61 papers:
- CHI-2015-ZhangTHM #empirical #ontology
- Helping Users Bootstrap Ontologies: An Empirical Investigation (YZ, TT, MH, MAM), pp. 3395–3398.
- CSCW-2015-ChangHT #recommendation #using
- Using Groups of Items to Bootstrap New Users in Recommender Systems (SC, FMH, LGT), pp. 1258–1269.
- Onward-2015-PolitoDBF #framework
- A bootstrapping infrastructure to build and extend Pharo-like languages (GP, SD, NB, LF), pp. 183–196.
- SAC-2015-BacikovaPCN #domain-specific language #user interface
- Bootstrapping DSLs from user interfaces (MB, JP, SC, MN), pp. 2115–2118.
- ICSE-v2-2015-BarnettVG #development #mobile
- Bootstrapping Mobile App Development (SB, RV, JG), pp. 657–660.
- SIGMOD-2014-ZengGMZ #approximate #estimation #fault #performance #query
- The analytical bootstrap: a new method for fast error estimation in approximate query processing (KZ, SG, BM, CZ), pp. 277–288.
- ILC-2014-Strandh14b
- Resolving Metastability Issues During Bootstrapping (RS), p. 103.
- CIKM-2014-ZhaoWLZ #framework #mining #refinement #word
- A Bootstrapping Based Refinement Framework for Mining Opinion Words and Targets (QZ, HW, PL, CZ), pp. 1995–1998.
- ICML-c2-2014-MaryPN #algorithm #evaluation
- Improving offline evaluation of contextual bandit algorithms via bootstrapping techniques (JM, PP, ON), pp. 172–180.
- KDD-2014-CharlinZL #collaboration #library
- Leveraging user libraries to bootstrap collaborative filtering (LC, RSZ, HL), pp. 173–182.
- MLDM-2014-JiangDPL #approach #estimation #markov #optimisation #recognition
- Modified Bootstrap Approach with State Number Optimization for Hidden Markov Model Estimation in Small-Size Printed Arabic Text Line Recognition (ZJ, XD, LP, CL), pp. 437–441.
- HPCA-2014-WonCGHS #learning #network #online #power management
- Up by their bootstraps: Online learning in Artificial Neural Networks for CMP uncore power management (JYW, XC, PG, JH, VS), pp. 308–319.
- CBSE-2013-AbateS
- Bootstrapping software distributions (PA, JS), pp. 131–142.
- STOC-2013-BitanskyCCT #composition #recursion
- Recursive composition and bootstrapping for SNARKS and proof-carrying data (NB, RC, AC, ET), pp. 111–120.
- CIKM-2013-ChengCWAC #ambiguity #crowdsourcing
- Bootstrapping active name disambiguation with crowdsourcing (YC, ZC, JW, AA, ANC), pp. 1213–1216.
- KDD-2013-BakshyE #evaluation #nondeterminism #online
- Uncertainty in online experiments with dependent data: an evaluation of bootstrap methods (EB, DE), pp. 1303–1311.
- KDD-2013-KleinerTASJ #performance
- A general bootstrap performance diagnostic (AK, AT, SA, IS, MIJ), pp. 419–427.
- CHI-2012-OuyangL #gesture #recognition
- Bootstrapping personal gesture shortcuts with the wisdom of the crowd and handwriting recognition (TO, YL), pp. 2895–2904.
- CSCW-2012-SolomonW #community #wiki
- Bootstrapping wikis: developing critical mass in a fledgling community by seeding content (JS, RW), pp. 261–264.
- ECIR-2012-LungleyKS #adaptation #domain model #interactive #learning #modelling #web
- Learning Adaptive Domain Models from Click Data to Bootstrap Interactive Web Search (DL, UK, DS), pp. 527–530.
- ICML-2012-KleinerTSJ #big data
- The Big Data Bootstrap (AK, AT, PS, MIJ), p. 232.
- KDD-2012-Mayer #identification #internet #multi
- Bootstrapped language identification for multi-site internet domains (UFM), pp. 579–585.
- POPL-2012-StrubSFC #coq #named #self
- Self-certification: bootstrapping certified typecheckers in F* with Coq (PYS, NS, CF, JC), pp. 571–584.
- CIKM-2011-WeichselbraunGS #game studies #sentiment #using
- Using games with a purpose and bootstrapping to create domain-specific sentiment lexicons (AW, SG, AS), pp. 1053–1060.
- SIGIR-2011-JijkounR #detection
- Bootstrapping subjectivity detection (VJ, MdR), pp. 1125–1126.
- CIKM-2010-GolbandiKL #on the #recommendation
- On bootstrapping recommender systems (NG, YK, RL), pp. 1805–1808.
- ICPR-2010-SmithW #analysis
- A Bias-Variance Analysis of Bootstrapped Class-Separability Weighting for Error-Correcting Output Code Ensembles (RSS, TW), pp. 61–64.
- SIGIR-2010-YoshidaIOSN #ambiguity
- Person name disambiguation by bootstrapping (MY, MI, SO, IS, HN), pp. 10–17.
- SAC-2010-ShinKNNTO #named #ontology #recommendation #using
- ONTOMO: web-based ontology building system: ---instance recommendation using bootstrapping--- (IS, TK, HN, KN, YT, AO), pp. 1442–1443.
