107 papers:
ICSME-2015-MaigaHNSL #case study #empirical #experience #scalability- An empirical study on the handling of crash reports in a large software company: An experience report (AM, AHL, MN, KKS, AL), pp. 342–351.
MSR-2015-GuptaSPA #bibliography #challenge #identification #process #scalability- Identifying Software Process Management Challenges: Survey of Practitioners in a Large Global IT Company (MG, AS, SP, AMA), pp. 346–356.
SANER-2015-SassoML #detection #problem- Misery loves company: CrowdStacking traces to aid problem detection (TDS, AM, ML), pp. 131–140.
CAiSE-2015-LwakatareKHT #bibliography #challenge #empirical #implementation- Empirical Challenges in the Implementation of IT Portfolio Management: A Survey in Three Companies (LEL, PK, HH, AT), pp. 453–467.
ICEIS-v1-2015-AbakumovAV #information management #integration #risk management- Risk Management in Project of Information Systems Integration During Merger of Companies (EMA, DMA, AV), pp. 221–227.
ICEIS-v1-2015-ShamsuzzohaEAH #case study #network- Tracking and Tracing of Global Supply Chain Network — Case Study from a Finnish Company (AS, ME, RAT, PTH), pp. 46–53.
ICEIS-v3-2015-PonsardM #architecture #case study #enterprise #lessons learnt- Driving the Adoption of Enterprise Architecture Inside Small Companies — Lessons Learnt from a Long Term Case Study (CP, AM), pp. 334–339.
MLDM-2015-MoldovanM #data mining #learning #mining #performance #using- Learning the Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Company Performance Using Data Mining (DM, SM), pp. 368–381.
ESEC-FSE-2015-JingWDQX #fault #learning #metric #predict #representation- Heterogeneous cross-company defect prediction by unified metric representation and CCA-based transfer learning (XYJ, FW, XD, FQ, BX), pp. 496–507.
ICSE-v1-2015-SmithBZ #exclamation #scalability #tool support- Build It Yourself! Homegrown Tools in a Large Software Company (EKS, CB, TZ), pp. 369–379.
ECSA-2014-JamrozPW #adaptation #architecture #development #enterprise- Adapting Enterprise Architecture at a Software Development Company and the Resultant Benefits (KJ, DP, JW), pp. 170–185.
ITiCSE-2014-Marttila-KontioKH #data analysis #education #student- Advanced data analytics education for students and companies (MMK, MK, VH), pp. 249–254.
KDIR-2014-PassonneauRX #detection #mining #scalability- Company Mention Detection for Large Scale Text Mining (RJP, TR, BX), pp. 512–520.
SIGIR-2014-Williams #big data #how- The data revolution: how companies are transforming with big data (HEW), pp. 525–526.
ICSE-2014-MinkuY #estimation #how #question- How to make best use of cross-company data in software effort estimation? (LLM, XY), pp. 446–456.
ICSE-2014-StolF #case study #crowdsourcing #development- Two’s company, three’s a crowd: a case study of crowdsourcing software development (KJS, BF), pp. 187–198.
ICTSS-2014-Deak #bibliography #testing #what- What Characterizes a Good Software Tester? — A Survey in Four Norwegian Companies (AD), pp. 161–172.
VLDB-2013-BediniEV #big data #case study #framework #scalability- The Trento Big Data Platform for Public Administration and Large Companies: Use cases and Opportunities (IB, BE, YV), pp. 1166–1167.
MSR-2013-PetersMM #fault #predict- Better cross company defect prediction (FP, TM, AM), pp. 409–418.
CSCW-2013-GumiennyGWM #collaboration #distributed- Supporting creative collaboration in globally distributed companies (RG, LG, MW, CM), pp. 995–1007.
DUXU-WM-2013-AlpkayaS #experience #user interface- User Experience Transformation in Telco Companies: Turkcell Case (SA, CS), pp. 84–93.
