56 papers:
ICEIS-v2-2015-SariK #analysis #debugging #monitoring #predict- Bug Prediction for an ATM Monitoring Software — Use of Logistic Regression Analysis for Bug Prediction (ÖS, OK), pp. 382–387.
REFSQ-2015-GramaticaLMPT #assessment #empirical #risk management #security- The Role of Catalogues of Threats and Security Controls in Security Risk Assessment: An Empirical Study with ATM Professionals (MdG, KL, FM, FP, AT), pp. 98–114.
DUXU-DP-2014-ShafiqCIFAAI #design #effectiveness #interactive #personalisation #visual notation- Skill Specific Spoken Dialogues Based Personalized ATM Design to Maximize Effective Interaction for Visually Impaired Persona (MS, JGC, MI, MF, MA, IA, AI), pp. 446–457.
DUXU-WM-2013-InoueHSAFY #concept #design #interface #process- Developing a Concept Interface Design of ATM Systems Based on Human-Centred Design Processes (SI, HH, TS, HA, YF, KY), pp. 506–514.
DRR-2010-Sako #self- Technologies for developing an advanced intelligent ATM with self-defence capabilities (HS), pp. 1–10.
DHM-2009-SummerskillMCGSD #case study #evaluation #using #validation- Validation of the HADRIAN System Using an ATM Evaluation Case Study (SJS, RM, KC, DEG, RES, PD), pp. 727–736.
HCI-VAD-2009-Yarlikas #analysis #automation- A New Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Proposal through the Analysis of ATMs of Three Banks (SY), pp. 641–650.
SEKE-2009-MoserMSB #constraints #framework #semantics- Semantic Service Matchmaking in the ATM Domain Considering Infrastructure Capability Constraints (TM, RM, WDS, SB), pp. 222–227.
SAC-2009-UddinZ #algorithm #automation #monitoring #named #trust- ATM: an automatic trust monitoring algorithm for service software (MGU, MZ), pp. 1040–1044.
CHI-2007-MoncurL #multi #usability #visual notation- Pictures at the ATM: exploring the usability of multiple graphical passwords (WM, GL), pp. 887–894.
HCI-AS-2007-HosonoGIT #analysis- ATM Advertisement and Financial Preferences with Sensory Analysis (NH, SG, HI, YT), pp. 42–47.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Turowska #analysis #nondeterminism- Application of Uncertain Variables to Stability Analysis and Stabilization for ATM ABR Congestion Control Systems (MT), pp. 523–526.
KR-2004-AmgoudC #on the- On the Use of an ATMS for Handling Conflicting Desires (LA, CC), pp. 194–202.
FME-2003-Rusu #composition #protocol #verification- Compositional Verification of an ATM Protocol (VR), pp. 223–243.
CHI-2003-CoventryAJ #interface #usability #verification- Usability and biometric verification at the ATM interface (LMC, ADA, GJ), pp. 153–160.
DAC-1999-MoussaSSDPCGJ #behaviour #design- Comparing RTL and Behavioral Design Methodologies in the Case of a 2M-Transistor ATM Shaper (IM, ZS, RS, MDN, MP, SC, LG, AAJ), pp. 598–603.
ICEIS-1999-Orozco-Barbosa #implementation #network #performance #video- Video Communications Over IP/ATM Networks Implementation Issues and Performance (LOB), pp. 577–584.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-HuangCCP #api #java #network- A Java Networking API for ATM Networks (ZH, SC, KMVC, MKP), pp. 306–315.
SAC-1999-BoudrigaHO #integration #mobile #network- Intelligent Services Integration in Mobile ATM Networks (NB, OH, MSO), pp. 91–97.
IWTCS-1999-KangSKHYKSYK #consistency #development #protocol- Development and Application of ATM Protocol Conformance Test System (SK, YS, DK, MH, JY, IK, JS, SY, MK), pp. 331–346.
DATE-1998-DiazPC- ATM Traffic Shaper: ATS (JCD, PP, JC), pp. 96–101.
DATE-1998-PostMG #design #hardware- A System-Level Co-Verification Environment for ATM Hardware Design (GP, AM, TG), pp. 424–428.
FM-1998-FujitaRH #case study #experience #parallel #protocol #verification- Two Real Formal Verification Experiences: ATM Switch Chip and Parallel Cache Protocol (MF, SPR, AJH), pp. 281–295.
HPCA-1998-KatevenisSS- Credit-Flow-Controlled ATM for MP Interconnection: The ATLAS I Single-Chip ATM Switch (MK, DNS, ES), pp. 47–56.
IWTCS-1998-ShinK #protocol #testing- Interoperability Test Suite Derivation for the ATM/B-ISDN Signaling Protocol (JS, SK), pp. 307–326.
EDTC-1997-RiescoDMCSJ #multi #network #on the- On the way to the 2.5 Gbits/s ATM network ATM multiplexer demultiplexer ASIC (JR, JCD, LAM, JLC, CS, EJM), pp. 218–222.
ICALP-1997-EilamFZ #layout #network #problem- A Complete Characterization of the Path Layout Construction Problem for ATM Networks with Given Hop Count and Load (Extended Abstract) (TE, MF, SZ), pp. 527–537.
