18 papers:
CHI-2015-SimmFFNFHD #energy #grid- Tiree Energy Pulse: Exploring Renewable Energy Forecasts on the Edge of the Grid (WS, MAF, AF, PN, SF, MH, AJD), pp. 1965–1974.
CASE-2014-HuangJXGX #energy #nondeterminism #probability #scheduling- EV charging load scheduling following uncertain renewable energy supply by stochastic matching (QH, QSJ, LX, XG, XX), pp. 137–142.
CASE-2013-JinJT #energy #enterprise #integration- Managing demand response for manufacturing enterprises via renewable energy integration (TJ, JAJ, ZT), pp. 645–650.
ASPLOS-2013-GoiriKLNB #data transformation #energy- Parasol and GreenSwitch: managing datacenters powered by renewable energy (IG, WAK, KL, TDN, RB), pp. 51–64.
ICEIS-v2-2012-NishiokaO #concept #enterprise #information management #integration #process- Systematic Process of Conceptualization — For Enterprise Information System Renewal and Integration (KN, KO), pp. 63–69.
ICPR-2012-LiuWYN #correlation #image- A renewed image annotation baseline by image embedding and tag correlation (RL, YW, HY, SN), pp. 3216–3219.
HPDC-2012-Bianchini #energy- Leveraging renewable energy in data centers: present and future (RB), pp. 135–136.
KDIR-2011-DeruyverH #approach #consistency #graph #image #information management #semantics- Semantic Graphs and Arc Consistency Checking — The Renewal of an Old Approach for Information Extraction from Images (AD, YH), pp. 515–522.
VLDB-2010-OrairTWMP #detection- Distance-Based Outlier Detection: Consolidation and Renewed Bearing (GHO, CHCT, YW, WMJ, SP), pp. 1469–1480.
ICPR-2010-YangBGB #security- Renewable Minutiae Templates with Tunable Size and Security (BY, CB, DG, PB), pp. 878–881.
SPLC-2008-Campbell #product line- Renewing the Product Line Vision (GHC), pp. 109–116.
CHI-2007-Blevis #design #interactive #reuse- Sustainable interaction design: invention & disposal, renewal & reuse (EB), pp. 503–512.
DAC-2005-LiC #architecture #embedded- Application/architecture power co-optimization for embedded systems powered by renewable sources (DL, PHC), pp. 618–623.
ICSM-2003-BaldassarreCV #estimation #using- Software Renewal Projects Estimation Using Dynamic Calibration (MTB, DC, GV), pp. 105–115.
ICFP-2002-HansenC #case study #garbage collection- An experimental study of renewal-older-first garbage collection (LTH, WDC), pp. 247–258.
ICEIS-2002-MatsuuraI #generative #verification- Digital Timestamps for Dispute Settlement in Electronic Commerce: Generation, Verification, and Renewal (KM, HI), pp. 962–967.
ICSM-2001-CaivanoLV #comprehension #estimation #process #using- Software Renewal Process Comprehension using Dynamic Effort Estimation (DC, FL, GV), pp. 209–218.
HCI-CC-1997-MatejaP #process- Decision Process of the Current Ergonomic Renewal of Production Systems (BEM, LMP), pp. 667–670.