DUXU-WM-2013-JangJ #case study #design- Studies on the Design Marketing Strategies in the Experiential Economy through the Case Study of “the Starbucks Company” (YJJ, ECJ), pp. 30–36.
DUXU-WM-2013-SoaresCCNCM #interactive #scalability- An Applied Ergonomics Study on IT User Interaction in a Large Hydroelectric Company in the Northeast of Brazil (MMS, FC, WC, AN, JC, SM), pp. 113–120.
CAiSE-2013-SuriadiWOHD #behaviour #case study #comprehension #process #scalability- Understanding Process Behaviours in a Large Insurance Company in Australia: A Case Study (SS, MTW, CO, AHMtH, NJvD), pp. 449–464.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-GonzagaLSO #case study #performance- Performance Indicators and their Relationship with Organizational Strategy — A Study in Brazilian Companies (RPG, ATMdL, FdAeS, MPVdO), pp. 559–566.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-WartenaG #challenge #development #keyword- Challenges and Potentials for Keyword Extraction from Company Websites for the Development of Regional Knowledge Maps (CW, MGA), pp. 241–248.
RE-2013-TodoranSG #case study #elicitation #how #requirements- How cloud providers elicit consumer requirements: An exploratory study of nineteen companies (IT, NS, MG), pp. 105–114.
REFSQ-2013-JantunenHG #challenge #problem- Adjusting to Increasing Product Management Problems: Challenges and Improvement Proposals in One Software Company (SJ, KH, DCG), pp. 386–400.
CASE-2012-LakshmiNBSSBV #reduction- A strategy-proof and budget balanced mechanism for carbon footprint reduction by global companies (LUL, YN, DB, PS, SVS, SB, NV), pp. 64–69.
ICEIS-v1-2012-DomagalaWLS #energy #hybrid- A Hybrid Solver for Maximizing the Profit of an Energy Company (LD, TW, WL, MS), pp. 278–283.
KDIR-2012-GarciaGG #information management #performance #predict #validation- Predicting the Efficiency with Knowledge Discovery of a Budgeted Company: A Cuban University — Validation through Three Semesters (LIG, IG, RG), pp. 315–318.
KMIS-2012-MarsanCE #analysis #behaviour #enterprise #framework #information management #scalability #tool support #using- Factors Influencing the Behavioral Intention of using Enterprise 2.0 Tools as a Knowledge Management Platform — An Analysis of the UTAUT Model in an Large Real Estate Company (BM, LC, EE), pp. 281–284.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-FavreLSV #community #named- 101companies: A Community Project on Software Technologies and Software Languages (JMF, RL, TS, AV), pp. 58–74.
CSMR-2011-MantylaV #case study #challenge #deployment #process- Software Deployment Activities and Challenges — A Case Study of Four Software Product Companies (MM, JV), pp. 131–140.
DUXU-v1-2011-GouldM #collaboration #communication #development- Company Culture Audit to Improve Development Team’s Collaboration, Communication, and Cooperation (EWG, AM), pp. 415–424.
DUXU-v1-2011-Innes #design #enterprise #why- Why Enterprises Can’t Innovate: Helping Companies Learn Design Thinking (JI), pp. 442–448.
IDGD-2011-Shin #challenge #multi #towards- Toward the New Sullivan Principles in the Information Age: Conflicts and Challenges of Multinational Information Technology Companies in Asian Countries (BS), pp. 393–401.
ICEIS-v2-2011-HouGM- Accounting Information Content and Timeliness of Annual Report Disclosure — An Evidence from China’s Listed Companies (PH, GG, ZM), pp. 400–408.
ICEIS-v4-2011-WangX #empirical #multi #performance- Is Internal Capital Market of China Listed Companies Efficient? — Empirical Evidences from Listed Companies Which Have Multiple Divisions in H-stock (FW, ZX), pp. 600–605.