HCI-CC-1997-Vanderheiden- Cross Disability Access to Touch Screen Kiosks and ATMs (GCV), pp. 417–420.
HCI-SEC-1997-PattersonD #communication #industrial #multi #network #tool support #usability- Evaluating the Usability of Application Tools in Transferring Multimedia Information Across ATM Communication Networks Within the Fashion Industry in Europe (GP, RD), pp. 767–770.
SAC-1997-HaraHTN #network- Location Management Methods of Migratory Data Resources in ATM Networks (TH, KH, MT, SN), pp. 123–130.
HPCA-1997-WelshBE #communication #interface #network #performance- ATM and Fast Ethernet Network Interfaces for User-Level Communication (MW, AB, TvE), pp. 332–342.
HPDC-1997-ChalasaniR #network #parallel- Parallel FFT on ATM-based Networks of Workstations (SC, PR), pp. 2–11.
DAC-1996-LeeHCF #design #modelling #synthesis #using- Domain-Specific High-Level Modeling and Synthesis for ATM Switch Design Using VHDL (MTCL, YCH, BC, MF), pp. 585–590.
ICPR-1996-WiebeB #image #quality #video- Improving image and video transmission quality over ATM with foveal prioritization and priority dithering (KJW, AB), pp. 939–943.
SAC-1996-Toh #paradigm- A handover paradigm for wireless ATM LANs (CKT), pp. 327–336.
HPCA-1996-KarlssonS #clustering #evaluation #multi #performance- Performance Evaluation of a Cluster-Based Multiprocessor Built from ATM Switches and Bus-Based Multiprocessor Servers (MK, PS), pp. 4–13.
HPDC-1996-AgusleoS #interface #memory management #network- Employing Logic-Enhanced Memory for High-Performance ATM Network Interfaces (HA, NS), pp. 192–200.
HPDC-1996-DharanikotaM #architecture #named #network #quality- QUANTA: Quality of Service Architecture for Native TCP/IP over ATM Networks (SD, KM), pp. 585–594.
HPDC-1996-NurmiBGLP #automation #cpu #distributed #network- Automatic Management of CPU and I/O Bottlenecks in Distributed Applications on ATM Networks (MAN, WEB, RNG, KCL, MDP), pp. 481–489.
HPDC-1996-OuibrahimB #multi- Multimedia Multiparty Services to Native ATM Desktops (HO, JAvdB), pp. 203–208.
HPDC-1996-ParkHKHY #communication #message passing #network #parallel #thread- NYNET Communication System (NCS): A Multithreaded Message Passing Tool over ATM Network (SYP, SH, YK, JSH, RY), pp. 460–469.
HPDC-1996-Vila-SallentS #network- Supporting HPDC Application over ATM Networks with Cell-Based Transport Mechanisms (JVS, JSP), pp. 595–604.
DAC-1995-ManciniYB- A Methodology for HW-SW Codesign in ATM (GM, DY, SB), pp. 520–527.
HPDC-1995-EwyEFM #case study #experience- TCP/ATM Experiences in the MAGIC Testbed (BJE, JBE, VF, GJM), pp. 87–93.
HPDC-1995-GuillaudPM #multi- An ATM-Based Multimedia Integrated Manufacturing System (JFG, MRP, GM), pp. 230–237.
HPDC-1995-YadavRH #message passing #parallel #thread- A Multithreaded Message Passing Environment for ATM LAN/WAN (RY, RR, SH), pp. 238–245.
EDAC-1994-CalvoPM- ICM2 IC: a new ATM switching element for 2.48 Gb/s communications (FC, PP, PM), pp. 65–69.
HPDC-1994-BurrellMP #analysis #capacity #implementation #multi #network #performance #protocol- Performance Analysis of a New Implementation Efficient Capacity Allocation Protocol for Multimedia Traffic in ATM Networks (AB, DM, PPK), pp. 51–60.
HPDC-1994-HuangM #design #implementation #network #reduction- Design and Implementation of Global Reduction Operations Across ATM Networks (CH, PKM), pp. 43–50.
ICML-1993-Schwartz93a #predict #scheduling- ATM SCheduling with Queuing Dely Predictions (DBS), pp. 306–313.
HPDC-1993-MaR #composition #multi #named #queue- MULTIPAR: An Output Queue ATM Modular Switch with Multiple Phases and Replicated Planes (JM, KR), pp. 152–159.
HPDC-1993-MindenEPF #architecture- An ATM WAN/LAN Gateway Architecture (GJM, JBE, DWP, VF), pp. 136–143.
IWPTS-1993-WittemanW #network #principle #testing #using- ATM Broadband Network Testing Using the Ferry Principle (MFW, RCvW), pp. 125–138.
LOPSTR-1992-LammaM #partial evaluation- A Rationalisation of the ATMS in Terms of Partial Evaluation (EL, PM), pp. 118–131.
IWPTS-1992-ConcettoMMZ #approach- An Approach to the Test of an ATM Based Signalling Application (MDC, GM, EM, FZ), pp. 119–130.
ICALP-1988-ChangIP #bound #modelling #parallel #performance #simulation- Efficient Simulations of Simple Models of Parallel Computation by Time-Bounded ATM’s and Space-Bounded TM’s (JHC, OHI, MAP), pp. 119–132.