73 papers:
SAC-2015-JoshiSIY #architecture #behaviour #design #embedded #functional #modelling- Mapping functional behavior onto architectural model in a model driven embedded system design (PJ, SKS, JPT, HY), pp. 1624–1630.
DAC-2014-SiyoumGC #analysis #data flow- Symbolic Analysis of Dataflow Applications Mapped onto Shared Heterogeneous Resources (FS, MG, HC), p. 6.
ICPR-2014-BlondelFU #multi #scalability- Large-Scale Multiclass Support Vector Machine Training via Euclidean Projection onto the Simplex (MB, AF, NU), pp. 1289–1294.
KEOD-2014-Otero-CerdeiraR #named #ontology- OntoPhil — Exploitation of Binding Points for Ontology Matching (LOC, FJRM, TVR, AMGR), pp. 5–15.
KEOD-2014-TawambaNBT #evolution #named #ontology- MS-ONTO — Model and System for Supporting Ontology Evolution (ET, RN, BB, CT), pp. 319–326.
SEKE-2014-SilvaPBBC #development #ontology #reuse #specification- ONTO-ResAsset Development: An Ontology for Reusable Assets Specification and Management (LDS, DMBP, EFB, RTVB, MIC), pp. 459–462.
DAC-2013-PapakonstantinouCHCL #kernel #migration- Throughput-oriented kernel porting onto FPGAs (AP, DC, WmWH, JC, YL), p. 10.
ICML-c2-2013-KyrillidisBCK- Sparse projections onto the simplex (ATK, SB, VC, CK), pp. 235–243.
KEOD-2013-LinnenbergMCSF #automation #energy #evaluation #lightweight #named #ontology #performance- OntoENERGY — A Lightweight Ontology for Supporting Energy-efficiency Tasks — Enabling Generic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency in the Engineering Phase of Automated Manufacturing Plants (TL, AWM, LC, CS, AF), pp. 337–344.
DAC-2012-BobbaMLM #physics #synthesis- Physical synthesis onto a Sea-of-Tiles with double-gate silicon nanowire transistors (SB, MDM, YL, GDM), pp. 42–47.
DAC-2012-CastrillonTLA- Communication-aware mapping of KPN applications onto heterogeneous MPSoCs (JC, AT, RL, GA), pp. 1266–1271.
DAC-2012-CheC #embedded #manycore- Unrolling and retiming of stream applications onto embedded multicore processors (WC, KSC), pp. 1272–1277.
ICML-2012-YuSL12a #performance- Efficient Euclidean Projections onto the Intersection of Norm Balls (AWY, HS, FFL), p. 203.
ICPR-2012-NguyenFMO #image #performance #retrieval- Mapping high dimensional features onto Hilbert curve: Applying to fast image retrieval (GN, PF, RM, JMO), pp. 425–428.
LCTES-2012-SbirleaZBCS #data flow #programming- Mapping a data-flow programming model onto heterogeneous platforms (ASS, YZ, ZB, JC, VS), pp. 61–70.
PPoPP-2012-HuynhHWG #framework #multi #scalability #streaming- Scalable framework for mapping streaming applications onto multi-GPU systems (HPH, AH, WFW, RSMG), pp. 1–10.
DAC-2011-CheC #compilation #embedded #manycore #memory management #source code- Compilation of stream programs onto scratchpad memory based embedded multicore processors through retiming (WC, KSC), pp. 122–127.
DAC-2011-RyzhenkoB #geometry #layout #physics #synthesis- Physical synthesis onto a layout fabric with regular diffusion and polysilicon geometries (NR, SB), pp. 83–88.
CHI-2011-MarshallS #social #social media #twitter #using- Social media ownership: using twitter as a window onto current attitudes and beliefs (CCM, FMSI), pp. 1081–1090.
KEOD-2011-TissaouiAHL #evolution #named #ontology #semantics- EvOnto — Joint Evolution of Ontologies and Semantic Annotations (AT, NAG, NH, PL), pp. 226–231.
ASPLOS-2011-FarhadKBS #approximate #architecture #distributed #manycore #source code- Orchestration by approximation: mapping stream programs onto multicore architectures (SMF, YK, BB, BS), pp. 357–368.
ICPR-2010-YamanakaSS #adaptation #image #using- Adaptive Image Projection onto Non-planar Screen Using Projector-Camera Systems (TY, FS, JS), pp. 307–310.
DATE-2009-ArpinenKSHH #automation #integration #modelling #uml- Evaluating UML2 modeling of IP-XACT objects for automatic MP-SoC integration onto FPGA (TA, TK, ES, TDH, MH), pp. 244–249.