KMIS-2011-Jurczyk-BunkowskaJ #case study #experience #information management #process- Perspectives of Knowledge Management System Application in Innovation Processes — A Study based on Experience of Polish IT Company (MJB, KJ), pp. 287–293.
RE-2011-Berntsson-SvenssonGRTSFA #quality #requirements- Prioritization of quality requirements: State of practice in eleven companies (RBS, TG, BR, RT, AS, RF, AA), pp. 69–78.
ICSE-2011-RamasubbuCBH #analysis #configuration management #multi #quality- Configuring global software teams: a multi-company analysis of project productivity, quality, and profits (NR, MC, RKB, JDH), pp. 261–270.
ICSM-2010-LiSKC #empirical #maintenance- Cost drivers of software corrective maintenance: An empirical study in two companies (JL, TS, JMWK, RC), pp. 1–8.
CHI-2010-BaileyH #case study #idea #pipes and filters #scalability #what- What’s your idea?: a case study of a grassroots innovation pipeline within a large software company (BPB, EH), pp. 2065–2074.
CSCW-2010-TangPIBTB #collaboration #communication #comprehension #distributed- Three’s company: understanding communication channels in three-way distributed collaboration (AT, MP, KI, HB, JCT, BB), pp. 271–280.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-EliceguiVM #data mining #mining #semantics- Combining Semantic Technologies and Data Mining to Endow BSS/OSS Systems with Intelligence — Particularization to an International Telecom Company Tariff System (JME, GTdV, MdFM), pp. 350–355.
KMIS-2010-ButanOSCP #information management #process- A New Knowledge Management Tool to Facilitate Process Innovation in Manufacturing Companies (DB, EO, MS, SC, MP), pp. 342–347.
RE-2010-Beatty #question #what- My Company Can’t Afford RE Training Right Now, What Do We Do? (JB), p. 387.
SAC-2010-SulaymanM #process #web- Quantitative assessments of key success factors in software process improvement for small and medium web companies (MS, EM), pp. 2319–2323.
ICSE-2010-CalikliBA #analysis #bias #developer #education #experience- An analysis of the effects of company culture, education and experience on confirmation bias levels of software developers and testers (GÇ, ABB, BA), pp. 187–190.
SPLC-2010-Jarzabek #product line #variability- Pragmatic Strategies for Variability Management in Product Lines in Small- to Medium-Size Companies (SJ), pp. 503–504.
HCD-2009-Komischke #case study #development #experience #user interface- Integrating User Experience into a Software Development Company — A Case Study (TK), pp. 221–229.
HCD-2009-MarcusAKLRV #bibliography #development #enterprise- A Survey of User-Experience Development at Enterprise Software Companies (AM, JA, CK, AL, DR, KV), pp. 601–610.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-VinhasAM #realtime- Business Intelligence based on a Wi-Fi Real Time Positioning Engine — A Practical Application in a Major Retail Company (VV, PA, PM), pp. 11–16.
ICEIS-J-2009-NachevHS #fuzzy #network #predict #using- Insolvency Prediction of Irish Companies Using Backpropagation and Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Networks (AN, SH, BS), pp. 287–298.
KMIS-2009-VinandPPV #design- Managing Engineering Knowledge in Special Machine Design Companies (PEV, FP, GP, FV), pp. 123–128.
SEKE-2009-Hayshi #outsourcing #process- Establish Decision Making Process for Selecting Outsourcing Company (AH), pp. 666–671.
SAC-2009-PinoGP #process- Key processes to start software process improvement in small companies (FJP, FG, MP), pp. 509–516.
SPLC-2009-Jarzabek #product line #variability- Pragmatic strategies for variability management in product lines in small- to medium-size companies (SJ), p. 327.
EDOC-2008-MeierL #implementation- Implementation of a Process-Based SOA at a Publishing Company (IM, ML).
