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71 papers:

HCILCT-2015-KimOP #education #game studies #gesture #performance
Developing an Educational Game for Art Education — Gesture Recognition-Based Performance Guidance for Mozart’s Opera Magic Flute (HSK, SHO, YHP), pp. 573–582.
ECOOPECOOP-2015-SchwerhoffS #automation #lightweight #verification
Lightweight Support for Magic Wands in an Automatic Verifier (MS, AJS), pp. 614–638.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2014-FerreiraM #algorithm #analysis #design #education #using
The magic of algorithm design and analysis: teaching algorithmic skills using magic card tricks (JFF, AM), pp. 75–80.
CSCWCSCW-2014-MassimiHS #quote
“Real, but Glossy”: technology and the practical pursuit of magic in modern weddings (MM, RHRH, AS), pp. 854–865.
POPLPOPL-2014-LeeP #logic #proving
A proof system for separation logic with magic wand (WL, SP), pp. 477–490.
CHICHI-2013-FaresFK #question
Can we beat the mouse with MAGIC? (RF, SF, OK), pp. 1387–1390.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-Rughinis #bibliography #collaboration #gamification
Work and Gameplay in the Transparent “Magic Circle” of Gamification — Insights from a Gameful Collaborative Review Exercise (RR), pp. 577–586.
HCIDUXU-NTE-2013-SamsonA #named
Tassophonics: Nanotechnology as the Magical Unknown (AS, KA), pp. 548–557.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-BimonteBPK #design #implementation #modelling #multi #uml
Design of Complex Spatio-multidimensional Models with the ICSOLAP UML Profile — An Implementation in MagicDraw (SB, KB, FP, MAK), pp. 310–315.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-SaidJNPAS #case study #recommendation
Estimating the magic barrier of recommender systems: a user study (AS, BJJ, SN, TP, SA, CS), pp. 1061–1062.
ICSEICSE-2012-CaiC #concurrent #detection #named #scalability
MagicFuzzer: Scalable deadlock detection for large-scale applications (YC, WKC), pp. 606–616.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-TekleL #datalog #performance #query #set
More efficient datalog queries: subsumptive tabling beats magic sets (KTT, YAL), pp. 661–672.
Magic Numbers and Ternary Alphabet (GJ), pp. 331–344.
CHICHI-2011-BiGMF #multi
Magic desk: bringing multi-touch surfaces into desktop work (XB, TG, JM, GWF), pp. 2511–2520.
CHICHI-2011-RohsOS #interactive #lens #validation
Interaction with magic lenses: real-world validation of a Fitts’ Law model (MR, AO, TS), pp. 2725–2728.
CSCWCSCW-2011-BagalkotS #collaboration #named #towards
MagicMirror: towards enhancing collaborative rehabilitation practices (NB, TS), pp. 593–596.
ICLPICLP-J-2011-GutmannTKBR #logic #probability #programming
The magic of logical inference in probabilistic programming (BG, IT, AK, MB, LDR), pp. 663–680.
ICSMEICSM-2010-NagyVFGKK #assurance #developer #named #quality
MAGISTER: Quality assurance of Magic applications for software developers and end users (CN, LV, RF, TG, FK, IK), pp. 1–6.
CHICHI-2010-AshbrookS #design #gesture #named
MAGIC: a motion gesture design tool (DA, TS), pp. 2159–2168.
CHICHI-2010-MarshallBP #collaboration #interactive
Deception and magic in collaborative interaction (JM, SB, TPP), pp. 567–576.
ICLPICLP-2010-Alviano10 #datalog #set #source code
Dynamic Magic Sets for Disjunctive Datalog Programs (MA), pp. 226–235.
DACDAC-2009-Thaker #question #verification
Holistic verification: myth or magic bullet? (PAT), pp. 204–208.
Magic Numbers and Ternary Alphabet (GJ), pp. 300–311.
CHICHI-2009-ZhaoNII #interface
Magic cards: a paper tag interface for implicit robot control (SZ, KN, KI, TI), pp. 173–182.
CIKMCIKM-2009-WangZZ #named
MagicCube: choosing the best snippet for each aspect of an entity (YW, LZ, YZ), pp. 1705–1708.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2008-SereniAM #compilation #datalog #optimisation
Adding magic to an optimising datalog compiler (DS, PA, OdM), pp. 553–566.
Engaging with computer science through magic shows (PC, PWM), pp. 179–183.
CHICHI-2008-RohsO #lens
Target acquisition with camera phones when used as magic lenses (MR, AO), pp. 1409–1418.
SASSAS-2007-PayetS #analysis #bytecode #java
Magic-Sets Transformation for the Analysis of Java Bytecode (ÉP, FS), pp. 452–467.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-YoshidaMS #interactive #mobile #using #visual notation
Mobile Magic Hand: Camera Phone Based Interaction Using Visual Code and Optical Flow (YY, KM, TS), pp. 513–521.
CIAACIAA-2004-Zijl #difference #symmetry
Magic Numbers for Symmetric Difference NFAs (LvZ), pp. 333–334.
ICLPICLP-2004-CumboFGL #datalog #source code
Enhancing the Magic-Set Method for Disjunctive Datalog Programs (CC, WF, GG, NL), pp. 371–385.
