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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Italy
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Evans B.S.Barn S.Kent P.Sammut S.Oussena J.S.Willans V.Kulkarni D.Kramer P.Komisarczuk L.Tratt B.Henderson-Sellers C.Gonzalez-Perez S.Barat J.C.Nwokeji F.Raimondi L.Athappian Y.Zhang H.Kim J.M.Álvarez
Talks about:
languag (5) model (4) metamodel (3) enterpris (2) softwar (2) product (2) foundat (2) semant (2) extens (2) dynam (2)

♂ Person: Tony Clark

DBLP DBLP: Clark:Tony

Facilitated 18 volumes:

ICMT 2015PrCo
MoDELS 2015PrCo
ICMT 2014PrCo
SLE 2014PrCo
ICMT 2013PrCo
MoDELS 2013PracticalTrackPrCo
MoDELS 2013PrCo
MoDELS 2012PrBoard
ICMT 2011PrCo
MoDELS 2011Ed
MoDELS 2011PracticalTrackCh
ICMT 2010PrCo
ICMT 2008PrCo
MoDELS 2016PrCo

Contributed to:

MoDELS 20152015
SAC 20152015
ICEIS v2 20142014
CAiSE 20132013
GPCE 20132013
PLEASE 20132013
CAiSE 20112011
ICEIS DISI 20102010
LDTA 20092010
SCAM 20082008
ICGT 20042004
FASE 20022002
UML 20022002
FASE 20012001
UML 20012001
UML 19991999

Wrote 16 papers:

MoDELS-2015-KulkarniBCB #complexity #towards
Toward overcoming accidental complexity in organisational decision-making (VK, SB, TC, BSB), pp. 368–377.
SAC-2015-NwokejiCBK #concept #enterprise #framework
A conceptual framework for enterprise agility (JCN, TC, BSB, VK), pp. 1242–1244.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BarnRAC #collaboration #named
Slrtool: A Tool to Support Collaborative Systematic Literature Reviews (BSB, FR, LA, TC), pp. 440–447.
CAiSE-2013-Henderson-SellersCG #modelling #on the
On the Search for a Level-Agnostic Modelling Language (BHS, TC, CGP), pp. 240–255.
GPCE-2013-KramerOKC #product line #user interface #using
Using document-oriented GUIs in dynamic software product lines (DK, SO, PK, TC), pp. 85–94.
PLEASE-2013-KramerOKC #product line #user interface #visual notation
Graphical user interfaces in dynamic software product lines (DK, SO, PK, TC), pp. 25–28.
CAiSE-2011-BarnC #architecture #enterprise #modelling #programming
Revisiting Naur’s Programming as Theory Building for Enterprise Architecture Modelling (BSB, TC), pp. 229–236.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-ZhangOCK #case study #data mining #education #mining #student
Use Data Mining to Improve Student Retention in Higher Education — A Case Study (YZ, SO, TC, HK), pp. 190–197.
LDTA-2009-ClarkT10 #formal method
Formalizing Homogeneous Language Embeddings (TC, LT), pp. 75–88.
SCAM-2008-ClarkSW #java
Beyond Annotations: A Proposal for Extensible Java (XJ) (TC, PS, JSW), pp. 229–238.
ICGT-2004-ClarkESW #design #metamodelling #model transformation #transformation language
Transformation Language Design: A Metamodelling Foundation (TC, AE, PS, JSW), pp. 13–21.
FASE-2002-ClarkEK #approach #metamodelling #modelling #precise
Engineering Modelling Languages: A Precise Meta-Modelling Approach (TC, AE, SK), pp. 159–173.
UML-2002-ClarkEK #metamodelling
A Metamodel for Package Extension with Renaming (TC, AE, SK), pp. 305–320.
FASE-2001-ClarkEK #calculus #metamodelling #semantics #uml
The Metamodelling Language Calculus: Foundation Semantics for UML (TC, AE, SK), pp. 17–31.
UML-2001-AlvarezCES #action semantics #semantics
An Action Semantics for MML (JMÁ, TC, AE, PS), pp. 2–18.
UML-1999-Clark #diagrams #type checking #uml
Type Checking UML Static Diagrams (TC), pp. 503–517.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.