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-BiscarriMLGBM #data mining #mining #variability- A Data Mining Method Based on the Variability of the Customer Consumption — A Special Application on Electric Utility Companies (FB, IM, CL, JIG, JB, RM), pp. 370–374.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-AsensioKL #information management- Information System Engineering for an Electricity Distribution Company (DA, AK, ML), pp. 448–453.
ICST-2008-LarssonBF #challenge- Challenges and Solutions in Test Staff Relocations within a Software Consultancy Company (DL, HB, RF), pp. 423–431.
DATE-2007-LisselGG #design #industrial #perspective #verification- Introducing new verification methods into a company’s design flow: an industrial user’s point of view (RL, JG), pp. 689–694.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Chou- A Decision Making Model for the Taiwanese Shipping Logistics Company in China to Select the Container Distribution Center Location (CCC), pp. 844–854.
RE-2007-ArandaEW #how #requirements- Requirements in the wild: How small companies do it (JA, SME, GW), pp. 39–48.
RE-2007-LehtolaKV- Strengthening the link between business decisions and RE: Long-term product planning in software product companies (LL, MK, JV), pp. 153–162.
ICSE-2007-DammL #detection #fault #implementation #metric- Company-Wide Implementation of Metrics for Early Software Fault Detection (LOD, LL), pp. 560–570.
ICSE-2007-MartinRRS #testing- “Good” Organisational Reasons for “Bad” Software Testing: An Ethnographic Study of Testing in a Small Software Company (DM, JR, MR, IS), pp. 602–611.
ASE-2006-NeumullerG #automation #case study #lessons learnt #traceability- Automating Software Traceability in Very Small Companies: A Case Study and Lessons Learned (CN, PG), pp. 145–156.
CIKM-2006-QiD #web- Knowing a web page by the company it keeps (XQ, BDD), pp. 228–237.
MoDELS-2006-Staron #case study #development #industrial #modelling- Adopting Model Driven Software Development in Industry — A Case Study at Two Companies (MS), pp. 57–72.
MoDELS-2006-Staron #case study #development #industrial #modelling- Adopting Model Driven Software Development in Industry — A Case Study at Two Companies (MS), pp. 57–72.
ICSE-2006-PoonY #case study #enterprise #experience #resource management- Procurement of enterprise resource planning systems: experiences with some Hong Kong companies (PLP, YTY), pp. 561–568.
SPL-BOOK-2006-Mansell #case study #experience #reuse- Experiences and Expectations Regarding the Introduction of Systematic Reuse in Small- and Medium-Sized Companies (JXM), pp. 91–124.
LSO-2005-SantosMRFMAPA #development #information management #process #using- Using a Software Development Environment with Knowledge Management to Support Deploying Software Processes in Small and Medium Size Companies (GS, MM, ARR, SF, SM, AA, BDP, MA), pp. 72–76.
SEKE-2005-Gong #case study- A Case Study on the BPR-before-IT of Food Company in Taiwan (DCG), pp. 77–81.
RE-2005-BerryDFGHW #question #requirements #why- To do or not to do: If the requirements engineering payoff is so good, why aren’t more companies doing it? (DMB, DD, AF, DCG, RH, AW), p. 447.
ICSE-2005-VerlageK #product line- Five years of product line engineering in a small company (MV, TK), pp. 534–543.
ICSM-2004-Woodworth #metric #quality #using- Using Metrics to Drive Quality Improvements and Value — Company Wide (BW), p. 2.
EDOC-2004-YoshiokaHF #coordination #performance #security- Security Patterns: A Method for Constructing Secure and Efficient Inter-Company Coordination Systems (NY, SH, AF), pp. 84–97.
RE-2004-DagGBR #requirements- Speeding up Requirements Management in a Product Software Company: Linking Customer Wishes to Product Requirements through Linguistic Engineering (JNoD, VG, SB, BR), pp. 283–294.
ICEIS-v1-2003-ChevalierJK #documentation #memory management #repository #towards- Towards a Documentary Memory: Building a Document Repository for Companies (MC, CJ, KK), pp. 213–218.