PODSPODS-2003-Behrend #database #deduction #evaluation #query #set
Soft stratification for magic set based query evaluation in deductive databases (AB), pp. 102–110.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2003-ZuzartePMCLW #using
WinMagic : Subquery Elimination Using Window Aggregation (CZ, HP, WM, QC, LL, KW), pp. 652–656.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-Kruse #approach #representation
“Magic numbers” approach to introducing binary number representation in CSO (GK), p. 272.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2001-Amey #logic
Logic versus Magic in Critical Systems (PA), pp. 49–67.
KDDKDD-2001-Elkan #challenge #data mining #lessons learnt #mining
Magical thinking in data mining: lessons from CoIL challenge 2000 (CE), pp. 426–431.
ICLPCL-2000-Brass #named #query #web
SLDMagic — The Real Magic (With Applications to Web Queries) (SB), pp. 1063–1077.
Manual and Gaze Input Cascaded (MAGIC) Pointing (SZ, CM, SI), pp. 246–253.
CHICHI-1998-Fox #lens
Composing Magic Lenses (DF), pp. 519–525.
CADECADE-1998-OhtaIH #on the #testing
On the Relationship Between Non-Horn Magic Sets and Relevancy Testing (YO, KI, RH), pp. 333–348.
CADECADE-1997-HasegawaIOK #bottom-up #proving #set #theorem proving #top-down
Non-Horn Magic Sets to Incorporate Top-down Inference into Bottom-up Theorem Proving (RH, KI, YO, MK), pp. 176–190.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1996-SeshadriHPLRSSS #algebra #cost analysis #implementation #optimisation
Cost-Based Optimization for Magic: Algebra and Implementation (PS, JMH, HP, TYCL, RR, DS, PJS, SS), pp. 435–446.
PODSPODS-1995-Wood #source code
Magic Factoring of Closure Programs (PTW), pp. 174–183.
HPDCHPDC-1995-EwyEFM #case study #experience
TCP/ATM Experiences in the MAGIC Testbed (BJE, JBE, VF, GJM), pp. 87–93.
HPDCHPDC-1995-Richer #bibliography #challenge
Invited Paper: Overview of the MAGIC Project — Challenges and Accomplishments (IR), p. 139.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1994-MumickP #database #implementation #relational
Implementation of Magic-sets in a Relational Database System (ISM, HP), pp. 103–114.
PODSPODS-1993-Morishita #fixpoint #source code
An Alternating Fixpoint Tailored to Magic Programs (SM), pp. 123–134.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-Tognazzini #design #interface
Principles, techniques, and ethics of stage magic and their application to human interface design (BT), pp. 355–362.
The Underlying Search for Magic Templates and Tabulation (RNB, LD), pp. 793–811.
ICLPILPS-1993-CodishD #logic programming #source code #using
Analysing Logic Programs Using “Prop”-ositional Logic Programs and a Magic Wand (MC, BD), pp. 114–129.
PODSPODS-1992-GuptaM #recursion
Magic-sets Transformation in Nonrecursive Systems (AG, ISM), pp. 354–367.
PPDPPLILP-1991-Nilsson #abstract interpretation
Abstract Interpretation: A Kind of Magic (UN), pp. 299–309.
ICLPISLP-1991-KempSS #bottom-up #evaluation #modelling #set
Magic Sets and Bottom-Up Evaluation of Well-Founded Models (DBK, DS, PJS), pp. 337–351.
Magic Conditions (ISM, SJF, HP, RR), pp. 314–330.
PODSPODS-1990-Ross #composition #datalog #set #source code
Modular Stratification and Magic Sets for DATALOG Programs with Negation (KAR), pp. 161–171.
Magic is Relevant (ISM, SJF, HP, RR), pp. 247–258.
The Magic of Duplicates and Aggregates (ISM, HP, RR), pp. 264–277.
ICLPNACLP-1990-Sagiv #question
Is There Anything Better than Magic? (YS), pp. 235–254.
SEKESEKE-1989-HanHZ #compilation #set
Derivation of Magic Sets by Compilation (JH, LJH, NZ), pp. 164–171.
CCCCHSC-1988-Poetzsch-Heffter #compilation #implementation #optimisation #specification
Optimizing Implementation of Aggregates in the Compiler Specification System MAGIC (APH), pp. 190–203.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Ramakrishnan88 #approach #logic programming #source code
Magic Templates: A Spellbinding Approach to Logic Programs (RR), pp. 140–159.
PODSPODS-1987-BeeriR #on the #power of
On the Power of Magic (CB, RR), pp. 269–284.
Magic Counting Methods (DS, CZ), pp. 49–59.
VLDBVLDB-1987-Gardarin #datalog #recursion #source code
Magic Functions: A Technique to Optimize Extended Datalog Recursive Programs (GG), pp. 21–30.
PODSPODS-1986-BancilhonMSU #logic programming #set #source code
Magic Sets and Other Strange Ways to Implement Logic Programs (FB, DM, YS, JDU), pp. 1–15.
Magic’s circuit extractor (WSS, JKO), pp. 286–292.
DACDAC-1984-OusterhoutHMST #layout #named
Magic: A VLSI layout system (JKO, GTH, RNM, WSS, GST), pp. 152–159.
DACDAC-1984-ScottO #interactive #named
Plowing: Interactive stretching and compaction in magic (WSS, JKO), pp. 166–172.
DACDAC-1984-TaylorO #incremental
Magic’s incremental design-rule checker (GST, JKO), pp. 160–165.
DACDAC-1980-MacdonaldPP #composition #documentation
Technical documentation by “MAGIC” (Machine Aided Graphics for Illustration and Composition (JBM, MKP, MJP), pp. 440–445.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.