HCD-2009-KobayashiN #guidelines #matrix #usability- Mapping of Usability Guidelines onto User’s Temporal Viewpoint Matrix (TK, HN), pp. 75–83.
HCI-NT-2009-NemeskeyST #named #ontology #persistent #undo- OntoDesk: Ontology-Based Persistent System-Wide Undo on the Desktop (DN, BS, JT), pp. 890–899.
ICEIS-J-2009-BenevidesG #concept #modelling #ontology- A Model-Based Tool for Conceptual Modeling and Domain Ontology Engineering in OntoUML (ABB, GG), pp. 528–538.
MoDELS-2009-WalterPS #domain-specific language #framework #named #ontology- OntoDSL: An Ontology-Based Framework for Domain-Specific Languages (TW, FSP, SS), pp. 408–422.
MoDELS-2009-WalterPS #domain-specific language #framework #named #ontology- OntoDSL: An Ontology-Based Framework for Domain-Specific Languages (TW, FSP, SS), pp. 408–422.
SAC-2009-BohnetVD #debugging #execution #locality- Projecting code changes onto execution traces to support localization of recently introduced bugs (JB, SV, JD), pp. 438–442.
CASE-2008-KimSEP #component #scalability #self- Large scale self-assembly of crystalline semiconductor microcomponents onto plastic substrates via microfluidic traps (SSK, ES, JRE, BAP), pp. 967–970.
HT-2008-VuillemotR #navigation #on-demand #visualisation- Mapping visualization on-demand onto a virtual globe: an appealing complement to browser-based navigation (RV, BR), pp. 249–250.
LATA-2008-KlimaP #morphism- Literal Varieties of Languages Induced by Homomorphisms onto Nilpotent Groups (OK, LP), pp. 299–310.
ICML-2008-DuchiSSC #learning #performance- Efficient projections onto the l1-ball for learning in high dimensions (JCD, SSS, YS, TC), pp. 272–279.
ICPR-2008-GurumoorthyRBR #image #representation- Beyond SVD: Sparse projections onto exemplar orthonormal bases for compact image representation (KSG, AR, AB, AR), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KawabataHS #agile #kernel- A rapid anomalous region extraction method by iterative projection onto kernel eigenspace (SK, SH, KS), pp. 1–4.
SAC-2008-VazquezCP #approach #architecture #design #object-oriented #reasoning- A case-based reasoning approach for materializing software architectures onto object-oriented designs (GLV, MRC, JADP), pp. 842–843.
DAC-2007-YuYBY #clustering #network #recursion- Program Mapping onto Network Processors by Recursive Bipartitioning and Refining (JY, JY, LNB, JY), pp. 805–810.
DATE-2007-ArbeloKLLBSM #architecture #configuration management #kernel #video- Mapping control-intensive video kernels onto a coarse-grain reconfigurable architecture: the H.264/AVC deblocking filter (CA, AK, SL, JFL, MB, RS, JYM), pp. 177–182.
HIMI-IIE-2007-FortunaGM #automation #editing #named #ontology- OntoGen: Semi-automatic Ontology Editor (BF, MG, DM), pp. 309–318.
DAC-2006-RaoOK #architecture #logic- Topology aware mapping of logic functions onto nanowire-based crossbar architectures (WR, AO, RK), pp. 723–726.
DATE-2006-MuraliCRGM #multi #network- A methodology for mapping multiple use-cases onto networks on chips (SM, MC, AR, KG, GDM), pp. 118–123.
VLDB-2006-ChenMGFW #named #ontology- OntoQuest: Exploring Ontological Data Made Easy (LC, MEM, AG, LF, MWB), pp. 1183–1186.
SIGAda-2006-MarkowRB- Catch that speeding turtle: latching onto fun graphics in CS1 (TM, EKR, JRSB), pp. 29–34.
SEKE-2006-JeanAP #database #ontology #query- Querying Ontology Based Databases — The OntoQL Proposal (SJ, YAA, GP), pp. 166–171.
ASPLOS-2006-LiBH #concurrent #embedded #multi #thread- Mapping esterel onto a multi-threaded embedded processor (XL, MB, RvH), pp. 303–314.
DATE-2005-KempfDLAMKV #composition #framework #multi #simulation- A Modular Simulation Framework for Spatial and Temporal Task Mapping onto Multi-Processor SoC Platforms (TK, MD, RL, GA, HM, TK, BV), pp. 876–881.
SEKE-2005-MhiriMG #information management #named #ontology #specification #towards- UMLOnto: Towards a Language for the Specification of Information Systems’ Ontologies (MBAM, AM, FG), pp. 743–746.