ICEIS-v4-2003-StorBNM #enterprise #framework #network- It Infrastructure for Supply Chain Management in Company Networks with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (MS, NB, JN, GM), pp. 280–287.
ICSE-2003-DingsoyrR #empirical #information management #repository- An Empirical Study of an Informal Knowledge Repository in a Medium-Sized Software Consulting Company (TD, ER), pp. 84–92.
ICSE-2003-Grimm #challenge- Software Technology in an Automotive Company — Major Challenges (KG), pp. 498–505.
ICSM-2002-Ben-Yaacov #quality- Driving Software Quality at a Silicon Valley High-Tech Software Company (GBY), p. 571.
CHI-2002-MullerC #community #design #requirements #towards- Design as a minority discipline in a software company: toward requirements for a community of practice (MJM, KC), pp. 383–390.
LSO-2001-DingsoyrR #information management- Skills Management as Knowledge Technology in a Software Consultancy Company (TD, ER), pp. 96–105.
LSO-2001-Lehner #how- Keynote Address: How do Companies Learn? Selected Applications from the IT Sector (FL), p. 17.
CHI-2000-Spencer #constraints #development #social- The streamlined cognitive walkthrough method, working around social constraints encountered in a software development company (RS), pp. 353–359.
ICSE-2000-SchmidBKB #concept #modelling- Introducng a software modeling concept in a medium-sized company (KS, UBK, PK, FB), pp. 558–567.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Niemeier #network #web #web service- Networking Companies: from basic web services to business solutions (JN), pp. 467–471.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Tielsch #health #interface #network #safety- Call center — interface between companies’ practice and the competence network of safety and health at work in North-Rhine-Westfalia (RT), pp. 1332–1336.
HCI-CCAD-1999-VuongN #framework #network- Network centric computing platform — the contribution of telcos to networking companies (TAV, JN), pp. 472–476.
HCI-CCAD-1999-YamaokaH #collaboration #mobile- Mobile and seamless collaboration in engineering company (TY, MH), pp. 353–356.
HCI-EI-1999-AtkinsonW #approach #database #industrial #information retrieval #legacy #scalability- Exploiting Knowledge in Large Industrial Companies: A Combined Approach to Information Retrieval from Legacy Databases (MA, OMW), pp. 1177–1181.
EDOC-1999-FellnerT #component #framework- Component framework supporting inter-company cooperation (KJF, KT), pp. 164–171.
RE-1999-Brinkkemper #development #enterprise #requirements- RE for ERP: Requirements Management for the Development of Packaged Software Baan Company (SB), p. 159–?.
VLDB-1998-Orenstein #database- Starting (and Sometimes Ending) a Database Company (JAO), p. 698.
ICSE-1998-TanakaAOY #analysis #metric #process #quality- Software Quality Analysis & Measurement Service Activity in the Company (TT, MA, HO, AY), pp. 426–429.
HCI-CC-1997-RobertsonB #development- Competence Development in Ten High Tech Companies in Silicon Valley (MMR, GB), pp. 355–359.
ICDAR-v2-1995-AriasKC #performance- Efficient techniques for telephone company line drawing interpretation (JFA, RK, AKC), pp. 795–798.
HCI-ACS-1993-LindstromLP #implementation- Follow-up of Job Demands and Strain Symptoms after Implementation of New VDT Applications in an Insurance Company (KL, TL, MP), pp. 1005–1010.
HCI-ACS-1993-PuhakainenTL #aspect-oriented #health #implementation- Follow-up after Implementation of a New Data System and Health Aspects in an Insurance Company (MP, IT, KL), pp. 999–1004.
ICSE-1993-WohlwendR- Software Improvements in an International Company (HW, SR), pp. 212–220.
SEI-1992-Pewle #approach #formal method #process- Software Process Training: A Formal and Informal Approach at McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems Company (KLP), pp. 308–312.