Travelled to:
1 × Estonia
1 × Greece
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Romania
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
2 × Germany
3 × United Kingdom
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ P.Y.H.Wong N.Wu P.Stevens R.Hinze J.McKinna B.C.d.S.Oliveira J.Cheney R.S.Bird M.Wang F.Abou-Saleh M.Johnson M.A.Smith G.Jones J.Davies N.A.Danielsson J.Hughes P.Jansson A.Simpson A.Martin S.McKeever S.Mehner J.Voigtländer T.Schrijvers R.Calinescu S.Harris I.Toujilov S.B.Nagl
Talks about:
coalgebra (4) bidirect (4) specif (4) function (3) program (3) model (3) type (3) lens (3) transform (2) workflow (2)
♂ Person: Jeremy Gibbons
DBLP: Gibbons:Jeremy
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 29 papers:
- BX-2015-Abou-SalehMG #algebra #aspect-oriented #bidirectional
- Coalgebraic Aspects of Bidirectional Computation (FAS, JM, JG), pp. 16–30.
- BX-2015-CheneyGMS #bidirectional #towards
- Towards a Principle of Least Surprise for Bidirectional Transformations (JC, JG, JM, PS), pp. 66–80.
- POPL-2015-HinzeWG #morphism #recursion
- Conjugate Hylomorphisms — Or: The Mother of All Structured Recursion Schemes (RH, NW, JG), pp. 527–538.
- BX-2014-CheneyMSG #repository #towards
- Towards a Repository of Bx Examples (JC, JM, PS, JG), pp. 87–91.
- BX-2014-CheneyMSGA #monad
- Entangled State Monads (JC, JM, PS, JG, FAS), pp. 108–111.
- ICFP-2014-GibbonsW #domain-specific language
- Folding domain-specific languages: deep and shallow embeddings (JG, NW), pp. 339–347.
- CEFP-2013-Gibbons #domain-specific language #functional #programming
- Functional Programming for Domain-Specific Languages (JG), pp. 1–28.
- ICFP-2013-HinzeWG #recursion
- Unifying structured recursion schemes (RH, NW, JG), pp. 209–220.
- BX-2012-GibbonsJ #algebra #lens
- Relating Algebraic and Coalgebraic Descriptions of Lenses (JG, MJ), pp. 5–20.
- BX-2011-Gibbons #bidirectional #programming #topic
- HOT Topics in Bidirectional Programming (JG), p. 56.
- BX-2011-Gibbons1 #algebra #lens #monad
- Lenses are Coalgebras for the Costate Comonad (JG), p. 56.
- BX-2011-Gibbons2 #algebra #lens
- Lenses, Coalgebraically (JG), p. 57.
- ICFP-2011-GibbonsH #equation #monad #reasoning
- Just do it: simple monadic equational reasoning (JG, RH), pp. 2–14.
- ICFP-2011-WangGW #bidirectional #incremental #performance
- Incremental updates for efficient bidirectional transformations (MW, JG, NW), pp. 392–403.
- IFM-2009-WongG #modelling #specification #workflow
- Property Specifications for Workflow Modelling (PYHW, JG), pp. 56–71.
- IFM-J-2009-WongG11a #modelling #specification #workflow
- Property specifications for workflow modelling (PYHW, JG), pp. 942–967.
- ICMT-2008-WongG #empirical #on the #specification #visualisation
- On Specifying and Visualising Long-Running Empirical Studies (PYHW, JG), pp. 76–90.
- OOPSLA-2008-OliveiraWG #component #reuse #type safety #visitor
- The visitor pattern as a reusable, generic, type-safe component (BCdSO, MW, JG), pp. 439–456.
- IFM-2007-SmithG
- Unifying Theories of Objects (MAS, JG), pp. 599–618.
- SEFM-2007-CalinescuHGDTN #architecture #modelling #research
- Model-driven architecture for cancer research (RC, SH, JG, JD, IT, SBN), pp. 59–68.
- POPL-2006-DanielssonHJG #performance #reasoning
- Fast and loose reasoning is morally correct (NAD, JH, PJ, JG), pp. 206–217.
- ICSE-2003-SimpsonMGDM #assessment #on the #re-engineering
- On The Supervision and Assessment Of Part-Time Postgraduate Software Engineering Projects (AS, AM, JG, JD, SM), pp. 628–633.
- AFP-2002-BirdG02
- Arithmetic Coding with Folds and Unfolds (RSB, JG), pp. 1–26.
- ICFP-1998-GibbonsJ
- The Under-Appreciated Unfold (JG, GJ), pp. 273–279.
- BX-2017-StevensG #on the
- On Ontologology (PS, JG), pp. 54–58.
- ESOP-2017-Gibbons #programming
- APLicative Programming with Naperian Functors (JG), pp. 556–583.
- Haskell-2005-OliveiraG #design pattern #named
- TypeCase: a design pattern for type-indexed functions (BCdSO, JG), pp. 98–109.
- Haskell-2013-BirdGMVS #comprehension #traversal
- Understanding idiomatic traversals backwards and forwards (RSB, JG, SM, JV, TS), pp. 25–36.
- Haskell-2016-Gibbons #functional
- Free delivery (functional pearl) (JG), pp. 45–50.