38 papers:
CASE-2015-BaiSZ #design- Design appointment in outpatient department with bulk service (YB, JS, GZ), pp. 746–751.
CASE-2015-QiuSL #data access #realtime- Real time access control of patient service in the pediatrics department (YQ, JS, ZL), pp. 734–739.
ITiCSE-2015-Harms #community #learning #source code- Department Programs to Encourage and Support Service Learning and Community Engagement (DEH), p. 330.
CSCW-2015-TorkilsheyggiH- Visible but Unseen?: A Workplace Study of Blood-Test Icons on Electronic Emergency-Department Whiteboards (AáT, MH), pp. 798–807.
DUXU-IXD-2015-YuanYMD #case study #education- Evaluating an Education Department Portal: A Case Study (XY, HY, KM, KD), pp. 240–247.
CASE-2014-LiuXL #approximate #capacity- A queuing approximation method for capacity planning of emergency department with time-varying demand (QL, XX, RL), pp. 558–563.
CASE-2014-ShamsAY #modelling #predict- Predicting patient risk of readmission with frailty models in the Department of Veteran Affairs (IS, SA, KY), pp. 576–581.
CSCW-2014-MurphyRX #case study #collaboration #privacy- Privacy practices in collaborative environments: a study of emergency department staff (ARM, MCR, HX), pp. 269–282.
KMIS-2014-NyerwanireMVH #case study #experience #information management #problem- Knowledge Management Problems in Hospital Work — A Case Study on Experiences in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department (HN, EMO, AV, JH), pp. 261–267.
CASE-2013-TanTL #policy #resource management- Improving patient length-of-stay in emergency department through dynamic resource allocation policies (KWT, WHT, HCL), pp. 984–989.
ITiCSE-2013-Liew #student- Benefits of having students develop software for other departments (CWL), p. 348.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Langhorne #evaluation #online #security- Department of Homeland Security Websites Uncoupled: An Evaluation of Online Counterterrorism and Security Information across Agencies (ALL), pp. 112–119.
ECIR-2013-LimsopathamMO- Aggregating Evidence from Hospital Departments to Improve Medical Records Search (NL, CM, IO), pp. 279–291.
CASE-2012-FantiIMU #case study #design #evaluation #performance- A three level strategy for the design and performance evaluation of Hospital Departments: A case study (MPF, GI, AMM, WU), pp. 323–328.
CASE-2012-HoerningSWS #analysis #robust #simulation #tool support- Improving discrete event simulation in the emergency department with innovative and robust input analysis tools (SH, JS, TW, LS), pp. 131–136.
CASE-2012-TanWL #queue- Improving patient flow in emergency department through dynamic priority queue (KWT, CW, HCL), pp. 125–130.
KEOD-2012-DiasMS #enterprise #health #ontology #using- Using Enterprise Ontology for Improving the National Health System — Demonstrated in the Case of a Pharmacy and an Emergency Department (DGD, CM, MMdS), pp. 441–451.
IDGD-2011-Yang11a #communication- Common Task-Oriented Communication Tool Applied in Radiology Department of Hospital (RY), pp. 238–247.
CASE-2010-LiH #analysis #framework #modelling #problem- Modeling and analysis of hospital emergency department: An analytical framework and problem formulation (JL, PKH), pp. 897–902.
SPLC-2010-JonesN #case study #experience #product line- Recent Experiences with Software Product Lines in the US Department of Defense (LGJ, LMN), pp. 486–490.
ICSM-2005-SubramanianPC #case study #comparative #evaluation #maintenance- A Comparative Evaluation of Maintainability: A Study of Engineering Department’s Website Maintainability (NS, RP, LC), pp. 669–672.
ITiCSE-2004-PaxtonH- Providing curricular assistance to a third world university computer science department (JP, KH), pp. 199–202.
ICEIS-v1-2004-ChertourasC #approach #case study #enterprise #process #re-engineering- ERP Based Business Process Reengineering in a Human Resources Department: A Case Study Approach (KC, TC), pp. 78–83.
CSEET-2003-X03a- Norm Gibbs — Department Chair, Facilitator, Motivator and Visionary, p. 27–?.
ITiCSE-2000-DavyABJ #student- Student well-being in a computing department (JRD, KA, MB, CJ), pp. 136–139.
TACAS-1998-RegensburgerB #mobile #verification- Formal Verification of SDL Systems at the Siemens Mobile Phone Department (FR, AB), pp. 439–455.
ICSE-1998-ArnoldP #development #metric #rating #scalability- Software Size Measurement and Productivity Rating in a Large-Scale Software Development Department (MA, PP), pp. 490–493.
CSMR-1997-Sneed #maintenance #performance- Measuring the performance of a software maintenance department (HMS), pp. 119–127.
ICSE-1997-VernerC #developer #prototype- The Effect of Department Size on Developer Attitudes to Prototyping (JMV, NC), pp. 445–455.
ICSM-1994-Wilson #energy #evolution- Software Evolution in Practice for the U.S. Department of Energy (EFW), pp. 434–436.
CHI-1991-Kyng- The system work group computer science department Aarhus University (MK), pp. 477–478.
CHI-1990-DouglasM #bibliography #interactive- Interactive systems group — University of Oregon, department of computer and information science (lab review) (SAD, GWM), pp. 385–386.
CHI-1990-FetzD #bibliography #quality #user interface- User interface and quality planning department (lab review) (BHF, MCD), pp. 83–84.
CHI-1989-Kendzierski #human-computer #interactive- Human-computer interaction department, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (NK), pp. 305–306.
CAiSE-1989-McDaniel #information management #using- Using PSL/PSA to Model Information System Planning for The United States Department of the Army Headquarters (PDM).
DAC-1977-TanakaB #architecture- Department of architecture university of illinois (KET, DEB), p. 280.
DIPL-1976-Fisher #programming language- The Common Programming Language Effort of the Department of Defense (DF), pp. 1–6.
ICSE-1976-Carlson #research- Software Research in the Department of Defense (WEC), pp. 379–383.