap Your Boilerplate” Reloaded (RH, AL, BCdSO), pp. 13–29.
- GPCE-2016-WangZOS #java
- Classless Java (YW, HZ, BCdSO, MS), pp. 14–24.
- SLE-2017-ZhangLO #composition #parsing #type safety
- Type-safe modular parsing (HZ, HL, BCdSO), pp. 2–13.
- GPCE-2018-ZhangO #pattern matching
- Pattern matching in an open world (WZ, BCdSO), pp. 134–146.
- ESOP-2017-AlpuimOS #morphism #polymorphism
- Disjoint Polymorphism (JA, BCdSO, ZS), pp. 1–28.
- ESOP-2018-XieBO #consistency #type system
- Consistent Subtyping for All (NX, XB, BCdSO), pp. 3–30.
- ESOP-2018-XieO
- Let Arguments Go First (NX, BCdSO), pp. 272–299.
- ESOP-2019-BiXOS #composition #morphism #polymorphism #programming
- Distributive Disjoint Polymorphism for Compositional Programming (XB, NX, BCdSO, TS), pp. 381–409.
- Haskell-2005-OliveiraG #design pattern #named
- TypeCase: a design pattern for type-indexed functions (BCdSO, JG), pp. 98–109.
- Haskell-2008-RodriguezJJGKO #haskell #library #programming
- Comparing libraries for generic programming in haskell (AR, JJ, PJ, AG, OK, BCdSO), pp. 111–122.
- Haskell-2015-OliveiraMY #approach #composition
- Modular reifiable matching: a list-of-functors approach to two-level types (BCdSO, SCM, SHY), pp. 82–93.
- Haskell-2017-BottuKSOW #constraints #quantifier
- Quantified class constraints (GJB, GK, TS, BCdSO, PW), pp. 148–161.
- ECOOP-2017-ZhangO #framework #named #programming language #reuse #visitor
- EVF: An Extensible and Expressive Visitor Framework for Programming Language Reuse (WZ, BCdSO), p. 32.
- OOPSLA-2017-YangO #type system
- Unifying typing and subtyping (YY, BCdSO), p. 26.
- ECOOP-2018-BiO
- Typed First-Class Traits (XB, BCdSO), p. 28.
- ECOOP-2018-BiOS #composition
- The Essence of Nested Composition (XB, BCdSO, TS), p. 33.
- ECOOP-2018-WangZOS #formal method #named
- FHJ: A Formal Model for Hierarchical Dispatching and Overriding (YW, HZ, BCdSO, MS), p. 30.
- POPL-2020-XieEO #data type
- Kind inference for datatypes (NX, RAE, BCdSO), p. 28.