- SIGMOD-2008-SarmaDH #integration
- Bootstrapping pay-as-you-go data integration systems (ADS, XD, AYH), pp. 861–874.
- PLDI-2008-Kahlon #alias #analysis #named #pointer #scalability
- Bootstrapping: a technique for scalable flow and context-sensitive pointer alias analysis (VK), pp. 249–259.
- ICML-2008-Bach08a #consistency #estimation #named
- Bolasso: model consistent Lasso estimation through the bootstrap (FRB), pp. 33–40.
- ICML-2008-DugasG
- Pointwise exact bootstrap distributions of cost curves (CD, DG), pp. 280–287.
- DATE-2006-GarciaMN
- Bootstrapped full--swing CMOS driver for low supply voltage operation (JCG, JAMN, SN), pp. 410–411.
- ICPR-v2-2006-PriorW #fault #parametricity #probability #random #using
- Parameter Tuning using the Out-of-Bootstrap Generalisation Error Estimate for Stochastic Discrimination and Random Forests (MP, TW), pp. 498–501.
- ICPR-v3-2006-XieQW
- Bootstrap Methods for Reject Rules of Fisher LDA (JX, ZQ, JW), pp. 425–428.
- SIGIR-2006-Sakai #evaluation #metric
- Evaluating evaluation metrics based on the bootstrap (TS), pp. 525–532.
- SAC-2006-CreeseGRX #ad hoc #multi #security
- Bootstrapping multi-party ad-hoc security (SC, MG, BR, MX), pp. 369–375.
- SIGMOD-2005-PolJ #bound #relational
- Relational Confidence Bounds Are Easy With The Bootstrap (AP, CJ), pp. 587–598.
- SIGIR-2005-MarkoSMH #information retrieval
- Bootstrapping dictionaries for cross-language information retrieval (KGM, SS, OM, UH), pp. 528–535.
- DATE-v1-2004-GarciaMSN #scalability
- A Direct Bootstrapped CMOS Large Capacitive-Load Driver Circuit (JCG, JAMN, JS, HN), pp. 680–681.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-ZengLV #xml
- An XML-Based Bootstrapping Method for Pattern Acquisition (XZ, FL, DZ, AV), pp. 303–308.
- SIGIR-2004-ZhangL #integration #taxonomy #web
- Web taxonomy integration through co-bootstrapping (DZ, WSL), pp. 410–417.
- DRR-2003-MaD #segmentation
- Bootstrapping structured page segmentation (HM, DSD), pp. 179–188.
- CIKM-2003-AdamiAS #classification #documentation
- Bootstrapping for hierarchical document classification (GA, PA, DS), pp. 295–302.
- SAC-2003-BarbaraLLJC #data mining #detection #mining
- Bootstrapping a Data Mining Intrusion Detection System (DB, YL, JLL, SJ, JC), pp. 421–425.
- ICFP-2002-Hinze #array #flexibility
- Bootstrapping one-sided flexible arrays (RH), pp. 2–13.
- KDD-2002-WuFS #approach #classification #data mining #mining #named
- B-EM: a classifier incorporating bootstrap with EM approach for data mining (XW, JF, KRS), pp. 670–675.
- CIKM-2001-GolgherSLR
- Bootstrapping for Example-Based Data Extraction (PBG, ASdS, AHFL, BARN), pp. 371–378.
- ICML-2001-ShakhnarovichEB #classification #evaluation #statistics
- Smoothed Bootstrap and Statistical Data Cloning for Classifier Evaluation (GS, REY, YB), pp. 521–528.
- ICML-2000-MargineantuD #classification #evaluation
- Bootstrap Methods for the Cost-Sensitive Evaluation of Classifiers (DDM, TGD), pp. 583–590.
- ICML-2000-Zaanen #learning #recursion #syntax #using
- Bootstrapping Syntax and Recursion using Alginment-Based Learning (MvZ), pp. 1063–1070.
- ICPR-v2-2000-MiyamotoHM #classification #design #polynomial
- Use of Bootstrap Samples in Quadratic Classifier Design (TM, YH, YM), pp. 2789–2792.
- ICPR-v4-2000-IskeRMS #behaviour #learning #navigation
- A Bootstrapping Method for Autonomous and in Site Learning of Generic Navigation Behavior (BI, UR, KM, JS), pp. 4656–4659.
- ICDAR-1999-Phillips #how #image #set
- How to Extend and Bootstrap an Existing Data Set with Real-life Degraded Images (ITP), pp. 689–692.
- ICPR-1998-ColmenarezH #detection #fault
- Pattern detection with information-based maximum discrimination and error bootstrapping (AC, TSH), pp. 222–224.
- ICPR-1998-Ho98a #recognition #word
- Bootstrapping text recognition from stop words (TKH), pp. 605–609.
- ICSE-1997-EngelmannSL #assessment #experience #named
- BOOTSTRAP: Four Years of Assessment Experience (FE, HS, EL), pp. 568–569.
- ICPR-1996-KochM #image #segmentation
- Bootstrap coverage plots for image segmentation (IK, GM), pp. 447–451.
- SAC-1996-SperberGT #higher-order
- Bootstrapping higher-order program transformers from interpreters (MS, RG, PT), pp. 408–413.
- ML-1989-MorkK #approach #clustering #concept
- A Bootstrapping Approach to Concept Clustering (KM, JUK), pp. 503–504.