41 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-BraunEGKKWAILL #database #performance #realtime- Analytics in Motion: High Performance Event-Processing AND Real-Time Analytics in the Same Database (LB, TE, GG, MK, DK, DW, AA, AI, EL, NL), pp. 251–264.
MSR-2015-MartieH #code search #empirical #named- Sameness: An Experiment in Code Search (LM, AvdH), pp. 76–87.
CHI-2015-ZhangC #modelling #policy #predict #social #social media- Modeling Ideology and Predicting Policy Change with Social Media: Case of Same-Sex Marriage (AXZ, SC), pp. 2603–2612.
KDD-2015-ZhaoJCJ #estimation #parametricity #performance #quality- SAME but Different: Fast and High Quality Gibbs Parameter Estimation (HZ, BJ, JFC, BJ), pp. 1495–1502.
ICSE-v2-2015-PaasivaaraBLDSH #agile #learning #re-engineering #using- Learning Global Agile Software Engineering Using Same-Site and Cross-Site Teams (MP, KB, CL, DED, JS, FH, PC, AY, VI), pp. 285–294.
ASE-2014-ArifulinaWBP #composition #modelling #named- SeSAME: modeling and analyzing high-quality service compositions (SA, SW, MB, MCP), pp. 839–842.
ITiCSE-2014-EdwardsS #question #student #testing- Do student programmers all tend to write the same software tests? (SHE, ZS), pp. 171–176.
CHI-2014-HaimsonBH #online- DDFSeeks same: sexual health-related language in online personal ads for men who have sex with men (OLH, JRB, GRH), pp. 1615–1624.
FSE-2014-HigoK #case study #functional #how #java #source code- How should we measure functional sameness from program source code? an exploratory study on Java methods (YH, SK), pp. 294–305.
CHI-2013-GaoWCF #experience- Same translation but different experience: the effects of highlighting on machine-translated conversations (GG, HCW, DC, SRF), pp. 449–458.
CSCW-2013-NguyenF #communication #process- Effect of message content on communication processes in intercultural and same-culture instant messaging conversations (DTN, SRF), pp. 19–32.
SPLC-2013-TsuchiyaKWKFY #requirements #source code #traceability- Recovering traceability links between requirements and source code in the same series of software products (RT, TK, HW, MK, YF, KY), pp. 121–130.
HT-2012-JainHVYS #detection #linked data #open data- Moving beyond SameAs with PLATO: partonomy detection for linked data (PJ, PH, KV, PZY, APS), pp. 33–42.
ITiCSE-2012-SalzerHY #testing- The scientific method and software testing integrated into the same lesson (HTS, BH, CY), p. 385.
CSCW-2012-NguyenF #analysis #how- How did you feel during our conversation?: retrospective analysis of intercultural and same-culture instant messaging conversations (DTN, SRF), pp. 117–126.
CIKM-2012-KurlandRS #clustering #predict #ranking- Query-performance prediction and cluster ranking: two sides of the same coin (OK, FR, AS), pp. 2459–2462.
MoDELS-2012-ArandaDB #modelling #question #what- Transition to Model-Driven Engineering — What Is Revolutionary, What Remains the Same? (JA, DD, AB), pp. 692–708.
MoDELS-2012-ArandaDB #modelling #question #what- Transition to Model-Driven Engineering — What Is Revolutionary, What Remains the Same? (JA, DD, AB), pp. 692–708.
DUXU-v1-2011-PrabhalaLG #people #question #what #word- Ethnography, Ethnography or Ethnography? What Happens When the Same Word Means Different Things to Different People? (SP, DL, SG), pp. 102–110.
DUXU-v2-2011-KimJH #concept #design #experience #implementation #user interface- Different UI, Same UX: A Design Concept for Implementing a Locally-Optimized and Globally-Unified User Experience (SWK, HKJ, DYH), pp. 440–448.
CIKM-2011-FuLZZ #learning #query- Do they belong to the same class: active learning by querying pairwise label homogeneity (YF, BL, XZ, CZ), pp. 2161–2164.
CIKM-2011-PobleteGMJ #twitter- Do all birds tweet the same?: characterizing twitter around the world (BP, ROGG, MM, AJ), pp. 1025–1030.
HT-2010-LiuFZ #recommendation #social- Speak the same language with your friends: augmenting tag recommenders with social relations (KL, BF, WZ), pp. 45–50.
VLDB-2010-ChaytorW #privacy- Small Domain Randomization: Same Privacy, More Utility (RC, KW), pp. 608–618.
CSCW-2010-GuyJPRU #mining #people #similarity #social #social media- Same places, same things, same people?: mining user similarity on social media (IG, MJ, AP, IR, EU), pp. 41–50.
CIKM-2010-ZaragozaCB #question #ranking #web- Web search solved?: all result rankings the same? (HZ, BBC, RABY), pp. 529–538.
CHI-2009-Ljungblad #what- Passive photography from a creative perspective: “If I would just shoot the same thing for seven days, it’s like... What’s the point?” (SL), pp. 829–838.
DATE-2008-PomeranzR08a #fault #taxonomy- A Same/Different Fault Dictionary: An Extended Pass/Fail Fault Dictionary with Improved Diagnostic Resolution (IP, SMR), pp. 1474–1479.
HT-2008-PourabdollahAB #approach #hypermedia #rdf #xml- Are we talking about the same structure?: a unified approach to hypertext links, xml, rdf and zigzag (AP, HA, TJB), pp. 241–242.
CIKM-2008-FriedlandA #retrieval- Joke retrieval: recognizing the same joke told differently (LF, JA), pp. 883–892.
DocEng-2006-BrunoM #query #xml- Describing and querying hierarchical XML structures defined over the same textual data (EB, EM), pp. 147–154.
FLOPS-2006-Roy #convergence #design- Convergence in Language Design: A Case of Lightning Striking Four Times in the Same Place (PVR), pp. 2–12.
ICDAR-2005-RinglstetterSML #fault- The Same is Not The same — Post Correction of Alphabet Confusion Errors in Mixed-Alphabet OCR Recognation (CR, KUS, SM, KL), pp. 406–410.
RE-2005-FanmuyPRDBWB #question #requirements- Are Requirements Engineering best practices the same for all industries? (GF, FP, JR, JD, SB, MW, PB), p. 448.
DATE-2001-BenabdenbiMM #testing- Testing TAPed cores and wrapped cores with the same test access mechanism (MB, WM, MM), pp. 150–155.
CIKM-2001-RosenthalW #data access #documentation #question- Document Release versus Data Access Controls: Two Sides of the Same Coin? (AR, GW), pp. 544–546.
MLDM-2001-Perner #classification #question #reasoning- Are Case-Based Reasoning and Dissimilarity-Based Classification Two Sides of the Same Coin? (PP), pp. 35–51.
SIGIR-2001-TurpinH #why- Why Batch and User Evaluations Do Not Give the Same Results (AT, WRH), pp. 225–231.
PPDP-2001-SchulteS #bound #question- When Do Bounds and Domain Propagation Lead to the Same Search Space? (CS, PJS), pp. 115–126.
SIGIR-2000-HershTPCKSO #evaluation #question- Do batch and user evaluation give the same results? (WRH, AT, SP, BC, DK, LS, DO), pp. 17–24.
JICSCP-1988-Docker88 #analysis #implementation #named #prolog- SAME — A Structured Analysis Tool and its Implementation in Prolog (TWGD), pp. 82–95.