HPDC-2005-MandalKKMMLJ #grid #scheduling #workflow- Scheduling strategies for mapping application workflows onto the grid (AM, KK, CK, GM, JMMC, BL, SLJ), pp. 125–134.
DAC-2004-MittalZTB #automation- Automatic translation of software binaries onto FPGAs (GM, DZ, XT, PB), pp. 389–394.
DATE-v2-2004-MuraliM #architecture- Bandwidth-Constrained Mapping of Cores onto NoC Architectures (SM, GDM), pp. 896–903.
CHI-2004-PaekDL #internet #named- WaveLens: a new view onto Internet search results (TP, STD, RL), pp. 727–734.
ICPR-v2-2004-CinqueMN #library #named #ontology #query- OntoDoc: An Ontology-Based Query System for Digital Libraries (LC, AM, RN), pp. 671–674.
ICPR-v3-2004-GanLY #array #estimation #set- Missing Microarray Data Estimation Based on Projection onto Convex Sets Method (XG, AWCL, HY), pp. 782–785.
LCTES-2004-GuoBN #compilation #configuration management #hardware #reuse- Input data reuse in compiling window operations onto reconfigurable hardware (ZG, BB, WAN), pp. 249–256.
AdaEurope-2003-MazziniDNDLV #named #uml- HRT-UML: Taking HRT-HOOD onto UML (SM, MD, MDN, AD, GL, TV), pp. 405–416.
ICEIS-v2-2003-RajR #concept #database #documentation #retrieval- Mapping Documents Onto Concept Databases for Threshold-Based Retrieval (PCRR, SR), pp. 336–343.
SAC-2003-SaliceFVP #architecture #clustering #embedded #multi- Partitioning of Embedded Applications onto Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Architectures (FS, WF, LDV, LP), pp. 661–665.
LCTES-2003-LeeCD #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- An algorithm for mapping loops onto coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (JeL, KC, NDD), pp. 183–188.
WCRE-2002-RillingM #3d #analysis #on the #source code #visual notation- On the Use of Metaballs to Visually Map Source Code Structures and Analysis Results onto 3D Space (JR, SPM), pp. 299–308.
SAC-2002-GoumasAK #architecture #automation #code generation #parallel- Automatic code generation for executing tiled nested loops onto parallel architectures (GIG, MA, NK), pp. 876–881.
ICEIS-2000-Ash #e-commerce #enterprise #internet #perspective- An E-Commerce Model for Extending ERP Systems Onto the Internet: An Australian Perspective (CGA), pp. 390–394.
ICPR-v2-2000-Fursov #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #using- Training in Pattern Recognition from a Small Number of Observations Using Projections onto Null-Space (VAF), pp. 2785–2788.
ICPR-v3-2000-HoshinoSY #automation #image #sequence- Automatic Registration of Virtual Objects onto Human Image Sequences (JH, HS, MY), pp. 3175–3177.
KR-2000-Chalupsky #named- OntoMorph: A Translation System for Symbolic Knowledge (HC), pp. 471–482.
HCI-SEC-1997-KitajimaP #human-computer #interactive- Mapping Instructions onto Actions: A Comprehension-Based Model of Display-Based Human-Computer Interaction (MK, PGP), pp. 83–86.
WCRE-1996-LewisM #embedded #framework #parallel #re-engineering #realtime- Reengineering Real-Time Embedded Software onto a Parallel Processing Platform (BL, DJM), p. 11–?.
SAC-1994-RayJD #algorithm #array #graph #linear #parallel- A parallel algorithm for mapping a special class of task graphs onto linear array multiprocessors (SR, HJ, JSD), pp. 473–477.
HPDC-1994-HeddayaP #algorithm #interactive #network #parallel- Mapping Parallel Interactive Algorithms onto Workstation Networks (AH, KP), pp. 211–218.
ASPLOS-1992-AndrewsS #migration #product line- Migrating a CISC Computer Family onto RISC via Object Code Translation (KA, DS), pp. 213–222.
DAC-1991-JainB #hardware #simulation- Mapping Switch-Level Simulation onto Gate-Level Hardware Accelerators (AJ, REB), pp. 219–222.
FPCA-1987-GrossS #array- Mapping a single-assignment language onto the Warp systolic array (TRG, AS), pp. 347–363.
SIGIR-1980-MazlackF #database #query- Establishing a Basis for Mapping Natural-Language Statements Onto a Database Query Language (LJM, RAF), pp. 192–202.
STOC-1971-McNaughton #set- A Decision Procedure for Generalized Sequential Mapability-onto of Regular Sets (RM), pp. 206–218.